Разработка урока на видеоматериале сайта TED Talks для подростков с уровнем языка В1-В2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Данный урок разработан на аутентичном материале сайта Ted Talks и связан в тематикой "Сomputer and technology". Основная цель урока - развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson Plan
Name of teacher: Elena Ryabenko
Level of students: B1-B2
Aims: to master listening skills (for gist and for details)
Sub-aims: to practice functional language for giving opinion*, to practice fluency*
Personal aims: to improve timing skills
Materials: a computer with Internet connection (https://www.ted.com/talks/thomas_suarez_a_12_year_old_app_developer), an OHP, handouts with a listening task
Assumptions: students are mostly familiar with vocabulary “Computer and Technology”,
students are interested in the topic
Timetable fit: a follow-up lesson on extending listening and speaking skills* after studying
“Computer and Technology” vocabulary
Anticipated problems and solutions: -it might be difficult to understand connected authentic speech,
so subtitles can be turned on if required
-some unknown words may prevent from understanding jokes, so it’s
necessary to pre-teach them
*optional, if 10 more minutes are added
Stage | Stage Aim | Time | Procedure | Interaction Pattern |
I. Warm up | to familiarize students with the topic | 2 min | -T googles and shows a Ted Talks web page - T elicits why people give talks here -T asks students to comment the slogan “Ideas worth spreading” | T-Ss |
II. Lead-in | to involve students, to create interest in the topic | 1 min | -T searches a talk by Thomas Suares “A 12-year-old app developer” https://www.ted.com/talks/thomas_suarez_a_12_year_old_app_developer and elicits what he might talk about on Ted Talks | T-Ss |
III. Pre-listening | to provide the task for listening for gist | 5 min | - Ss brainstorm ideas why Thomas Suares might give a talk, what his idea to share is -T puts students’ ideas on board | Ss-T |
IV. Pre-teaching vocabulary | to help student listen to authentic material, to build in confidence | 3 min | -T puts unknown vocabulary on board, elicits meaning, if necessary explains and checks understanding | T-Ss |
V. Listening for gist | to give students practice in listening for gist | 7 min | -Ss listen and check if any of their ideas are true -Ss discuss the answers in pairs -T checks answers | S S-S T-Ss |
VI. Listening for details | to give student practice to listen for details and to speak to specify the details | 10 min | -T gives out handouts with T/F listening task -Ss listen and mark the statements T or F - Ss compare answers in pairs and try to correct the false statements -T checks answers | S S-S T-Ss |
VII. * Follow-up activity | to give students practice in fluency, to practice giving and justifying opinions | 10 min | -T puts 4 statements about Thomas Suares on board and asks to choose one they agree and one they disagree -T puts students in groups of 3 and asks to share opinions | S-S-S |
VIII. Feedback | to give students a chance to reflect on the activities and practised skills, to support extensive listening for autonomous learning | 2 min | -T asks students what they have practised doing today -T asks students if they would like to visit Ted Talks to listen to more interesting ideas | T-Ss |
*optional, if 10 more minutes are added
I. Listening for details.
Listen and watch, mark the statements either True or False.
1) His favourite app was Earth Fortune.
2) He created an app Bustin Jieber because he disliked Justin Bieber.
3) Other kids ask him how to make an app because they don’t know where they can learn to do it.
4) He got the basics of programming when Apple released i-phone.
5)The i-phone software development kit provided him with more possibilities to create apps.
6) It was free to put his apps on the App Store.
7) Steve Jobs helped him to make his apps.
8) He started his App Club at school with his own money.
9) He thinks teachers can benefit from the apps created by students.
10) He aims to continue with creating apps and sharing knowledge in the future.
II. Statements to discuss.
Choose one statement you agree and one you disagree, explain why and discuss with your partners.
1. I think there is nothing special in making your own app. Anybody can do it with modern technology.
2. I think Thomas Suares is amazing because he taught himself how to make an app.
3. I think Thomas Suares is a bore and it’s healthier for teenagers to hang out rather than spend a lot of time at the computer.
4. I think Thomas Suares’s App Club is a great opportunity for kids to master a useful skill.
Elena Ryabenko's own materials based on
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