English for Specific Purposes - актуальные направления изучения английского языка
статья по английскому языку
Небольшая статья об одном из эффективных способов изучения английского языка для работы в разных проф. отраслях
Предварительный просмотр:
English for Specific Purposes
(ESP)– is professionally-oriented approach in English teaching. The popularity of this method is in a wide range of training programs. All of them are tailored to specific professional and academic activities.
This approach has a lot of advantages, such as possibility to correct a curriculum (according to your needs and professional interests) or working out the main professional situations and routines through some language tasks and skills that can happen in a real life (practice-oriented education), of course with using special vocabulary.
Moreover, ESP courses suppose flexible forms of work, including distance learning and using online resources as additional to train some skills. It is a very good opportunity for working participants of this course.
It is assumed that after finishing the ESP course, you will be prepared to work very properly.
To my opinion, this approach is successfully realizes at high education in our country. No matter what professional direction you choose, language teaching is adopted to your professional needs. There are many formats of syllabus design. It depends on your purposes and future professional skills. For example, imagine a public safety professional. What situations are typical for this professional sphere? I think it can be communicating, writing some documents such as complaints and reports and so on and so forth. So that, we can say that professional skills can be developed through some typical professional situations (a face-to-face interview with only English speaking tourist, writing composition of a report or complaint, telephone conversations with police). This experience will help to feel confident at work.
When I was a student of the geographic faculty there was a very interesting and specially adopted English language course. During our lessons we worked out typical situations and routines of geologists, meteorologists, geomorphologists, and other geographical professions. They are very close to each other and have the same vocabulary. So that it was very actual to show how various the geography can be. With help of our teacher we divided into groups of 4-5 people and designed syllabus, based on selected geographical direction. Our work was organized as project method. After proper studying we shared our experience with our colleagues. We all spent 1 academic year to work out our projects. It was very interesting experience. And we were very proud to study geography and to have an opportunity to tell about it in English.
In conclusion I can say that ESP is a really effective approach in English teaching because you can take part in designing of the syllabus according to you needs.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
English for specific purposes (ESP) is professionally-oriented approach in English teaching. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or people already in employment , with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need . As with any language taught for specific purposes, a given course of ESP will focus on one profession , such as Technical English, Scientific English, English for medical professionals, English for waiters, English for tourism, etc.
The main advantages ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners possibility to correct a curriculum , according to your needs and professional interests ESP is centered on the language appropriate to particular activities in terms of grammar, lexis, study skills ESP courses suppose flexible forms , including distance learning and using online resources . It is a very good opportunity for working students
English for housekeeping department
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