Презентация для 11 кл " The Arkhangelsk region"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
Презентация для 11 кл " The Arkhangelsk region"
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Презентация на тему «Архангельский регион» предназначена для учащихся 11 классов Архангельск 2019
The Arkhangelsk region Building, monument , museum
- is trade and defensive structure built on Cape Pur Navolok in 1668-1684 years. - is architectural monument of federal importance. Gostiny Dvor
In ancient times the Russian word « gost » meant « merchant » and « dvor » meant « yard » ? Hence the name « Gostiny Dvor » .
Antsin Mathis (1668-1671), Dmitry M. Elders (1671-1684) Mathis Antsin was the first construction manager, but in 1671 he was suspended from the administration in Moscow, and Dmitry M. Elders was the second talented architect, journeyman order stone cases.
The long of the wall is 400 metres . The walls were 2.6-5 metres thick. Some facts
There are 6 towers: 4 corner towers, 2 towers in the middle of the walls. The tallest tower stood in the middle of the embankment façade of the stone town. The built of brick amazed contemporaries by its beauty.
The monument to Peter the 1 was set up at the corner of the embankment and Voskresenskaya Street. The Monument to Peter the 1st
Peter the Great is depicted in the uniform of a Preobrazhenski Regiment officer. The bronze statue of the tsar is 2.5 metres high and personifies the might of Russia.
Reminds us of the tsars three visit to Arkhangelsk and his role in the development of the city as the first sea port of Russia and the cradle of Russian shipbuilding.
During his first visit to Arkhangelsk in 1693 Peter 1 founded a shipyard in Solombala . In 1694, the Russian tsar arrived in Arkhangelsk for the second time to launch the first Russian trade ship 'Saint Paul‘. During his third visit in 1702 Peter the Great supervised the construction of the Novodvinskaya Fortress.
Archangel Fine Arts Museum is one of the biggest art museums in Russia. The permanent collection of the museum comprises over 30 thousand works of Russian art, dating from the 14th century up to the present day. The Museum of Fine Arts
The Museum possesses quite a rich collection of paintings. Among the pictures exhibited you can see the works of the Russian artists of the past- F. Rokotov , K. Bryullov , I. Repin , I. Shishkin and great lovers of the North- A. Borisov , S. Pisakhov .
The Museum is famous for is its enviable collection of old Russian icons. They are decorated with precious filigree frames and enamel and gilded haloes.
In the 1920s when many monasteries and churches were closed, part of there treasures was transferred to the Museum : shrouds, covers, icons and gonfalons.
The Museum offers hundreds of guided tour for the visitors, lectures, concerts of orchestral and folk music.
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