Упражнения по подготовке к ОГЭ по английскому языку
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)

Ахметханова Гульнара Масгутовна

Упражнения по подготовке к ОГЭ по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

«“You should come to see our show,” the guitarist kept saying to Dana.

“I __________________(SEE) it one day,” Dana promised each time,»

«“When your classes __________________(BE) over, I’ll pick you up, ok?”»

«“I do care about it but I __________________(NOT/KNOW) what I can do to help the park,” said Jane.»

«That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones __________________(USE) mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games.»

"The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final." "They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club."»

«Suddenly he ____________(HEAR) a noise from the kitchen. Thieves? Jacob felt scared. Someone was there.

«"If I don't find a shelter and a warm drink, I _________(GET) a cold, and no one will benefit from my coming here,"»

 However, half an hour later, when she entered the room, she saw that Jack __________________ (WATCH) TV!»

The room still had some of its Christmas decorations. There _____________ (BE) large snowflakes painted on the window glass.

«The home is made from natural materials, such as wood, stone and mud. It uses solar panels for energy and its water __________________(COME) from a nearby spring.»

«but she never said when exactly she __________________(GO).

«When Dr. James __________________(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident.»

«Jane and her mum went home. In the evening she painted a picture of the park. At the top of the picture she __________________(WRITE) “PLEASE KEEP ME CLEAN”.»

«She believed that it ____________(HELP) her keep fit and gave her extra energy.»

«"If I __________(HAVE) it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition.»

«He was listening to his CD player. His eyes _____________(CLOSE) but when Anna tried to reach for her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up to help her.»

«"Gran! I'm so glad you ___________(COME)!" Jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady.»

«The airport lady __________________(SAY) nothing and turned to another passenger. Allan wanted to ask her about other possible options, but she looked very busy so he stepped aside.»

«“I __________________ (DO) my homework already!” Jack announced and turned back to the screen. His mum had a look at his exercise books.»

She was sure that she __________________ (SEE) him somewhere before.

“What are these?” my mum asked. She saw the skates when she __________________ (TIDY) up the pantry, “Why do you never go skating?”

«It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was.»

«It __________________(MAKE) of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings.»

One of my classmates said that the tradition __________________(HELP) him to pass his exams last summer.»

Bella felt even ____________(BAD) than she felt before.»

«Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: "We ______________(BE) happy to meet you, Tim.»

«"Thanks, I can do it _____________(I)," Anna said and her voice shook.

«"Easy, easy, or I'll drop the saucepan. I ____________(MAKE) your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. ...»

….and you'll feel a bit _________(WELL).

He realised that he _________(HAVE) to call the company manager 

he _________ (LIE) down to have a nap.»

               ВЫУЧИТЬ НА УРОК ПО АНГЛ. 1 АПРЕЛЯ 2019 г. Будет тест.

  1.  «“You should come to see our show,” the guitarist kept saying to Dana.
  2.  “I _will see____(SEE) it one day,” Dana promised each time,»
  3.  «“When your classes _are____(BE) over, I’ll pick you up, ok?”»1 тип усл предл
  4.  «“I do care about it but I __do not know____(NOT/KNOW) what I can do to help the park,” said Jane.»
  5. «That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones __are used_______(USE) mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games.»
  6. "The Spanish. If the team _manages_____(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final." "They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club."»
  7. «Suddenly he __heard_______(HEAR) a noise from the kitchen. Thieves? Jacob felt scared. Someone was there.
  8. «"If I don't find a shelter and a warm drink, I _will get________(GET) a cold, and no one will benefit from my coming here,"»
  9. However, half an hour later, when she entered the room, she saw that Jack __watching______ (WATCH) TV!» Пояснение.

конструкция 2v + doing something. глагол в прошедшем времени + деепричастие.

  1. The room still had some of its Christmas decorations. There __were___ (BE) large snowflakes painted on the window glass.
  2. «The home is made from natural materials, such as wood, stone and mud. It uses solar panels for energy and its water __comes________(COME) from a nearby spring.»
  3. «but she never said when exactly she __would go________(GO).
  4. «When Dr. James __was driving____(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident.»
  5. «Jane and her mum went home. In the evening she painted a picture of the park. At the top of the picture she __wrote_____(WRITE) “PLEASE KEEP ME CLEAN”.»
  6. «She believed that it _helped______(HELP) her keep fit and gave her extra energy.»
  7. «"If I __had________(HAVE) it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition.»
  8. «He was listening to his CD player. His eyes _were closed____(CLOSE) but when Anna tried to reach for her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up to help her.»
  9. «"Gran! I'm so glad you _have come_____(COME)!" Jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady.»
  10. «The airport lady ___said________(SAY) nothing and turned to another passenger. Allan wanted to ask her about other possible options, but she looked very busy so he stepped aside.»
  11. «“I _have done__ (DO) my homework already!” Jack announced and turned back to the screen. His mum had a look at his exercise books.»
  12. She was sure that she __had seen________ (SEE) him somewhere before.
  13. “What are these?” my mum asked. She saw the skates when she _________was tidying_____ (TIDY) up the pantry, “Why do you never go skating?”
  14. «It's very different now. Stonehenge _has become___(BECOME) more crowded than it was.»
  15. «It __was made_____(MAKE) of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings.»
  16. One of my classmates said that the tradition _had helped___(HELP) him to pass his exams last summer.»
  17. Bella felt even _worse___________(BAD) than she felt before.»
  18. «Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: "We ___are___________(BE) happy to meet you, Tim.»
  19. «"Thanks, I can do it __myself___________(I)," Anna said and her voice shook.
  20. «"Easy, easy, or I'll drop the saucepan. I _am making__(MAKE) your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. ...»
  21. and you'll feel a bit ___better______(WELL).
  22. He realised that he _would have________(HAVE) to call the company manager 
  23. he __lay_______ (LIE) down to have a nap.»
  24. Then she noticed two black-and-white____photos_________ (PHOTO) lying on the keyboard.

  1. “I __________(SEE) it one day,” Dana promised each time,»
  2. «She believed that it ___________(HELP) her keep fit and gave her extra energy.»
  3. and you'll feel a bit ______________(WELL).
  4.   «“I do care about it but I _________(NOT/KNOW) what I can do to help the park,” said Jane.»
  5. «"Easy, easy, or I'll drop the saucepan. I ____________(MAKE) your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. ...»
  6. «Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: "We ______________(BE) happy to meet you, Tim.»
  7. «"If I don't find a shelter and a warm drink, I ____________(GET) a cold, and no one will benefit from my coming here,"»
  8. However, half an hour later, when she entered the room, she saw that Jack ____________ (WATCH) TV!»
  9. The room still had some of its Christmas decorations. There _________ (BE) large snowflakes painted on the window glass.
  10. «The home is made from natural materials, such as wood, stone and mud. It uses solar panels for energy and its water ______________(COME) from a nearby spring.»
  11. «but she never said when exactly she ______________(GO).
  12. «When Dr. James ___________(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident.»
  13. «Jane and her mum went home. In the evening she painted a picture of the park. At the top of the picture she __________(WRITE) “PLEASE KEEP ME CLEAN”.»
  14. «"If I ___________(HAVE) it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition.»
  15. «He was listening to his CD player. His eyes ___________(CLOSE) but when Anna tried to reach for her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up to help her.»
  16. «"Gran! I'm so glad you __________(COME)!" Jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady.»
  17. «The airport lady ___________(SAY) nothing and turned to another passenger. Allan wanted to ask her about other possible options, but she looked very busy so he stepped aside.»
  18. «“I ___________ (DO) my homework already!” Jack announced and turned back to the screen. His mum had a look at his exercise books.»
  19. She was sure that she _______________ (SEE) him somewhere before.
  20. “What are these?” my mum asked. She saw the skates when she ____________________ (TIDY) up the pantry, “Why do you never go skating?”
  21. «It's very different now. Stonehenge _____________(BECOME) more crowded than it was.»
  22. «It _____________(MAKE) of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings.»
  23. One of my classmates said that the tradition __________(HELP) him to pass his exams last summer.»
  24. «"Thanks, I can do it _____________(I)," Anna said and her voice shook.
  25. He realised that he ________________(HAVE) to call the company manager 
  26. he ___________ (LIE) down to have a nap.»
  27. «“When your classes _________(BE) over, I’ll pick you up, ok?”»
  28. «That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones _____________(USE) mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games.»
  29. «Suddenly he ____________(HEAR) a noise from the kitchen. Thieves? Jacob felt scared. Someone was there.
  30. "The Spanish. If the team ___________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final." "They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club."»
  31. Then she noticed two black-and-white__________________ (PHOTO) lying on the keyboard.
  32. Bella felt even ____________(BAD) than she felt before.»

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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