Обучение написанию эссе на английском языке_Проблемы экологии_11 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
Материал представляет сосбой разработку для обучения детей написанию эссе с выражением своего мнения в рамках темы "Проблемы экологии". Выбран эпизод проведения Олимпиады в Сочи в 2014 году как пример влияния деятельности людей на экологию. Учащиеся знакомятся с разносторонним материалом, оценивающим экологические и экономические итоги проведения Олимпиады, делают выводы, формируют свое мнение, приводят аргументы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: «Проблемы экологии»
Год обучения: 11 класс, 10-й год обучения
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цели урока:
1) Обучающая: обучение выражению своего мнения с приведением развернутых аргументов (как этап подготовки к написанию сочинения – выражения своего мнения); расширение знаний учащихся по экологической проблематике.
2) Развивающая: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в групповом взаимодействии.
3) Воспитательная: воспитание бережного отношения к природе.
- формулирование темы для дискуссии на основе противоположных, показывающих две стороны одного явления, визуальных стимулов;
- сопоставление нескольких источников информации с целью поиска общих для них аргументов по проблеме;
- выделение обобщающей идеи и ее иллюстрация на конкретных примерах в процессе аргументации;
- связное письменное изложение развернутого аргумента (от общего – к частному; использование слов-связок);
- взаимопроверка правильности изложения аргумента в группе;
- устное представление своих аргументов одноклассникам;
- выделение наиболее значимых аргументов в выступлении оппонентов.
Ожидаемые результаты:
- формирование языковых навыков (фонетических, орфографических, лексических, грамматических) в рамках работы с текстами и обсуждения прочитанного;
- овладение моделями устного монологического высказывания с опорой на план.
- развитие внутренней мотивации учебной деятельности;
- формирование жизненных ценностей и нравственно-этических установок на основе знакомства с разными точками зрения на проблему и выражение своего отношения к происходящему.
- умение самостоятельно определять цели собственного обучения и соотносить их с планируемыми результатами;
- умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности ее решения;
- умение классифицировать, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить логическое рассуждение и делать выводы;
- умение осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих мыслей; владение устной монологической контекстной речью;
- умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество с учителем и речевыми партнёрами в группах.
- осознание степени усвоения материала по изучаемой теме с помощью приёмов рефлексии.
Формы организации учебной деятельности:
Фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая
Оборудование урока: компьютер с подключением к интернету, проектор, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал (распечатки текстов для анализа и заданий), презентация, видео, размещенное в интернете.
Ход урока
- Приветствие.
- Работа со слайдами на доске, изображающими олимпийские объекты в Сочи и триумф российской сборной на Олимпиаде-2014. Вопрос к детям, как олимпиада может быть связана с нашей темой: «Проблемы экологии». Слайды, показывающие, как строительство олимпийских объектов отразилось на экологии. Просьба к детям попытаться с учетом этих двух аспектов олимпиады сформулировать тему сегодняшней дискуссии (Task 1).
Тема: “The benefits of hosting the Olympic Games are more important than possible environmental damage”.
- Разделение учащихся на две группы в соответствии с их мнением по сформулированной теме.
- В зависимости от занятой позиции учащимся раздаются материалы по теме, содержащие аргументы в поддержку их позиции. Учащимся необходимо взять на себя один аспект, детально его проработать, выделив главный аргумент и более частные раскрывающие главный аргумент утверждения. (Task 2)
- После того, как учащиеся проработали каждый свой аргумент, они обсуждают их в группе, корректируя и улучшая формулировки друг друга (Task 3).
- Учащиеся продумывают порядок своих аргументов (Task 4), добавляют начало и конец по образцу, а также необходимые слова-связки между аргументами (Task 5).
- Учащиеся просматривают два видеофрагмента, отражающие разные точки зрения на обсуждаемую проблему, выделяют главный аргумент выступающих во фрагменте, совпадающем с их взглядом на проблему (Task 6).
- Каждая команда по очереди представляет свое мнение и аргументы одноклассникам. Противоположная команда фиксирует ключевые аргументы выступающих (Task 7).
- По окончании выступлений каждая команда должна перечислить аргументы своих оппонентов.
- Рефлексия: каждый ученик формулирует в одном предложении результат урока для него (Сегодня я понял, что…; Сегодня я научился…; Сегодня мне было трудно… Сегодня для меня все еще осталось непонятным… и т.д.)
- Объявляется домашнее задание: письменно изложить свое мнение, приведя 2-3 развернутых аргумента; подумать о возможном компромиссе между двумя противоположными позициями (Task 8).
Приложение 1
Task 1. Imagine you are the Russian National Exam experts and need to write a topic for an opinion essay. It should be a statement (may be a little bit provoking one), so that a person can agree or disagree with it. Example: Violent sports should be banned; Talent is more important than discipline.
Topic _____________________________________________________________________
Task 2. Choose one aspect of the topic, read the internet articles and try to formulate an argument based on the information you read. Write the full argument and expand on the chosen idea on the other side of the copy.
Start with a topical sentence (some general idea) and then explain it or support it with some specific examples and show results where possible.
Example structure: To begin with, … . For example, … . As a result, … .
Task 3. When you have finished, show your passage to your team, so that they can give you advice how to improve your piece of writing and correct mistakes if they occur.
Task 4. Write the keywords of the argument in the table below. Share you keywords with your team; decide together on the order of your arguments.
Environmental damage | The benefits of hosting the OG |
1. | 1. |
2. | 2. |
3. | 3. |
4. | 4. |
Task 5. Imagine your team is going to present your opinion on hosting the Olympic Games to the Prime Minister and the members of the government of another country which may host the Games in the future. They ask you to share your experience in hosting the Olympics and tell them whether it is worth doing it or not.
Start with “Good morning, Prime Minister and honourable members of the government! We strongly believe that… (your opinion on the topic)”.
Then list your arguments one for each member of the team (do not forget to use appropriate linking words!!!).
Finish your speech with “Therefore, we are convinced that… (restate your opinion). Thank you for attention!”
Task 6. Watch the video that supports your point of view and say what the main argument in the video was.
Task 7. Present your opinion to the audience. When listening to your opponents, write down in the table above their main arguments (using keywords).
Task 8. Homework. In your copybook state your opinion on the topic and write 2-3 arguments to support your opinion. Think if there are ways of reaching a compromise between the two opposing positions.
Приложение 2 Тексты для чтения и анализа в группах
THE NATIONAL PARK in Krasnaya Polyana (forest and animals)
The location for the sites was chosen incorrectly. From the environmental point of view, the decision was bad because the whole mountain cluster is located on the territory of the Sochi National Park – a specially protected nature area with the highest number of species in the whole of Russia.
Over 3 thousand hectares of rare forests, with large numbers of Taxus (тис) and Buxus (самшит), were logged (cut down). Migration routes of bears and turs (Caucasian wild goat) on Aibga Mountain Range disappeared.
This could lead to serious damage to the Caucasus, a region with the highest level of biological diversity in Russia. (WWF - World Wildlife Fund)
For years, environmental groups have called for more attention to be paid to the damage done to the region's natural reserves due to the large-scale construction of sports facilities, residential areas, tunnels, roads and railways needed for Sochi to host the Games.
The territory of the Caucasus State Reserve, which was thought to be untouchable, has been damaged.
Certain reptiles and brown bears are no longer present in the area around the mountain venues, according to official reports by Sochi National Park. (the Russian Bird Union)
Disappearance of numerous plant and animal species in Sochi is reaching critical levels and is leading to local extinction of species and loss of biodiversity. (Environmental News Service)
A huge sign close to the Olympic Park near Sochi bearing the words "Ornithological Park" warns visitors it's a protected area and it's prohibited to disturb the wildlife here. Behind the sign is a large pond with ducks and other water birds, surrounded by bare land with poor, recently planted vegetation.
This is all that's left of the Imeretinskaya Lowland, a large plain situated between the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea. Until a few years ago this was a mixture of agricultural land and wetlands of great importance to birds and rare plants. For many bird species it was a key stopover location on there annual migration route. (Deutsche Welle, a respectable Germany’s international broadcaster).
Wetlands of international importance have been destroyed in the Imeretinskaya Lowland. (the Russian Bird Union)
The Olympic Park is now housed in the Imeretinskaya Valley. These are the unique Russia's subtropical swamps, where dozens of bird species had been nesting; and millions stopped at migration. Now, this area is covered by concrete. (EcoWatch for Northern Caucuses)
The pointless construction of the joint highway-railway route (which could be replaced by widening the existing road) completely destroyed the fishery value of the Mzymta River. Before, it was a spawning (for laying eggs) site for 20% of all the Black Sea Salmon, a species listed in the Red lists. (WWF - World Wildlife Fund)
“Of the damage done to Sochi's wilderness, the river is the biggest shame”, said Igor Chestin, head of WWF in Russia.
The river is the spawning site of one-fifth of Russia's valuable Black Sea salmon.
"Its value as a fishery has been lost due to the change of the shape of the river, and years of pollution."
The Mzymta River valley has been deforested and toxic waste dumped into the river. (Environmental News Service)
The combined road Adler-Krasnaya Polyana, routed along the left-hand bank of the Mzymta River, became the most expensive and the most destructive project of the 2014 Olympics, which has inflicted (caused) irreparable damage to the river ecosystems and landscapes. (EcoWatch for Northern Caucuses)
Under the pretext of Olympic needs, the nature conservation legislation was significantly weakened, especially parts concerning protected nature areas and environmental assessment of construction projects. For example, in 2006 the Law on specially protected nature areas was amended (changed), allowing to organize large-scale athletic events in national parks (which was completely banned before). Starting from January 2007, Russia abolished (cancelled) compulsory environmental expertise for construction projects. In December 2009, State Duma of Russia approved changes to the Forest legislation (set of laws), which allowed logging (cutting down) of rare species of trees and shrubs for the purposes of the Olympic construction. (WWF - World Wildlife Fund)
The Sochi Olympiad threatens the entire system of Russia's protected areas, because for the sake of the Olympics they changed the national legislation.
Thus, the government of the Volgograd Region, referring to the preparation for the upcoming Football World Cup, is trying to take 17,000 hectares out of the National Park "Volga-Akhtuba Floodplain". In the Krasnoyarsk Region, where preparations are underway for the Winter Universiade-2019, local activists gathered 30,000 signatures against the plans to transfer the Reserve "Stolby" (Pillars) into the category of National Park. (EcoWatch for Northern Caucuses)
1) Tourism
As thousands of tourists come to Sochi from around the world, Russian organisers hope the city will benefit from being in the spotlight.
Organisers say that almost a third of tickets to the Olympic events were bought by non-Russians.
While just 50 kilometres away there are snow covered mountains, Sochi itself is a seaside resort with a subtropical climate, something that’s come as a surprise to many visitors. (Euronews)
The country expects to see an increase in tourism.
The Russians spent a reported $51 billion US on these Games — although Kozak insisted that most of it was private money, with just $1 billion US to fall on taxpayers — and in exchange is left with four winter resorts in one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Already popular in the summer due to its sub-tropical climate, the Sochi region now has hundreds of thousands of additional hotel rooms, hundreds of kilometres of railways and roads and a new port that can accommodate up to 50 cruise ships a year.
“Our aim was to transform this unique region into a modern world-class winter resort,” Kozak said. (Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister)
2) Business
Martial Simonneau opened his first restaurant in Sochi in 2006, before the city was awarded the 2014 Winter Games. Later he moved his business to the city centre where he and his son have jointly developed a French seafood restaurant, “Cafe Brigantina and Brasserie”. He says Sochi reminds him of his native Nice, but with less taxes.
“Really in Sochi, it’s great at the moment., there are lots of people, it’s a party, it’s really good. I’m happy. And for business it’s really good too,” Simonneau said. (Euronews)
According to a report by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Olympics may create a lasting legacy (наследие) for the city of Sochi and the Krasnodar region of Russia, which will benefit from improved services that may attract business to the region in the future.
And while the EBRD report says that countries do not stand to benefit economically from hosting such events, infrastructure and jobs are created that last well after the games are over.
In short, the games are improving the lives and business prospects of the population in those regions. (investing.com)
3) Regional development
Already popular in the summer due to its sub-tropical climate, the Sochi region now has hundreds of thousands of additional hotel rooms, hundreds of kilometres of railways and roads and a new port that can accommodate up to 50 cruise ships a year. (Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister)
For example, of the 235 projects completed in preparation for Sochi, 37 were road projects and the athletes quarters will be turned into affordable housing for local residents once the games ends.
All the venues have been constructed with post-Games use in mind, with many of the permanent facilities set to provide a lasting legacy (наследие) for Sochi – and Russia as a whole.
“The Games are a powerful catalyst to both develop key infrastructure and make changes in Russian society. We’ve dedicated ourselves to thinking long-term, to focus on a true Games legacy that will not only breathe new life into the city of Sochi, but will also contribute to the economic, cultural and environmental development of the Krasnodar region,” says Sochi 2014 President Dmitry Chernyshenko.
After the Games, the 40,000-seat Fisht Olympic Stadium, which will host the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, is set to become a major international football stadium, while the 8,000-seat Adler Arena, which will stage speed skating during Sochi 2014, will be turned into the largest trade and exhibition centre in the south of Russia. The Bolshoi Ice Dome, meanwhile, will be converted into a multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue. (http://www.olympic.org/)
POLITICS (Russia’s international image)
“I am sure that all of us will preserve the memory of (the Games) in our hearts; the friendly faces, the warm Sochi sun and the glare of the Olympic gold have broken the ice of scepticism towards the new Russia. The Games have turned our country, its culture and the people into something that is a lot closer, more appealing and understandable for the rest of the world.”
“Russia managed to prove to itself and the rest of the world that we can cope with great challenges; that we are capable of making the impossible possible.” (Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister)
Athletes will have winter sports training facilities for the first time since the break up of the Soviet Union almost 25 years ago. (Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister)
In the Olympic Park, the Iceberg Palace, which will host figure skating and short track speed skating during the Games, could be transformed into a velodrome, according to Russia’s Deputy Minister of sports Yury Nagornyh, while the Shayba Arena and Ice Cube Curling Centre are both due to be dismantled and transported to other Russian cities.
Sochi’s new facilities will also allow the city to host several other major international events after the Games, including the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will see matches being played in the Fisht Olympic Stadium, and Russia’s first Formula One Grand Prix, which will take place on a track located in the Olympic Park, beginning in 2014. (http://www.olympic.org/)
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