The streets of Arkhangelsk
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Игра ,,Do you know famous scientists?’’
- Способствует развитию межпредметных связей.
- Развивает мышление с опорой на опыт учащихся , догадку и логику.
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Leonty Magnitsky
He was a famous mathematician of the 18th century. He graduated from Greek-Latin Academy in 1701.After that he taught mathematics in Navigation school. We know Leonty Magnitsky as the author of a famous Arithmetic Book of the 18th century.
Mikhail Lomonosov studied this book too.
Grammar of Smotritsky and Arithmetic of Magnitsky were his first scientific books.
Nikolay Lobachevsky
The other famous mathematician of the 18-19th centuries was N.I. Lobachevsky.
At the age of 14 Lobachevsky was a student of Kazan University. His teachers were famous professors as Gauss and Bartels.
At the age of 22 he taught lectures on physics, mathematics and astronomy.
But we know Lobachevsky as the famous mathematician who made a lot of in the field of geometry. He devoted to the problems of geometry about 30 years.
Rutherford-Bohr Atom
The English physicist Rutherford was the first to suggest that atom has a nucleus. Rutherford’s laboratory in Manchester attracted some scientists. Among them was a young Dane Neil Bohr. He showed that the atom could be pictured as the solar system in which each electron had its own particular orbit. Rutherford-Bohr atom, the atom of the 20th century was well established.
Igor Kurchatov
He was the famous Russian physicist. He graduated from the university at the age of 20. Kurchatov was interested in physics and mathematics. He made experimental works in nuclear physics. In the years of Great Patriotic War Kurchatov and the other Russian scientists used all their energy to build up the military strength of our country. In 1943 Kurchatov became an academician of the Academy of Sciences and headed the work of the use of atomic energy in our country.
Alexander Butlerov
Butlerov was a famous Russian chemist, the founder of modern organic chemistry. He graduated from Kazan University .Later he taught chemistry in it. During his trip to France he met famous chemists Kekule and Erlenmeyer. In Paris Butlerov made a lot of experiments. He was the first who explained the phenomenon of isomery.
Ivan Sechenov
He was the first Russian physiologist, the founder of Russian physiological school, the member of the Academy of Science in Petersburg. In 1863 he published his scientific work ,,The Reflexes of Head Brain’’. In 1866 he published his second famous work ,,The Physiology of Nervous System of a Man’’.
Задание выполняется следующим образом:
Ученикам раздаются пронумерованные полоски с информацией.
Им нужно составить пару для каждого ученого: подобрать карточку со сведением, в какой области науки был известен данный ученый, и какой вклад в науку он внес.
Например: Magnitsky : 1. An outstanding name in the history of mathematics.
8. His ,,Arithmetic” is a real encyclopedia of mathematics. Lomonosov knew this book by heart.
А на доске выписываются фамилии ученых:
1. Magnitsky
2. Lobachevsky
3. Kovalevskaya
4. Rutherford
5. Kurchatov
6. Butlerov
7. Mendeleyev
8. Sechenov
Для проверки ученики выписывают только фамилию ученого и рядом номера карточек .
Материал для карточек:
Область деятельности: Вклад в науку:
1.An outstanding name in the history of mathematics. | 8.His ,,Arithmetic’’ is a real encyclopedia of mathematics. Lomonosov knew this book by heart. |
9.An outstanding mathematician. | 5.He is called a Copernicus in Geometry. |
4.She was the first woman- professor of mathematics. | 0.A Russian scientist could not work in her native country. |
10.A great English physicist. | 2.He studied the structure of atom and the process of radioactivity. |
3.A great Russian physicist. | 11.The subject of his study is nuclear physics. |
6.A great Russian chemist. | 7.The founder of modern organic chemistry . |
12.A famous chemist. | 14.The father Russian physiological science .He was the founder of the Periodic Table of Elements. |
13.Russian people are proud of this biologist. | 15.The founder of Russian physiological science .He was the first who described the work of nervous system of a man. |
Ответы к заданиям:
1.Магницкий : 1-8. 2.Лобачевский: 9-5. 3.Ковалевская: 4-0 4. Резерфорд: 10-2. 5.Курчатов: 3-11
6.Бутлеров: 6-7. 7.Менделеев: 12-14. 8.Сеченов: 13-15.
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