Презентация к уроку 8класс unit1step10 Rainbow English
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Геращенко Яна Владимировна

Презентация к уроку 8класс unit1step10 Rainbow English


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Sport and Outdoor Activities

Слайд 2

Цели урока: в ыполнять упражнения на выбор форм глагола в Past Simple или Past Perfect ; 4 ч итать текст и заполнять пропуски соответствующей информацией; 1 с лушать текст и выбирать соответствующую информацию на основе прослушанного текста; 2 выполнять лексические упражнения по изученной лексики; 3

Слайд 3

Choose the correct translations athletic honour team event cry equipment crew score battle peace команда оборудование битва спортивный плакать мир честь событие команда счет

Слайд 4

p 46 Ex 1 Basketball … is an old traditional game is an old Indian game is an old game that appeared thanks to one person The “father” of the game was… a. Canadian b. British c. American N aismith was… a . a school teacher b. a student c. a trainer The new game of basketball appeared in… a. 1981 b. 1891 c. 1819 For basketball rules Naismith used the rules of… football a traditional Indian game both football and an Indian game

Слайд 6

1) That day Jane felt so sad she could (cry/smile). 2) The pupils (ended/finished) decorating the hall late in the afternoon. 3) Do you watch matches of your favourite football (crew/team) on television? 4) We are playing basketball in the gym, would you like to join (—/in) the game? 5) No one liked the dish, we thought it was rather (tasteful/tasteless). 6) In the evening the tourists ended (up/with) near one of the most beautiful cathedrals of the city. 7) When Tim was at school, he took part in (athlete/athletic) competitions. 8) You are the only person who can help me, (nobody/somebody) else can do it. 9) Taking other people’s things is a rather (dishonest/honest) thing to do. 10) We ended the concert (in/with) our new song.

Слайд 7

1) When I met John, I understood that I had seen him before. 2) When the second group of tourists arrived in London, the first group had already left . 3) They went home when the film had finished . 4) She told us about the places she had seen while she was travelling in England. 5) The children remembered the museum they had visited some time before. 6) Mike had played ten games by the end of the season. 7) Sue liked the new game though she had never played it before. 8) By the end of the Olympic Games the national team had won 12 medals. 1) met, understood, had seen; 2) arrived, had left; 3) went, had finished; 4) told, had seen; 5) had visited; 6) had played; 7) liked, had never played; 8) had won.

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