Выступление на Межвузовской научно-практической конференции по теме "Роль психологической подготовки в работе полиции"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Межвузовская научно-практическая конференция «Психологические и социально-педагогические аспекты работы правоохранительных органов» в Московском Университете МВД России имени В.Я.Кикотя
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Предварительный просмотр:
Московский университет МВД России имени В.Я. Кикотя,
ГБПОУ Юридический колледж
Межвузовская научно-практическая конференция «Психологические и социально-педагогические аспекты работы правоохранительных органов»
для курсантов II курса ИПСД ОВД
Кафедра Иностранных языков,
Кафедра педагогики УНК ПСД Московского университета МВД имени В.Я.Кикотя,
ГБПОУ Юридический колледж
Тема «Роль психологической подготовки в работе сотрудников полиции»
преподаватель ВКК
Спиридонова Е.В.
Цель: расширение языкового и интеллектуального кругозора у обучающихся, совершенствование навыков межличностного общения на иностранном языке.
One of the main ways of improving the work of the Ministry of the Interior is the psychological training of employees. The purpose of this training is the development of their readiness to act professionally, correctly, efficiently, with high performance in any difficult working conditions. The nuances of their work require the development of emotional and strong-willed stability of employees, the formation of their psychological reliability under the stress factors.
The development of psychological readiness to fight crime is the most important aspect of the training. The main thing is the formation of professional orientation of employees, the increase of great professional interest in their work. It also implies the development of officers ' intolerance to various violations, a strong habit of unconditional compliance with legal norms, a strong sense of truth, justice and the rule of law.
The development of psychological orientation in different nuances of characteristic operational work involves acquaintance of employees with the basics of psychology, the development of their skills and habits to take into account the psychology of people and groups in their professional activities. The orientation in the psychological nuances of operational work involves the knowledge of the investigative, operational and other actions and taking them into account.
Significant cognitive qualities ensure the efficient work of employees. These qualities include professional sensitivity, perception, observation, memory, thinking, imagination. Special exercises and training on development of these qualities assume mastering of the main techniques and knowledge of certain rules of increasing the efficiency of memorization, the development of logical thinking and creative imagination. The studies show that purposeful development of these qualities due to the actual classes and special training can improve their performance by 2-3 times.
Examples of police activities, including psychological training:
- Interrogation
- Detention of a suspect
- Investigative experiment
and others.
Interrogation is an investigative action, when an authorized officer in accordance with the law receives and records the testimony of victims, witnesses, suspects, accused persons, experts that are of importance for criminal proceedings. The psychological training of the person who will conduct the survey is very important, because it depends on the ability to expose a person who lies, to obtain new information important for the investigation. The knowledge of human psychology and self-control play a huge role in the interrogation.
Detention is a short-term imprisonment of a person suspected of committing a crime or any administrative offence. After all, correct behavior, work with the consciousness of the detained person and the correct classification of the line of behavior of the suspect allows the investigator to determine the real offender.
Investigative experiment is an investigative action, which is to reproduce empirically the actions, situation or other circumstances related to the crime under investigation. Psychology may be invisible during the investigative experiment. However, if the employee carries out this investigative action competently, monitors the processes of behavior of the suspect, it makes it easy to understand whether a person tells all the information at the experiment.
- To sum up the report, psychological training is an integral part of the overall training of the police, which helps to combat crime and protect citizens.
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