Тренинг по выявлению лидерских качеств
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Тренинг по выявлению лидерских качеств .
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Ice Breaker Games
Introduce yourselves as a character of a film or a cartoon. start by saying your name and a food that starts with the same letter as your first name that you would bring on a picnic (James would bring juice). Each person next in the circle must say their name and picnic item, and the name and picnic item of each person before them. Picnic Name Game
Think of one true fact about yourselves , and one lie . (the group then has to agree on which fact they think is a lie ) Two Truths & A Lie
Students stand in a circle. One student in the circle says something about themselves (it can be anything; their favorite food, favorite tv show, etc.). For any student who agrees with the statement, they step into the circle and yell “True that!”. For any student who really agrees with the statement, they step into the circle and yell “True that, double true!”. Each student says something about themselves until everyone has participated. The more enthusiasm with the chanting of “True that, double true,” the better! True That, Double True
Statements to be Completed List Today I wish I were _____. The main reason I am here is _____. My dream vacation is _____. I choose friends who are _____. I think my best quality is my _____. This week I am hoping to learn _____. A pet peeve of mine is _____. My favorite pastime is _____. The rest of the summer I am _____. If I could have any job, it would be _____. Completed Thought :
Everyone starts out as an egg by squatting down low and waddling like an egg. "Eggs" find another egg and play a game of rock-paper-scissors. The winners turn into a chicken . Chickens move on to find other chickens, and eggs continue to play against other eggs. The losers of each round go down one level (Chickens go back to being eggs, Dinosaurs go back to chickens, ultimate beings go back to being dinosaurs ). Each time a player wins a r-p-s bout, they transform into the next stage. The game can continue for as long as you would like it to . The "transformations" and actions are: Egg: squatting down low near ground Chicken: putting thumbs under armpits and flapping elbows Dinosaur/Raptor – arms out and walking like a raptor Ultimate Being: Arms up in the air like you just won a race “Transformation” Rock, Paper Scissors
Everyone stands in a tight circle, with their heads down looking at their shoes . When ‘Heads Up’ is called, everyone looks up and stares at someone else in the circle . If that person is staring right back at you, then you scream real loud and jump back out of the circle . If the person you’re looking at is not looking at you, put your head back down and wait for the next round . Keep going until there are two players remaining. Scream Machine
Teambuilding Games
Challenge each group to create a dance/performance and karaoke to a song. Each student takes on a role in the band (drummer, lead singer, guitarist, cowbell, etc.) The lyrics can typically be found on YouTube. This exercise helps students to learn how to be fun and crazy and not to worry about what others may think of them. YouTube Karaoke Performance
Start with a small tarp or rug that allows all of the group members be able to stand on. Tell the group that they are now on a magic carpet and cannot step off. The group must work as a team to flip the tarp or rug over without having anyone step off. If a group member falls off the carpet, the team must start over. Magic Carpet
Self-Reflection Activities
Students may enjoy creating a “College Interview T-Shirt.” Ask students to imagine that they are going to interview at their top college choice. Their task is to create an interview t-shirt that announces the one or two things that they want the interviewer to know about them. Students may add relevant or symbolic images. You may want to enlarge a t-shirt graphic so students can write their messages on a t-shirt picture or, if you are really ambitious, you may actually provide t-shirts and magic markers for a hands-on activity. Variation 1: Can also be done with pillowcases or other cloth-like materials Variation 2: Have other students in the group write about things that they like about the owner of the pillowcase or t-shirt. My College Interview T-Shirt http://www.collegegrazing.com/counselors/guidance-activities
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Тесты на выявление лидерских качеств
Способность человека быть лидером во многом зависит от развитости у него организаторских и коммуникативных качеств. Какими характерологическими качествами личности должен обладать настоящий лидер?...

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Социализация личности ребенка путем развития и становления его лидерских качеств
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Развитие лидерских качеств учащихся на основе патриотической работы в школьном музее
В настоящее время наиболее актуальным стал вопрос формирования позитивного социального опыта растущего человека, его гражданского становления. Лидерские качества становятся особенно актуальными для лю...
Тренинг по выявлению лидерских качеств школьника.
Лидерство – доминирование одних членов группы над другими. Под понятием лидер подразумевается человек, играющий доминирующую роль в структуре межличностных отношений. В отличие от лид...

Тренинг "Я уверен в себе: развитие навыков уверенного поведения и лидерских качеств старшеклассников"
Прогрессивное развитие нашего общества предполагает наличие личностей, обладающих навыками уверенного поведения, лидерскими качествами, нестандартным мышлением, творческим воображением, которые не боя...