Употребление предлогов
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку



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Предварительный просмотр:


1 вариант

  1. Put in the right preposition(for, to, of, on, in, with) where necessary.

  1. Your seat  is______ the right_______ the non-smoking  area.
  1. I was ________ vacation ___________ Moscow.
  2. I will   live_________ a Russian  family ______the  whole summer.
  3. Have   you  ever been_____________  London?
  4. I’m __________  the  seventh form.

  1. Put in the right preposition(on, at, at, in, of, from, to) where necessary.

Dear  Stuart,

Many thanks for your letter________May 3 and ______________  offer to meet me ____________  the airport.  I’m flying______Atlanta______ Moscow____________

Monday, the 11th  ___________ August. I will arrive_____________ Moscow______

3:10 p.m.

Best wishes


II вариант

  1. Put in the right preposition(in, of, front of, with, by) where necessary.        

1. I live _______  Kaliningrad.

2.  I live_________ the  second   floor.

3.  You’ll  be staying_____us.

4.  I can’t see any buses______  the street.

5.  We pay the money  to support construction_________ the highway.

6.  They will have finished the theatre __________ September.

7.  We usually park our cars in ___  ____the house.

8.  They sent letters___________  every day.

9.  We usually put our mailboxes__________the end ______the driveway.

10. Clair is very interested________History and Arts.

III вариант

  1. Put in the right preposition (behind, out, about, on, of. at, for, to, into) where necessary.

  1.  The   Garrets  invited  Natalie’s  friends ______ their house.
  2. Every brought a birthday present  _____________  Peter.
  3. Alison  was smiling  ________________  her little  sister.
  4. Everybody   knew ____________ Natalie’s  surprise birthday party.
  5. Her friends were  hiding ___________  the sofa.
  6. After Natalie blew___________the candles _________ the cake , every started to eat the cake.
  7. Mrs. Garret  and  Alison  made a lot _________food______ Natalie’s  birthday party.
  8. When  Natalie  came ________ the living room, everybody shouted, ‘Surprise”!
  9. Could I speak _______ Sasha, please?
  10.  You’re  wanted _____________  the phone.behind,

IV вариант

1.   Put in the right preposition ( of, in, for, at, to, from,  with) where necessary.

1. Lena, woud you like to come ______ school ___________ me tomorrow.

2. First, we go _________  our English classroom.

3. Each  lesson  lasts _______________  45 minutes.

4.  I have known my English teacher ______________   several  years.

5.  Earth  science is the study ___________  the  Earth.

6.  What  do  you  learn_________  health class?

7.  Now we are learning  how  to take  care _________  our  planet.

8.  Do  you  wear  a uniform ______ school?

9. This is Mum calling __________   from  London.

10. I think I can take the train ___________  Kaliningrad _____  Moscow.


V вариант

  1. Put in the right preposition( in, along, with, for, to, up, from, all over ) where necessary.

  1. New  York  is famous____  its  skyscrapers.
  2. Have   you  ever been_____________  a skyscraper?
  3. We’ll  go___________ to the top __________ the  tower.
  4. People _____  _____  ______  the  world  come to Britain  every year.
  5. Central  Park  is  right  _____  the  center  of  New  York .
  6. Please, say “Hello”  ____ them  ________  me.
  7. Could  I  speak  ____________  Mr.  Green.
  8. I’d like you to come _____   me to the  theatre.
  9. I see  a  lot  of  people  going _______  Main Street.
  10.  You  should  always  arrived ______  time.

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