План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме: “In days to come. Choosing a profession.”.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Колчанова Н.Е.
МБОУ СОШ № 1 г. Пушкино
2017 г.
План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме:
“In days to come. Choosing a profession.”.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Колчанова Н.Е.
МБОУ СОШ № 1 г. Пушкино
2017 г.
План-конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме:
“In days to come. Choosing a profession.”.
групповая форма работы
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
The teacher: Good afternoon students, how are you today? Hope you are fine.
Warming up: My students, in what ways do you communicate with people?
The students: (There are phrases on the board) – break a promise, get on one’s nerves, have an argument, make friends, put the blame on smb., wear the pants, approve of sb, show off, cope with, lose control, give in, tell a lie, insist.
T: Today we have a special lesson. We are going to work in groups. The groups have already been formed; now choose a leader of each group please (half a minute).
Ok, so, let’s listen to the recording and guess our today’s topic.
Student’s book p. 120 - listening to the first part of the text.
Did you guess? What is it? Right you are (slide 1)
What are the aims of our lesson?
(to broaden our minds, to get prepared for making a right choice, to learn to be tolerant, to think my future will be like, to speak about the famous people’s professions, to analyze our own inclinations for certain subjects)- Well done, thank you
Our today’s topic is extremely important for everybody, because when you choose your future profession you choose your way in life. This choice can influence your whole life.
As a Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If you choose a right profession you won’t have to work a day in your life”. Do you agree?.
T: We are going to talk about: having a dream. 1. Henry Ford
2. Beethoven
3. Einstein
4. George Lucas
5. Abraham Lincoln slide 2
What did they do to have their dreams come true? Each group should choose one of the famous person 9(ex.1 p. 120) to discuss the story of the success (profession)
S: Taking everything into consideration and using the texts (p. 121) we can Say
-Believe in yourself
-Take steps to achieve your dreams
- Do not give up
T: Working with vocabulary (Hopes and Dreams) – Writing work (ex. 4)
There are about 40 thousand professions in the world and every year some of them disappear or become less popular and other emerge. Slide 3
What are the most popular and desirable professions nowadays? Let’s dream (we are repeating Conditionals (1,2,3)-Grammar focus
-If I were in his position
-I see myself
- If I can, I will
- I desperately want to be
- I might try if
- I’ve always dreamed of and
It is time to relax. Singing the song: “ Sweet dreams”
Children speak on the topic.
We are going to revise the names of professions. What jobs and occupations do you know? Let’s see
Come up to the blackboard and fill in the boxes (any volunteer comes up and writes down the words said by groups.
It’s logical that all these occupations can be divided into some groups. What groups and why?
Jobs can be:
- Creative
- Scientific/Mental
- Physical
- Service
- Popular
- Modern Let’s choose your job
T: you have cards: you should work with tables talking about your future plans and ambitions:
- Asking 2. Responding
Two people from groups are answering (work in pairs)
T: My friend, just listen to the quotes:
- “The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy – I mean that if you are happy you will be good.” Bertrand Russell, British philosopher.
- If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.” Mark Twain, American writer.
T: Your homework will be writing skills: try to write an essay using one of the quotes you have above.
To conclude:
Thank you, students.
Now we should discuss our lesson. What are your ideas according to the future plans, dreams, professions? What are our results?
Well, today we have achieved our goals, I hope the lesson was informative, enjoyable and helpful, modern. as it’s time to make your dreams come true. But our lesson is over. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks!!!
Believe in yourself, never give up.
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