Урок " What profession to choose"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «What profession to choose? по курсу «Enjoy English» автор М.З.Биболетова и другие посвящена проблеме выбора профессии обучающимися. Основной идеей урока является погружение девятиклассников в ситуацию значимого для них выбора, осознание ими того факта, что человек вынужден делать выбор каждую минуту.
Те ситуации, которые предлагаются на этом уроке, типичны для жизни подростка 14-15 лет. Поэтому попытка «прожить» эти ситуации, взглянуть на них новыми глазами и принять обоснованное решение, позволит подготовить девятиклассников к реальной жизни.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «What profession to choose? по курсу «Enjoy English» автор М.З.Биболетова и другие посвящена проблеме выбора профессии обучающимися. Основной идеей урока является погружение девятиклассников в ситуацию значимого для них выбора, осознание ими того факта, что человек вынужден делать выбор каждую минуту.
Те ситуации, которые предлагаются на этом уроке, типичны для жизни подростка 14-15 лет. Поэтому попытка «прожить» эти ситуации, взглянуть на них новыми глазами и принять обоснованное решение, позволит подготовить девятиклассников к реальной жизни.
Методическая разработка адресована всем учителям, работающим на второй ступени общего образования, в предпрофильных и профильных классах.
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «What profession to choose? по курсу «Enjoy English» автор М.З.Биболетова и другие составлена на основе Фундаментального ядра содержания общего образования и Требований к результатам основного общего образования, представленных в федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте общего образования второго поколения, рабочей программы по английскому языку и календарно-тематического планирования.
Разработка урока 79 (4) по календарно-тематическому плану«What profession to choose?» относится к 4 циклу «Make Your Choice, Make Your Life», раздел 1 «It’s Time to Think about Your Future Career».
Известно, что вопрос о выборе направления профессиональной деятельности нынешним школьникам предлагается решить уже в 9 классе. Многие из них покидают школу и идут в профессиональные средние учебные заведения. А те учащиеся. которые остаются в школе, должны задуматься о продолжении образования и выбрать соответствующий профиль в 10-11-х классах с перспективой дальней специализации в этой области.
Данная разработка урока вносит свой вклад в предпрофильную подготовку школьников, показывая возможности выбора профессии. При этом предлагается вспомнить о своих детских мечтах, послушать мнение зарубежных сверстников, обсудить выбор профессии с точки зрения качеств личности и задуматься о профессиях с позиций тех возможностей, которые они дают/ не дают человеку.
В уроке содержатся тесты на чтение, аудирование, упражнения на говорение, письмо. Обсуждение происходит в разных форматах: индивидуальном, в парах, в группах.
В связи с тем, что обсуждаемая проблема может оказаться новой для некоторых учащихся, практически во всех упражнениях содержатся содержательные и языковые опоры. Подчёркивается самостоятельность и ответственность в принятии решения.
Тема урока: «What profession to choose?»
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель урока: способствовать формированию профессионального самоопределения учащихся.
Для достижения поставленной цели определены следующие задачи.
Предметные задачи:
– активизировать употребление в речи учащихся лексику по теме “Выбор профессии” через разные виды речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, аудирование, письмо;
– познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме “Личностные качества”;
- развитие речевой деятельности учащихся
активизировать употребление лексико-грамматических структур;
формировать компетенцию речевого высказывания;
проконтролировать и закрепить лексику по теме “Выбор профессии”.
Метапредметные задачи:
– развивать у учащихся умение анализировать свои личностные качества, применительно к той или иной профессии;
– способствовать развитию умения определять профессиональные качества личности;
- развитие активного самостоятельного мышления, языковых и познавательных способностей школьников, ценностных ориентаций.
- развивать умения вести дискуссии.
- развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи.
Личностные задачи:
– способствовать воспитанию понимания у учащихся важности и необходимости реализации своих умений и способностей через выбранную профессию.
- воспитание культуры общения, потребности в практическом использовании языка.
- воспитание сознательного отношения к выбору будущей профессии.
- формировать культуру общения, уважения к труду, интерес к различным
- учить правильной самооценке своих способностей и интересов.
Предполагаемые формы и методы работы:
фронтальный опрос;
монологическая речь;
парная работа;
диалогическая речь.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация урока, раздаточный материал.
Ожидаемые результаты обучения:
В результате изучения темы учащиеся:
- Должны уметь
- вести разговор о профессиях;
- отвечать на вопросы учителя и одноклассников;
- высказывать своё мнение по теме урока, опираясь на изученный лексико-грамматический материал;
- давать советы;
- делать краткое сообщение по теме урока;
- давать оценку прочитанного;
- понимать речь учителя и одноклассников;
- понимать основное содержание звучащего текста и выполнить задания по тексту;
- читать текст с пониманием основного содержания и выполнить задания по тесту;
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.
I. Орг.момент. Приветствие. Режим работы T- Cl, T – P on duty
Teacher - Good morning, boys and girls!
And I’m glad to see you!
How are you? Who is absent today?
Now tell me, please:
What date is it today? What day is it today?
T.: Open your ex-books, write down the date and the day.(ученики открывают тетради и записывают дату и день).
T.: Well, today we will continue to speak about different jobs. You are going to revise the material taken at previous lessons , work in pairs and groups, play games, read, write and speak about what profession to choose. (слайд 1)
I would like our day to be wonderful, so let’s start the lesson with saying compliments. (P1-P2, P2 – P3)
P1 - Ira, you look wonderful today!
P2 - Thanks, you are very kind. Valya, your smile is so charming!
P3 - Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. Dima, you are so polite!
P4 -Thank you. Vadim, you are so confident! …
T.: Thank you, children, your compliments are so nice.
T.: Read the limerick and say whether it is easy or difficult for young people to choose their future career. (слайд 2)
If we could know which road to take,
If we were told which choice to make,
We wouldn’t need to hurry,
And nobody would worry,
Life would be just a piece of cake
T.: What can you say?
P1: I would like to say that it is difficult to choose a career, because there are very many ones. (P2, P3 …)
T.: Yes, I agree with you.
One of the most difficult problems for you is to choose you future profession. You are in the 9th form and you should decide what to do after finishing the 9th form: to leave school for getting a job in technical schools or to continue education at school in the 10th form. It is not an easy task to make a right choice.
Today at our lesson we try to learn how to choose a profession, which makes you to be happy.
But now phonetic drills. Repeat after me in chorus.
2 Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 3)
[o] correspondent, officer, doctor, model, operator
[ ] postman, soldier
[e] engineer, secretary, vet, dentist, telephonist
[ ] actor, mechanic, nanny
3 Актуализация имеющихся знаний заполнение кластера “Professions”. (слайд 4)
Teacher: students, let’s revise all the professions you know.Write down the names of professions in your word-web. (ученики делают записи в тетрадях, затем по цепочке читают название профессий, которые они вспомнили).
T.: But our world is changing. There are a lot of new things and new professions too.
Supply the most suitable words from the list on the right. (упражнение можно сократить)
Part A.
1. … is hard to find at the moment. a. boss
2. The quality of the food in a restaurant depends on its … b. chauffeur
3. I work in a garage as a car … . c. chef
4. Nancy has started a new … . d. colleague
5. Mrs. Wilkinson is the … of this shop, not the owner. e. college
6. If you want to know the way, ask a … . f. conductor
7. Who’s the … of the London Symphony Orchestra? g. doctor
8. Brenda Mittens was a university … at the age of 27. h. engineer
9. He has a car with a uniformed … . i. job
10.His school … has given him a good report. j. manager
11.What’s the name of the … of your company? k. mechanic
12.An … designs bridges or roads. l. medicine
13.The … of our shop is putting up the rent. m. owner
14. There had been a burglary, so we called the … . n. police
15. I went into business after I left … . o. policeman
16. I can’t use a … , never mind a word processor! p. professor
17.Jason is a … at the local hospital. q. teacher
18.Has the nurse given you your … ? r. typist
19.Smith is a … of mine at the office. s. typewriter
20.It’s useful to be a good … if you use a computer. t. work
ANSWERS: 1t ; 2c; 3k; 4i; 5j; 6o; 7f; 8p; 9b; 10q; 11a; 12h; 13m; 14n; 15e; 16s; 17g; 18l; 19d; 20r
Part B.
1. A person who undertakes investigations in order to discover new facts or to get additional information.
a. an actor
2. A man who uses land for growing crops and raising animals. b. an accountant 3. A workman who makes and repairs furniture.
c. a postman
4. A person whose work is filling, cleaning, taking out our teeth. d. a hair-dresser
5. A person who trains sportsmen for competitions. e. a soldier
6. A person whose work is shaving and cutting men’s hair. f. a dentist
7. A man who acts on the stage, on TV or in films. g. a farmer
8. A person who writes and keeps accounts. h. a barber
9. A man who delivers post. i. a carpenter
10.A member of the army. j. a coach
11.A person who dresses and cuts women’s hair. k. a researcher
ANSWERS: 1k; 2g; 3i; 4f; 5j; 6h; 7a; 8b; 9c; 10e; 11d.
T.: Now, let’s check your work. Well done. How clever of you.
4. Речевая зарядка. (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя). (Режим работы T – P1,P2, P3 …).
Teacher: Now, answer my questions, please.
- What professions are popular among the young people? (a manager, a designer, an accountant, a lawyer …)
- What do you want to be? (I want to be a doctor)
- Who helped you to choose a profession? (My parents, teachers, friends help me to choose a profession)
- Do you find this profession interesting (important)? (Yes, I do. I find this profession important and useful )
- What subjects are important for your profession? (physics, chemistry, biology, Russian …)
- What is the best way to prepare for any job? ( to study well, to read more books, learn more about the chosen profession…)
- What is important in choosing a profession? (P1:I want to have a well-paid job, exiting job, creative job, …)
- What is your mother (father) by profession?
Teacher: By the way, every job has its positive and negative things. Think it over and tell me what positive and negative about any job is. (P1, P2, P3, …) Here are the phrases. But first of all let’s read them in chorus and then one by one.
Gives you an opportunity to travel, long working hours, means meeting new people, low - paid, dangerous, regular working hours, important, creative, tiring, working in bad weather, every day is different, well-paid, boring, exiting, stressful.
P1: Gives you an opportunity to travel hours is a positive thing
Positive things negative things
Gives you an opportunity to travel long working hours
5. Работа с новой лексикой.
T: It is important for you to know how to use the word “job”, “profession” and “career”. Let’s read the words and their definitions, translate them.
A job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.
A career is the series of jobs that a person does in his/her life.
A profession is a job that requires special training and brings a rather high social status.
T.: Good, write down these words in your dictionaries. (ученики записывают эти слова в словарь).
6. Закрепление изученной лексики.
(С использованием упражнения на подставку, самостоятельная работа)
T.: Now, let’s see how you understood the difference between the words. I’ll give you sentences and the task will be to fill in this information about career education with job, profession, or career. (учитель раздаёт задания, распечатанные на бумаге. где ученики подставляют новые слова).
a) In their last three years at school, teenagers receive____________advice. There are a lot of_______________to choose from.
b)A______________teacher helps teenagers discover their interests and make the first steps to future________________
c) A lot of teenagers have a part-time________________
d)Annabel hopes to make painting her________________ although she knows it will not be easy.
e) A special booklet provides some tips for finding– the right__________________It gives information about nearly 250________________
T.: Have you done. OK. Then look at the computer, read the sentences and check up your variants. Have you got any mistakes? No? That’s fine. (если учащиеся не поняли предложения, то их надо перевести).
7. Выполнение теста.
T.: What would you like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No. (учитель раздаёт задания теста, ученики быстро выполняют её и подсчитывают баллы)
1. Do you like to travel ? | Yes | No |
2. Do you prefer to work indoors? |
3. Do you like talking to people? |
4. Do you prefer to work alone? |
5. Are you energetic? |
6. Do you like organizing things? |
7. Are you patient? |
8 Do you like animals? |
9. Are you noisy? |
10. Do you like to work with your hands? |
11. Are you artistic? |
12. Do you like working with numbers? |
13. Do you like children? |
14. Do you like looking after people? |
15. Are you calm? |
16. Are you musical? |
17. Do you like sport? |
18. Do you like working at night? |
19. Do you mind seeing blood? |
20. Do you like talking on the telephone? |
Check your answers and add up (подсчитать) your score.
| Yes | No |
1. | 10 | 5 |
2. | 10 | 5 |
3. | 10 | 10 |
4. | 2 | 2 |
5. | 20 | 5 |
6. | 1 | 0 |
7. | 5 | 0 |
8. | 4 | 3 |
9. | 0 | 5 |
10. | 1 | 2 |
11. | 5 | 5 |
12. | 2 | 2 |
13. | 2 | 5 |
14. | 10 | 2 |
15. | 2 | 10 |
16. | 4 | 2 |
17. | 5 | 4 |
18. | 5 | 7 |
19. | 1 | 4 |
70 | 5 | 4 |
If your score is between 5-45
You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zoo keeper, policeman
If your score is between 45-90
You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair-dresser, architect.
If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, fireman.
8. Формирование лексических навыков и активизация их в речи.
I: Do you know that personal qualities and your character traits are very important for choosing profession.
Now we’ll read, translate, write and remember the personal qualities. (Students read the new words all together, then one by one. The teacher asks student translate into English and into Russian some of the words).
Character traits
Attentive – внимательный Confident – уверенный Considerate – внимательный к другим, сострадательный Creative – творческий Fair – честный, порядочный Flexible – уступчивый, гибкий Forgiving – снисходительный Friendly – дружелюбный Generous – благородный Gentle – мягкий, добрый Polite – вежливый Practical – практичный Accurate – аккуратный Curious – любопытный Сourageous - бесстрашный | Clever – умный Talkative – разговорчивый Reliable – надежный Honest – честный Kind – добрый Patient – терпеливый Punctual – пунктуальный Responsible – ответственный Sincere – искренний Tactful – тактичный Temperate – сдержанный Tolerant – терпимый Sociable – общительный Optimistic – оптимистический Sensible – благородный Energetic – энергичный Sporty – спортивный Strict – строгий |
T: Good, now let’s play a game «Who remembered better» (режим работы T – P1,P2,P3…) учитель на листках бумаги с одной стороны пишет по-английски, а с другой стороны по-русски. Ребята вспоминают и произносят эти слова.
T.: Which of the following can mostly influence your choice of a future career? Put them in the order of importance. Compare your lists. (учащиеся составляют список, а затем сравнивают с соседом по парте. Читают друг другу по очереди)
The job I'd like to have should be
* interesting * unusual * exciting * pleasant
* prestigious * popular * satisfying * respected
* creative * challenging * easy to do * useful
Физкульминутка: учащиеся поют песенку «Say Hello!», выполняя движения.
9. Обучение навыкам говорения с использованием речевых опор. (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, составляя мини-монологи, используя речевые опоры). (P1,P2,P3 …)
T.: I think some of you have already chosen your future profession.
What profession would you like to choose? Why?
P1: I would like to choose the profession of a teacher, because I think it is very interesting and noble, though this job is low paid. I am sociable, patient, accurate and curious. To my mind I can be an excellent teacher.
P2: I would like to choose the profession of a fireman, because I think it is very important, firemen fight with fire, save people’s lives, they are courageous, strong, brave and they have got the ability to make decisions quickly.
What do you want to be? And why?
P3: As for me I want to be a hairdresser. This job is very creative and gives an opportunity to meet new people.
P4: I want to be a model, because this job is creative, beautiful, and I like to pose before cameras.
P5: I would like to choose a profession of a mechanic, because I fix cars, motorcycles and know engines very well.
P6: I would like to be a journalist, because I want to write articles and reports for newspapers and magazines.
P7: I would like to be a doctor, because it is a very important job and a lot of people need it.
P8: I would like to be a street cleaner, because I want our streets be clean.
P9 Then I would like to be a plant designer, because I want our streets be beautiful.
10. Работа в группах.
Ученики делятся на 3 группы по 5 человек, и каждая группа выбирает карточку с заданием.
T.: The task is you should advise your classmate to make the right choice. You should consider the personal qualities of your classmates and the traits of character. Discuss the task in groups.
Card № 1.
Dima wants to be a computer programmer.
What personal qualities should he have?
Group 1: Dima, we advise you to be a computer programmer, because you know computers very well, you can work in such programmes as Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Power Point, you are very educated, creative, curious, patient. We ask you to follow our advice.
Card № 2.
Sveta wants to be a dress designer.
What personal qualities should she have?
Group 2: Sveta, we think, that the best profession for you is the profession of a dress designer. You have got taste, you can draw, you are creative, imaginative, energetic, ambitious, confident and responsible. If you want to be happy choose this profession.
Card № 3.
Ira wants to be a journalist.
What personal qualities should she have?
Group 3: Ira wants to be a journalist and we agree with her choice, because she is sociable, educated, courageous, her English and Russian are not very bad and her compositions were always the best ones.
(Ученики выполняют задания в группах 3-4 минуты. Затем отвечают вслух)
Teacher: Well done.
11. Развитие творческой деятельности.
T.: I think you know the Russian and English proverbs and statements about professions and works. Match them. (учащиеся читают пословицы и подбирают их русские эквиваленты)
“The early bird gets the worm” “God helps those, who help them-selves” “Live and Learn” “It takes the character, the never – say – quit spirit to succeed in business” | “Для того, чтобы преуспеть в бизнесе, требуется характер и умение не сдаваться” “Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает” “Век живи – век учись” “На бога надейся, а сам не плошай” |
T.: OK. You are right
12. T.: Let’s have a rest. Guess who says the following. ( T –P1,P2,P3…)
1. Why haven’t you done your homework? (A teacher)
2. That’s 10 dollars, please. Thank you. (A shop assistant)
3. Open your mouth and say “AAH!” (A doctor, a dentist)
4. There’s a letter for you. Sign here, please. (A postman)
5. I sing at theatres or concert halls. People like to listen to my songs. (a singer)
6. I work at home. I look after the house, clean and wash up. (a housewife)
T.: Now, children, look at the screen. You can see some English words here. But the letters are not in the right order, will you make the words using these letters and guess the names of professions.
• heecatr (teacher)
• corotd (doctor)
• abilrairn ( librarian)
• rakbe (baker)
• refmar (farmer)
• marnfie (fireman)
• nesur (nurse)
T.: You have done it well. Let’s continue our work
13. Проверка домашнего задания. (Можно проверить, просмотрев записи в рабочей тетради, пройдясь по рядам)
T.: Now, children, let’s check up your homework. Your task was to complete the crossword puzzle. (p.71 ex.11 activity book)
T.: Well done
14. Развитие навыков аудирования (Exam Excellence (Ex.6 p.69))
T.: Now listening. Decide which of the jobs A-E can be described using the words or phrases in the list below. You can use some of them more than once. Let’s read the words in the list all together. What words you don’t know. Let’s translate them. These words help you in listening. Be attentive.
Put to bed, trees, blow- dry, get tips, morning paper, customers, wash, fruit crates, tell stories, front door, do a round, haircut, farm, feed, serve meals, perm, bring the bill, pick fruit, neighbourhood, look after
A Babysitting
B Fruit picking
C serving customers in a tea-room
D Delivering newspapers
E Helping in a hairdressing salon
A Babysitting | Speaker |
B Fruit picking | Speaker |
C serving customers in a tea-room | Speaker |
D Delivering newspapers | Speaker |
E Helping in a hairdressing salon | Speaker |
Answers: A-1
B - doesn’t appear in the recording
C – 3
D – 2
E – 4
T.: Very good
15. Reading (развитие навыков чтения, полное понимание текста)
T.: A. Read the text and say which advice you like best. (Из текста нужно выписать на доску незнакомые детям слова и фразы, отработать их произношение(прочитать хором, по цепочке), перевести на русский язык. то есть снять трудности; а также их можно отработать во время фонетической зарядки: выписать на доску все имена собственные и т.д.)
Thinking of Your Career?
Now you are not so far from the end of school. Have you made your choice of a career? If you have, are you working harder on the school subjects you are going to need in the future? Read what three successful professionals have to say about it.
Jennifer Morrison (she is writing her third novel): In school I did well, but felt discouraged by the teachers. It all changed one summer, I felt that my school wasn't doing enough to educate me. At the same time I understood that I was responsible for my own education. My advice is don't wait for others to educate you, do it yourself. Also read as much as you can
Patric Martin (he is a physician1): I didn't plan to be a doctor, but loved science. Later I found out that doctors also solve problems and rely on facts like scientists do, only they have to do it within a very short period of time. I like my work because I know that my decisions influence my patients' lives and I have to use my brain and hands every day. My advice to young people who made up their minds to study medicine is ask yourself why you want to be a doctor. If it is for the prestige or the money, find a different profession.
Chris Wilson (he is a computer engineer in San Francisco): When I was a kid, I wanted to be a rock star because of all the success and admiration they get. I began to play the guitar at the age of nine and spent the next 20 years chasing my dream. I finished high school and toured with a band playing in clubs. As a day job I did telephone surveys for a computer company. Eventually the company employed me full time and let me learn on the job. I started to make real money and finally it occurred to me that maybe computers were more than a day job. At the age of 27 I gave up my rock star dreams because music had become nothing but a chore. My advice to young people is — you have freedom to sculpt your future but remember that there's no time to waste.
T.: B. Choose the right item.
1) Jennifer thinks that in education you should rely on ... .
a) your teachers b) your parents c) yourself
2)Patric thinks that the medical and scientific professions ... .
a) are very different
b) are alike
c) can not be compared
3) Patric thinks that ... who wants to study medicine can become a doctor.
a) everyone b) not everyone c) practically no one
4) When Chris says that he chased a dream he means that
a) he looked for something unrealistic
b) he looked for something nobody wanted
c) he looked for something very unusual
5) For Chris music was the most important thing in his life,
a) never b) always c) for some time
T.: Now, read the text one by one
Teacher: read the dialogue and answer the question: Does a hobby help to choose a profession?
- Vica, what do you think about your future profession?
— It is difficult to answer this question. There are many useful professions in our country.
— What professions do you think are more useful?
— I think such professions as a lawyer, a tailor, a cook, a teacher, a pilot, a driver are very interesting and useful
— What professions do you like?
— I like a profession of a lawyer. I think it is necessary to choose the profession according to one's character and taste
— But I am sure that our hobby helps us to choose our future profession.
— I agree with you. My friend Sveta is fond of playing different computer games. By the way it has become one of the numerous hobbies. She is going to connect her future profession with computers.
- My friend Tonya has a hobby too. Her hobby is cooking. She likes to make cakes and pies. Her cakes are very tasty and we advise her to be a cook.
— I want my parents to advise me to choose the future profession. They are kind and experienced persons and I believe them.
P1: To my mind, a hobby helps to choose a profession.
P2: I fully agree with you. I think that every job is a hobby, only paid.
T.: Now, let’s read the dialogue in roles. (учащиеся читают диалог по ролям)
17. Объяснение домашнего задания
T.: The homework is to write an essay about your future profession.(учитель должен объяснить как писать эссе, вместе можно составить план написания)
18. Итоги урока. Заключение.
Thank you for your work. We’ve done very many things today. And your marks are…..
I wish you good luck! Good–bye!
Цели и задачи, поставленные перед уроком были полностью выполнены в ходе учебного процесса.
К концу урока учащиеся научились:
- работать с новой лексикой (активной — для заучивания наизусть и пассивной — на узнавание в тексте).
- строить диалогические и монологические высказывания по теме «What profession to choose?»
- работать с прослушанным и прочитанным текстами: извлечение основной информации, извлечение запрашиваемой или нужной информации.
Урок был коммуникативно - направленным и продуктивным.
1. Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English – учебник англ.яз. для 9 класса общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010
2. . Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English – рабочая тетрадь для 9 класса общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010
3.Oxford Exams Excellence: Oxford University Press.
4. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва Программа курса английского языка «Английский с удовольствием», - Титул, 2010
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Цели:Обучение ознакомительному чтению (Работа над диалогом / контроль умений в диалогической речи)Формирование профессионального самоопределения учащихся...