Урок английского языка по теме: At the Farm (3 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку
Урок английского языка по теме: At the Farm (3 класс). Учебник Family and Friends 2.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Greeting.
2. Warming – up.
- How are you?
- What day is it?
- What`s the weather like today?
3. At the farm.
a) Lead – in.
The Song Let`s take a walk around the farm (video)
b) Vocabulary Revision (the names of farm animals).
- Teacher reads one of the descriptions of animals and Pupils guess it.
- Teacher gives each student 2 sheets of paper. They read the descriptions aloud in front of the class and then choose a picture of this animal.
c) Vocabulary Revision (adjectives to describe animals)
- Game with a ball (Teacher throws a ball to a pupil and tells him any adjective to describe animals, this pupil throws the ball back to the Teacher and says an opposite adjective)
Big – small
Tall – short
Fast – slow
Loud – quiet
Long – short
After getting a ball back from Pupils, Teacher Asks them – What animals are big (…)?
d) Prepositions.
- Revise Prepositions using hands
- Teacher asks Pupils to look at the board. There is a poster with a farm there.
What can we see at the farm? Barn, fence, tree, lake, grass
Pupils stick animals on the farm poster according to Teacher`s instructions.
The horse is in the barn.
The cat is under the tree.
The cow is behind the fence.
The pig is in front of the fence.
The goose is on the lake.
The dog is between the barn and the cow.
- Pupils practice using questions and answers (one by one)
Where is the …cow? – The cow is behind the fence.
4. Moving Activity.
Simon says (the song with a video)
5. At the Farm.
e) Present Continuous with Farm Animals) – using the presentation.
What is it doing?
What are they doing?
f) describing a farm.
It`s a nice farm.
The cow is behind the fence.
It is eating grass… - Teacher gives an example and Pupils continue (one by one).
6. Round – up.
- summing - up
- marks for the lesson
7. Homework.
- WB p. 85
Предварительный просмотр:
It`s not very big and it`s short.
It`s slow.
It`s pink.
It has got small ears and a short tail.
It`s a bird.
It`s small and quiet.
It can be white, red, brown and yellow.
It eats corn.
It gives eggs.
It`s a bird.
It`s small but very loud.
It can be white or grey.
It eats corn.
It can swim.
It`s small.
It can be white, black, red, grey.
It has got fluffy hair.
This animal is fast.
And it can be very loud when it`s angry.
It likes milk, meat and fish.
This animal is not very big.
It`s grey.
It has got long ears.
It eats grass.
It can carry things and people.
It`s a big farm animal.
It`s brown, white and black.
It has got horns.
It eats grass and bread.
This animal gives us milk.
It`s a big farm animal.
It`s very fast and strong.
It eats grass.
It can carry things and people.
People ride this animal.
It`s not big.
It`s loud but not fast.
It can be grey or white.
It has got horns.
Some people drink its milk.
This is a small farm animal.
It is white.
It has got curly hair.
People make clothes of its hair.
Its baby is a lamb.
This animal can be small and big.
It`s loud and fast.
It`s very smart.
It is people`s friend.
This animal guards our house.
This farm animal is small, quiet and fast.
It can be grey and white.
It likes grass and carrots.
It can jump and run very fast.
Предварительный просмотр:
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