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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
- Complete the text with the derivatives of the words printed on the right.
Walter Whitman was an ______(1) poet, journalist, and humanist. | AMERICA |
His father was a _______(2) in a village near New York. Walter | TO FARM |
was the second of nine ______(3). He had to leave school early and | A CHILD |
started working at the age of eleven. Later, he educated ______(4). | HE |
Whitman started writing poetry in 1850s. His first _______(5) of | TO COLLECT |
poems, “Leaves of the grass”, was purely ________(6). But after | A ROMANTIC |
the American Civil War, Whitman became a ________(7). | REAL |
Whitman seldom used rhyme or ______(8) words in his works. He used | POET |
_______(9) free verse with everyday words in it. Later, scholars | MOST |
said that his writing was __________(10) American. | TYPICAL |
2. Do the following facts refer to Walt Whitman or William Shakespeare or to both of them?
- He has been claimed as America's first "poet of democracy".
- His vagabond lifestyle was adopted by the Beat movement and its leaders such as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac in the 1950s and 1960s as well as anti-war poets like Adrienne Rich and Gary Snyder.
- He got married on November 27, 1582.
- His poetry has been set to music by a large number of composers.
- His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
- He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".
- He produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613.
- He was deeply influenced by deism. He denied any one faith was more important than another, and embraced all religions equally.
- Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor and writer.
- He is often labeled as the father of free verse, though he did not invent it.
- As the American Civil War was beginning, he published his poem "Beat! Beat! Drums!" as a patriotic call for the North.
- His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems.
- He wrote sonnets throughout his career for a private readership.
Предварительный просмотр:
On The Road (1957)
The book was describes Kerouac’s road-trip adventures across the United | |
States and the Mexico with his friend Neal Cassady in the late 1940s. He | |
completed the fist version of the novel in three weeks. Before beginning, | |
Kerouac cut sheets of paper into long stripes, wide enought for a type- | |
writer, and taped them together into a 37m long roll. Then he fed it into | |
the machine. This allowed him to type with out the interruption of | |
reloading papers. This manuscript haved no chapter or paragraph breaks. | |
The success of On The Road brought Kerouac fame. After nine monthes, | |
he feeled unsafe in the public. He was badly beaten by three men outside | |
the San Remo bar in New York one nights. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as simply The Bard.
Robert Burns was born in Alloway, Ayrshire (Scotland). He was the firstborn in a family of farmers. His father was poor, but he valued education and hired a tutor for his children. An old woman who lived with the family told him stories of the devils, ghosts, fairies, brownies, witches and warlocks of local folklore. Most of Burns’ early poetry was written in song form to well known Scottish tunes.
He used to fall in love now and then, and had a number of natural children. Many of his works were written not in the honor of his wife, but in the honor of other women. Burns joined the local Masonic Lodge in 1781. He worked for a time as a flax dresser in Irvine, where he lost all his possessions in a house fire. He returned home when his father became ill, and when his father died in 1784 Burns took the lease on Mossgiel farm with his brother, Gilbert.
Robert Burns was going to emigrate to Jamaica, but it required some money, so he decided to try to publish his poems. Poems Chiefly in the Scots Dialect was printed by his fellow-mason John Wilson of Kilmarnock in 1786, and proved successful, attracting critical acclaim and an invitation to visit Edinburgh in order to prepare a second edition, which appeared in the following year. Publication was again arranged through his Masonic connections.
Burns cancelled his emigration to Jamaica on 1 September, and went to Mossgiel two days later because his wife Jean Armour had given birth to twins. From 1789 he worked as an Exciseman for the Excise Division in Dumfries. Unfortunately, the habits of intemperance ruined his health. His death followed a dental extraction. On the morning of 21 July 1796, Robert Burns died in Dumfries at the age of 37. The funeral took place on Monday 25 July 1796, also the day that his son Maxwell was born.
Which word in the text means this?
- The eldest child in the family ______________
- A teacher ____________
- Children whose parents were not married ____________
- Things you own ______________
- Rent ___________
- Greeting __________
- Decided not to do it __________
- Moving to another country ____________
- Not controlled and often immoral behavior ___________
- One of his teeth was removed ___________
- The ceremony when a dead body is buried _______________
Mark these statement as true (T), false (F) or No Information (N/I)
- Burns came from Ireland. _____
- There were 11 children in his family. _____
- His father was a farmer. _____
- He had a number of girlfriends. _____
- He had only two children. _____
- He was not Christian. _____
- His poems were all written in the Scottish dialect _____
- Burns emigrated to Jamaica ______
- He died in Edinburgh. ____
- He was 73 years old. ____
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