Образцы ответов на задание 3 раздела "Говорение" ОГЭ по английскому языку.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
Данный материал поможет выпускникам 9 класса подготовиться к сдаче устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку. Образцы ответов составлены экспертом ОГЭ и соответствуют демоверсии ОГЭ 2020.
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Образцы ответов на задание 3 раздела «Говорение» ОГЭ по английскому языку
- Why people keep pets
I`d like to give a talk about pets. I think everybody needs pets. Pets are always glad to see you when you come home. It`s very interesting to play with them. When you are with your pet, you are never sad. Scientists say that pets are even good for people`s health.
- What pets are most popular in big cities
The most popular pets in big cities, I think, are dogs and cats. They are funny and not very difficult to take care of.
- Whether keeping pets is a big responsibility, and why
However, we should remember that keeping pets is a big responsibility. You should take care of your pet, feed it, walk with it and you shouldn`t leave it alone for long. If you buy a pet, you are responsible for it.
- What your attitude to pets is
As for me, I think that having pets is great. Personally I have a parrot and it brings me a lot of joy.
That`s all that I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.
- Why people like taking pictures
I`d like to give a talk about photography.
People like taking pictures. I think they do this because they want to remember wonderful moments of their life. We also like taking pictures of our relatives and friends to have photos with us when they are away.
- Why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past
Taking photos is really more popular today than it was in the past. In the past cameras were expensive, big and heavy. Nowadays everyone can have a camera. Besides, you can take photos with a mobile phone.
- What the best photo you have taken is
The best photo I have ever taken is the photo of my family. My parents and I are at the seaside. The sun is shining and the sea is blue and beautiful. We are very happy. I like this photo and often look at it.
- What your attitude to photography is
As for me, I like taking photos and I often do it.
That`s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.
The place you live in.
- What your city, town or village is famous for
I`d like to give a talk about my native town. I live in Kolomna. It`s an old town with lots of beautiful churches and monasteries. It is famous for them. It` s also famous for a big skating centre where international competitions are held.
- What your favourite place in your town is and why you like it
My favourite place in Kolomna is the Myr Park. It`s a big park with lots of trees in the centre of the town. There is also an adventure park, a fountain and some cafes there. I like to spent time with my friends there.
- Whether you are going to stay in your town after leaving school or move to another place and why
After leaving school I`m going to enter a university in Moscow. After graduating I`m going to live and work in Moscow. Moscow gives more job opportunities than Kolomna.
- What your attitude to the place you live in is
As for me, I like my town very much. I think it`s the best place in the world.
That`s all I wanted to say about my town. Thank you for listening.
- What holidays are most popular in your country
I`d like to give a talk about holidays in Russia. There are a lot of public holidays in Russia. The most popular are New Year, Christmas, Victory day. I think all Russian people celebrate them.
- What your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it.
My favourite holiday is New Year. Before New Year`s day my family and I decorate the tree and cook festive dinner. At new year`s night we get together for a festive meal, exchange presents, dance, watch TV and watch fireworks. It` great fun!
- If you prefer to give presents of get presents and why
As for presents, I like to give them more than to get them. It`s always fun to choose the presents for your family and friends. I also like to see happy faces of people when they get my presents.
- What your attitude to holidays is
As for me, I like celebrating holidays, because I enjoy the festive atmosphere of them.
That`s all I wanted to say about Russian holidays. Thank you for listening.
- Why most people like travelling
I`d like to give a talk about travelling. Most people like travelling. When people travel, they get new impressions, meet new people and learn about their lifestyle and culture. Besides, it`s interesting to see new places.
- Which season is the best for travelling
I think the best season for travelling is summer. It`s usually warm and you don`t have to take lots of things with you.
- What means of transport is the best and why
In my opinion the best means of transport is a plane. It`s fast and comfortable. Moreover, statistics says that it`s the safest means of transport.
-What your attitude to travelling is
As for me, I`m fond of travelling. My family and I try to travel as much as possible.
That`s all I wanted to say about travelling. Thank you for listening.
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