Конспект открытого урока английского языка "Сладкий запах успеха"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данный урок является заключительным при изучении темы "Личность"-10класс,УМК."New Millennium English".Цель:научить учащихся вести дискуссию о способах достижения успеха.
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №1 Комсомольск-на Амуре Хабаровского края
Конспект урока по английскому языку
«Сладкий вкус успеха»
для 10 класса
Подготовила: Игнатенко Наталья Даниловна
Учитель английского языка
Конспект урока по английскому языку «Сладкий вкус успеха» для 10 класса
Учитель: Игнатенко Наталья Даниловна
Место в учебном процессе: Заключительный урок по теме ”Личность”, 10 класс, раздел 2, урок8, УМК “New Millennium English 10”, авторы О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая и др.(Обнинск: Титул, 2010).
Цели на уроке для ученика:
Предметные результаты:
-знать о способах словообразования;
-иметь представление о лексике, характеризующей положительные и отрицательные человеческие качества;
-иметь представление о способах работы с толковыми словарями Longman, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Diсtionary, Dictionary For Advanced Learnеrs, Lingvo, Macmillan English Dictionary, Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English
-знать набор разговорных клише, необходимых для выражения собственного мнения;
-иметь преставление об адекватном лексико-грамматическом оформлении речевого высказывания;
Проблема: Все люди разные, а что значит успех для самих учащихся, как они будут добиваться успеха в жизни.
Метапредметные результаты.
Познавательные УУД:
-уметь самостоятельно выбирать основания и критерии при анализе способов достижения успеха в жизни;
-уметь классифицировать положительные и отрицательные человеческие качества;
-уметь заполнить сравнительную таблицу;
-уметь представить текст в виде интеллект-карты.
Коммуникативные УУД:
-ответить на вопросы по тексту;
-прочитать текст об “американской мечте”. Сформулировать главную мысль, сделать вывод и объяснить в чём суть “американской мечты”;
-уметь работать в группе при обсуждении мини-проекта “Как я вижу своё будущее?”
Регулятивные УУД:
-построить интеллект-карты на тему “Способы достижения успеха”, “Сферы успешности”;
-решить задачу: как можно объяснить разницу точек зрения девочек и мальчиков о сферах наибольшей успешности.
Личностные результаты:
-уметь объяснить свою точку зрения о наиболее важных способах и сферах достижения успеха;
-уметь планировать свою жизнь по достижению успеха.
Цели для учителя:
-научить учащихся давать аргументированные ответы по данной проблемной ситуации;
-создать благоприятные условия, стимулирующие учащихся на свои собственные суждения и высказывания;
-помочь осознать для себя свое видение успеха и способы его реализации (выработать свою формулу успеха через творческий мини -проект).
- сформировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме
Материалы и оборудование: компьютеры в компьютерном классе, мультимедийный проектор, листы с текстами, фотографии успешных людей, ватманы, наборы фломастеров, презентация учителя.
Ход урока:
I.Введение в тему. Hello, students! Glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson. To begin with, I would like you to look at the screen.
На слайде галерея фотографий успешных людей мира. Среди них: Харрисон Форд, Владимир Спиваков, Генри Форд, Джоан Роулинг, Владимир Потанин, Мэри Кэй.
Вопросы к учащимся:Look at the photos. Who are these people? What do they have in common?
Student 1.As far as I know these people are famous all over the world. Among them I see a well-known musician, actor, writer and businessmen.
Student 2.In addition, all of them have achieved great success in their jobs. It is a common thing with them.
Student 3.Probably their paths to the top of their fame were not so easy.
Teacher. You are quite right. What is meant here under the words ‘’to the top of the mountain’’ and ‘’the view’’?
Student 4.I think the’’ top’’ is the ‘’aim’’ and the ‘’view’’ means the’’ result’’.
Student 5. I agree with S4, but the top may be also "success" because I believe success is the aim for lots of people. They can choose different means to get it and as a result they have what they want to.
Teacher. Right you are. So, what do you think the problems of our today's discussion are?
Student 6.I suppose we are going to discuss why they became famous.
Student 7. I believe we’ll speak about hardships on the way to fame.
Teacher. Actually, all your suggestions are correct and I have nothing to add except saying that today we’ll also try to look into your future and try to define what real success is. The theme of our discussion is ’’The sweet smell of success”.
II Основная часть
Teacher. But what makes success? What do we need for it? How to achieve success? These are the things we are going to discuss and to check if success really smells sweet.
We've used the word "success" in our speech several times already. In my opinion we should define this word. What is "success"?
How do you understand it?. I think we can do it with the help of computer. I believe you know what part computers play in our life. They are very helpful and necessary everywhere, especially in education. Besides, some people believe that the knowledge of computer is also a so-called ticket to success. Let's take this advantage. You are good computer users, aren't you?
Please, take your seats in front of the computers. Your task is to make use of the on-line dictionaries and find definitions of the word "success". You have access to such dictionaries as: Macmillan English Dictionary , Lingva, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English, etc.
What definitions have you found? Which definition is closer to your understanding of the word "success"? Choose the most appropriate explanation or you can try to give your own one.
Student 1. Success is the fact that you have achieved something that you want or have been trying to do or to get.
Student 2. Success is the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a high social position.
Student 3. Success is the gaining of what is aimed at; prosperity.
Student 4. Success is achievement of something intended or desired.
Student 5. Success is attaining wealth or fame.
Student 6. Success can be somebody or something that does well. It is referred both to people and things.
Student 7. ...
Teacher. What do all these definitions have in common?
Student1. The common thing is that you get what you want, perhaps either in a fair or in an unfair way.
Student 2. In some definitions success is associated with fame, prosperity, wealth, triumph, money, power, respect, a high social position.
Teacher. In certain meanings they are synonyms. Such things as fame, wealth, money and power are the main motivators of success. Do you agree with me?
Student 3. Exactly.
Teacher. As for the word "successful" it is derived from "success". Look through the dictionary entries once again to study more examples of the same kind and fill in the table. Click the mouse to find it.
Ready? Let's read them up.
Student 1. Success is a noun, successful is an adjective, to succeed in smth/doing smth is a verb.
Student 2. The phrases are: the sweet smell of success
(the name of our discussion), to be drunk/flushed with success, to be one's ticket to success, to make a success of smth, to have some success, to be a success in smth/as, etc.
Teacher. In fact, success or failure in our life is caused by personal traits of character, isn’t it?
Student 3. Absolutely.
Teacher. Now, look at the list of adjectives .What do they mean?
Student 4 .Positive and negative features of character.
Teacher.Is S4 right?
Student 5.Definitely.
Teacher. Your task is to sort these adjectives into 2 columns according to the following criteria:
the most important and unimportant ones.
Personal traits of character
Hard-working, independent, patient, , sociable, generous, bossy, frank, strong-willed, accurate, decisive, broad-minded, obedient, reliable, intelligent, determined, careful, firm, honest, , doubtful, , straightforward, indifferent, quick-minded, , truthful, shy, polite, creative, fair, persistent, supportive, friendly, cheerful, sensitive, calm, helpful, absent-minded, , respected, rude, irritated, confident, nervous, , polite, enthusiastic, optimistic, ambitious, narrow-minded, tolerant
Most important | Unimportant | |
Teacher.Your time is up. It's time to listen to your ideas. Let’s start with the most important features. Who would like to start?
Student 1. Strong-willed, enthusiastic, , persistent, confident.
Student 2. Ambitious, persistent, hard-working, quick-minded, determined.
Student 3. Sociable, tolerant, energetic, hard-working, independent.
Teacher. While checking the task I'll ask P4 to sum up all the ideas and make a general conclusion in the form of the table on your computer what the most popular answers are
Student 4. ...
Teacher. S4, thank you for the summary table. You see the ideas are different but ambitious, persistent, and hard-working are beyond any doubt.
And what about unimportant ones?
Student 5. Selfish, doubtful, nervous.
Student 6. Sensitive, absent-minded, honest, indifferent.
Student 7. Narrow-minded, absent-minded, indifferent, shy.
Student 8…
Teacher .Do you think they were worth mentioning at all?
Student 9. Yes, they were. I find it very useful to have a look at my personality from different sides.
Teacher. What does our summary table say again? You haven't chosen some traits of character as the most important qualities. It means that they are of little significance. Some of them are even harmful. Nevertheless a negative result is also of some importance, you know: it's better to avoid them on the way to your success, especially doubtfulness, absent-mindedness, indifference.
There is no doubt that nowadays work takes the most part of our life. However, people can be successful not only in their jobs.
Where else can people succeed? In which spheres of our life? What else do they need for success besides their personal qualities? These questions are our next steps to the secret of our success. Have a look at these photos
Учащимся вновь демонстрируются фотографии успешных, счастливых людей.
Where can success be achieved? What spheres of our life do they illustrate? Try to guess. Don't forget to explain your choice.
Student 1. The first picture illustrates "love", the feeling without which nobody can go in the world. It is one of our most essential spheres of life. There is a newly-married couple there. They seem to be happy and love each other..
Student 2. The next photo represents a businesswoman. She is looking at her watch. She may have an appointment with her business partners. This sphere is "job/business".
Student 3. ... education.
Student 4. ... relations with friends/other people.
Student 5.... family.
Teacher. Do you really think that a good family is an aim in life?
Student 6. Good family relations, children around you ... It sounds very supportive in life. You have somebody to rely on and give you advice. It seems to me that one of the main family values is when you in your own family find a shelter from the storm, feel comfortable, secure and protected. As for me it's more important than success in business.
Teacher. For some people it goes without saying. They don't believe that it is possible to achieve success in family relations. According to this diagram you've named all 5 spheres: job/career, family, education, love, relations with friends/other people
Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life.
What would you put at the first (second, third, ...) place? What is more important for you? Put them in order of importance. (1 = most important... 5 = least important). I'll give you a minute to think of it.
Student 1. Education, career, love, family, relations with friends/ other people.
Student 2. Love, family, relations with friends, education, career.
Student 3. Relations with friends, love, education, family, career.
Student 4. Career, education, relations with friends, , love, family.
Teacher. Let's listen to the girls first, then the boys.
Teacher. What is more important for you?
Girls | Boys |
Student 1 | Student 1 |
Student 2 | Student 2 |
Student 3 | Student 3 |
Student 1. In our world community men and women don't have the same opportunities to be successful in their life. Besides the nature both of men and women also influences their choice. According to the statistics women prefer family to career and men pay more attention to their job or business.
Teacher. Yes, it's true that everyone has his/her own priorities and chooses their aim to gain.
But in spite of various spheres where success can be achieved there are the same ways to gain the aim. As you have noticed we've come back to the Chinese proverb again: "There are many paths to the top of the mountain but the view is always the same". How clever and far-sighted the Chinese are!
Teacher. And what is the idea of success for Americans? I suppose you've heard such a phrase as "the American dream" many times in films and literature. Have you got any idea of it?
Student 1. I think "The American dream’’ is the dream to become rich, happy and successful.
Student 2. When you work hard, you want to have something for it.
Student 3. People come to America to find a better life, to achieve something in their life. They dream about a good profession, their own house. They would also like to get freedom and equal rights.
Student 4. America is considered to be the country of numerous opportunities.
Teacher. Good. Let's see if your guesses were right. There is a very short text for you that is called "Harland Sanders"
While reading you should find the answers to the following questions:
1. In which sphere of life did Harland achieve his success?
2. What was his way to success? Was it easy?
3. What do you think what personal qualities helped him to succeed in life? You have 3 minutes to look through this text and be ready to answer the questions.
Harland Sanders
Harland Sanders was an American businessman, best known for founding Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). His father was a butcher and died when Harland was a boy. At the age of 10 he began to work as a farmhand for the local farmers. Harland was on bad terms with his stepfather and had to drop out of school and go to live and work on a nearby farm. Later he worked as a railroad worker and fireman.
At nights, being married and having 3 children he studied law by correspondence. Soon Sanders started his legal career.
He lost his jobs several times. Some years later he established a ferry boat company but the venture failed.
Harland began to serve chicken dishes and other meals at one of the restaurants. His popularity grew and as a result he opened his own restaurant.
In 1952 at the age of 62 Colonel established the chain of KFC fast food restaurants and 2 years later the outlets were set up in other countries such as Canada, England, Mexico –more than 600 outlets. He became one of the richest and most successful businessmen of the USA.
Teacher. Your time is up. Let's check your answers.
Student 1. He achieved his success in business.
Student 2. Money was unlikely to help him become successful as he came from an ordinary family. Perhaps it was a great motivator for him as he made several efforts to set up his own business but succeeded when he was over 60.
Student 3.I believe it was impossible to achieve anything without hard work. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. It's rather difficult.
Student 4. I'm sure he was just lucky.
Student 5. To my mind Sanders’ personal qualities also played a certain role in making his career.
Student 6.He was ambitious, determined, persistent, and even stubborn.
Student 7. He looked straightforward, decisive and optimistic. He seems not to be afraid of difficulties.
Teacher. You were very close to the right answers. Nothing is left for me but add only some words to the notion of "the American dream". Having material goods proves that a person is hard-working; so many people try to have everything their neighbors have. They expect their children to live a better life than they do.
The national idea for the majority of Americans is as follows, "We're all born equal. But after that we are on our own. Nobody is going to hand you success on a plate. If you want to succeed, you'll have to make it on your own: your own energy, your own head, and your own ambitions. If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again." What do you think is necessary to be successful? What arc these ways to the top of the mountain?
Student 1. Health.
Student 2. Someone's support.
Student 3. Money.
Student 4. Good luck.
Student 5. Personal qualities such as persistence, ambition, self- confidence.
Student 6. Talent.
Student 7. Education.
Student 8. Risk.
Student 9. Hard work.
Student 11. Experience.
Student 12. Hope.
Student 13. Personal appearance.
Teacher. What opportunities do we, Russians, have to do well in life? How do we see our future? What is the Russian dream? I hope you'll help me to answer these questions and explain your choice in the form of a mini-project.
To make the project you are to divide into groups. How shall we make them? I offer you to do it in the following way: I've got cards with the same names of the ways how to achieve
success as you saw on the blackboard. Which way would you prefer? Here are they. These are the ways that help us to make groups.
Who wants to dispute the point of view that hard work is the most necessary to succeed in life? (... money, ... education, and so on.)
Take you seats over there. We have got 4 (5, ...) groups. Here is the paper and the set of felt-tip pens for each group. On each sheet of paper there is a vertical line in the form of a path to the top of the mountain. Starting with this initial point that is at the bottom "November, 2015" you should show your own way(s) to the top of the mountain symbolizing your future success "November, 2029".
Remember to say:
what and where you will be in 14 years;
what way(s) you will choose, what you need for it.
In the groups there are like-minded friends. That is why I hope you will manage to come to an agreement.
In 5-7 minutes we'll find out how these paths have led you to success and if these very ways are really reliable.
Student 1. If we manage to fulfill all these tasks and our dreams come true in 2029 I see myself as an interpreter.
Student 2. I`ll be a lawyer.
Student 3. And my profession will be an international economist. In our opinion it's a good start for making a family.
III Заключительная часть урока
Teacher. So many people, so many opinions. Each person prefers his/her way to achieve a goal. But there is no doubt that none of them is short, as there are no short cuts to success. As the English proverb says, "Real success comes in small portions every day." Do you remember the topic of our discussion? A sweet smell of success. Though we are short of time I am still wondering if success really smells sweet, for you personally.
Устная или письменная рефлексия :
Before the lessonI didn’t know, but now I know that… | |
Now I can… | |
I need it for… |
Список литературы:
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №1 Комсомольск-на Амуре Хабаровского края
Конспект урока по английскому языку
«Сладкий вкус успеха»
для 10 класса
Подготовила: Игнатенко Наталья Даниловна
Учитель английского языка
Конспект урока по английскому языку «Сладкий вкус успеха» для 10 класса
Учитель: Игнатенко Наталья Даниловна
Место в учебном процессе: Заключительный урок по теме ”Личность”, 10 класс, раздел 2, урок8, УМК “New Millennium English 10”, авторы О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая и др.(Обнинск: Титул, 2010).
Цели на уроке для ученика:
Предметные результаты:
-знать о способах словообразования;
-иметь представление о лексике, характеризующей положительные и отрицательные человеческие качества;
-иметь представление о способах работы с толковыми словарями Longman, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Diсtionary, Dictionary For Advanced Learnеrs, Lingvo, Macmillan English Dictionary, Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English
-знать набор разговорных клише, необходимых для выражения собственного мнения;
-иметь преставление об адекватном лексико-грамматическом оформлении речевого высказывания;
Проблема: Все люди разные, а что значит успех для самих учащихся, как они будут добиваться успеха в жизни.
Метапредметные результаты.
Познавательные УУД:
-уметь самостоятельно выбирать основания и критерии при анализе способов достижения успеха в жизни;
-уметь классифицировать положительные и отрицательные человеческие качества;
-уметь заполнить сравнительную таблицу;
-уметь представить текст в виде интеллект-карты.
Коммуникативные УУД:
-ответить на вопросы по тексту;
-прочитать текст об “американской мечте”. Сформулировать главную мысль, сделать вывод и объяснить в чём суть “американской мечты”;
-уметь работать в группе при обсуждении мини-проекта “Как я вижу своё будущее?”
Регулятивные УУД:
-построить интеллект-карты на тему “Способы достижения успеха”, “Сферы успешности”;
-решить задачу: как можно объяснить разницу точек зрения девочек и мальчиков о сферах наибольшей успешности.
Личностные результаты:
-уметь объяснить свою точку зрения о наиболее важных способах и сферах достижения успеха;
-уметь планировать свою жизнь по достижению успеха.
Цели для учителя:
-научить учащихся давать аргументированные ответы по данной проблемной ситуации;
-создать благоприятные условия, стимулирующие учащихся на свои собственные суждения и высказывания;
-помочь осознать для себя свое видение успеха и способы его реализации (выработать свою формулу успеха через творческий мини -проект).
- сформировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме
Материалы и оборудование: компьютеры в компьютерном классе, мультимедийный проектор, листы с текстами, фотографии успешных людей, ватманы, наборы фломастеров, презентация учителя.
Ход урока:
I.Введение в тему. Hello, students! Glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson. To begin with, I would like you to look at the screen.
На слайде галерея фотографий успешных людей мира. Среди них: Харрисон Форд, Владимир Спиваков, Генри Форд, Джоан Роулинг, Владимир Потанин, Мэри Кэй.
Вопросы к учащимся:Look at the photos. Who are these people? What do they have in common?
Student 1.As far as I know these people are famous all over the world. Among them I see a well-known musician, actor, writer and businessmen.
Student 2.In addition, all of them have achieved great success in their jobs. It is a common thing with them.
Student 3.Probably their paths to the top of their fame were not so easy.
Teacher. You are quite right. What is meant here under the words ‘’to the top of the mountain’’ and ‘’the view’’?
Student 4.I think the’’ top’’ is the ‘’aim’’ and the ‘’view’’ means the’’ result’’.
Student 5. I agree with S4, but the top may be also "success" because I believe success is the aim for lots of people. They can choose different means to get it and as a result they have what they want to.
Teacher. Right you are. So, what do you think the problems of our today's discussion are?
Student 6.I suppose we are going to discuss why they became famous.
Student 7. I believe we’ll speak about hardships on the way to fame.
Teacher. Actually, all your suggestions are correct and I have nothing to add except saying that today we’ll also try to look into your future and try to define what real success is. The theme of our discussion is ’’The sweet smell of success”.
II Основная часть
Teacher. But what makes success? What do we need for it? How to achieve success? These are the things we are going to discuss and to check if success really smells sweet.
We've used the word "success" in our speech several times already. In my opinion we should define this word. What is "success"?
How do you understand it?. I think we can do it with the help of computer. I believe you know what part computers play in our life. They are very helpful and necessary everywhere, especially in education. Besides, some people believe that the knowledge of computer is also a so-called ticket to success. Let's take this advantage. You are good computer users, aren't you?
Please, take your seats in front of the computers. Your task is to make use of the on-line dictionaries and find definitions of the word "success". You have access to such dictionaries as: Macmillan English Dictionary , Lingva, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English, etc.
What definitions have you found? Which definition is closer to your understanding of the word "success"? Choose the most appropriate explanation or you can try to give your own one.
Student 1. Success is the fact that you have achieved something that you want or have been trying to do or to get.
Student 2. Success is the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a high social position.
Student 3. Success is the gaining of what is aimed at; prosperity.
Student 4. Success is achievement of something intended or desired.
Student 5. Success is attaining wealth or fame.
Student 6. Success can be somebody or something that does well. It is referred both to people and things.
Student 7. ...
Teacher. What do all these definitions have in common?
Student1. The common thing is that you get what you want, perhaps either in a fair or in an unfair way.
Student 2. In some definitions success is associated with fame, prosperity, wealth, triumph, money, power, respect, a high social position.
Teacher. In certain meanings they are synonyms. Such things as fame, wealth, money and power are the main motivators of success. Do you agree with me?
Student 3. Exactly.
Teacher. As for the word "successful" it is derived from "success". Look through the dictionary entries once again to study more examples of the same kind and fill in the table. Click the mouse to find it.
Ready? Let's read them up.
Student 1. Success is a noun, successful is an adjective, to succeed in smth/doing smth is a verb.
Student 2. The phrases are: the sweet smell of success
(the name of our discussion), to be drunk/flushed with success, to be one's ticket to success, to make a success of smth, to have some success, to be a success in smth/as, etc.
Teacher. In fact, success or failure in our life is caused by personal traits of character, isn’t it?
Student 3. Absolutely.
Teacher. Now, look at the list of adjectives .What do they mean?
Student 4 .Positive and negative features of character.
Teacher.Is S4 right?
Student 5.Definitely.
Teacher. Your task is to sort these adjectives into 2 columns according to the following criteria:
the most important and unimportant ones.
Personal traits of character
Hard-working, independent, patient, , sociable, generous, bossy, frank, strong-willed, accurate, decisive, broad-minded, obedient, reliable, intelligent, determined, careful, firm, honest, , doubtful, , straightforward, indifferent, quick-minded, , truthful, shy, polite, creative, fair, persistent, supportive, friendly, cheerful, sensitive, calm, helpful, absent-minded, , respected, rude, irritated, confident, nervous, , polite, enthusiastic, optimistic, ambitious, narrow-minded, tolerant
Most important | Unimportant | |
Teacher.Your time is up. It's time to listen to your ideas. Let’s start with the most important features. Who would like to start?
Student 1. Strong-willed, enthusiastic, , persistent, confident.
Student 2. Ambitious, persistent, hard-working, quick-minded, determined.
Student 3. Sociable, tolerant, energetic, hard-working, independent.
Teacher. While checking the task I'll ask P4 to sum up all the ideas and make a general conclusion in the form of the table on your computer what the most popular answers are
Student 4. ...
Teacher. S4, thank you for the summary table. You see the ideas are different but ambitious, persistent, and hard-working are beyond any doubt.
And what about unimportant ones?
Student 5. Selfish, doubtful, nervous.
Student 6. Sensitive, absent-minded, honest, indifferent.
Student 7. Narrow-minded, absent-minded, indifferent, shy.
Student 8…
Teacher .Do you think they were worth mentioning at all?
Student 9. Yes, they were. I find it very useful to have a look at my personality from different sides.
Teacher. What does our summary table say again? You haven't chosen some traits of character as the most important qualities. It means that they are of little significance. Some of them are even harmful. Nevertheless a negative result is also of some importance, you know: it's better to avoid them on the way to your success, especially doubtfulness, absent-mindedness, indifference.
There is no doubt that nowadays work takes the most part of our life. However, people can be successful not only in their jobs.
Where else can people succeed? In which spheres of our life? What else do they need for success besides their personal qualities? These questions are our next steps to the secret of our success. Have a look at these photos
Учащимся вновь демонстрируются фотографии успешных, счастливых людей.
Where can success be achieved? What spheres of our life do they illustrate? Try to guess. Don't forget to explain your choice.
Student 1. The first picture illustrates "love", the feeling without which nobody can go in the world. It is one of our most essential spheres of life. There is a newly-married couple there. They seem to be happy and love each other..
Student 2. The next photo represents a businesswoman. She is looking at her watch. She may have an appointment with her business partners. This sphere is "job/business".
Student 3. ... education.
Student 4. ... relations with friends/other people.
Student 5.... family.
Teacher. Do you really think that a good family is an aim in life?
Student 6. Good family relations, children around you ... It sounds very supportive in life. You have somebody to rely on and give you advice. It seems to me that one of the main family values is when you in your own family find a shelter from the storm, feel comfortable, secure and protected. As for me it's more important than success in business.
Teacher. For some people it goes without saying. They don't believe that it is possible to achieve success in family relations. According to this diagram you've named all 5 spheres: job/career, family, education, love, relations with friends/other people
Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life.
What would you put at the first (second, third, ...) place? What is more important for you? Put them in order of importance. (1 = most important... 5 = least important). I'll give you a minute to think of it.
Student 1. Education, career, love, family, relations with friends/ other people.
Student 2. Love, family, relations with friends, education, career.
Student 3. Relations with friends, love, education, family, career.
Student 4. Career, education, relations with friends, , love, family.
Teacher. Let's listen to the girls first, then the boys.
Teacher. What is more important for you?
Girls | Boys |
Student 1 | Student 1 |
Student 2 | Student 2 |
Student 3 | Student 3 |
Student 1. In our world community men and women don't have the same opportunities to be successful in their life. Besides the nature both of men and women also influences their choice. According to the statistics women prefer family to career and men pay more attention to their job or business.
Teacher. Yes, it's true that everyone has his/her own priorities and chooses their aim to gain.
But in spite of various spheres where success can be achieved there are the same ways to gain the aim. As you have noticed we've come back to the Chinese proverb again: "There are many paths to the top of the mountain but the view is always the same". How clever and far-sighted the Chinese are!
Teacher. And what is the idea of success for Americans? I suppose you've heard such a phrase as "the American dream" many times in films and literature. Have you got any idea of it?
Student 1. I think "The American dream’’ is the dream to become rich, happy and successful.
Student 2. When you work hard, you want to have something for it.
Student 3. People come to America to find a better life, to achieve something in their life. They dream about a good profession, their own house. They would also like to get freedom and equal rights.
Student 4. America is considered to be the country of numerous opportunities.
Teacher. Good. Let's see if your guesses were right. There is a very short text for you that is called "Harland Sanders"
While reading you should find the answers to the following questions:
1. In which sphere of life did Harland achieve his success?
2. What was his way to success? Was it easy?
3. What do you think what personal qualities helped him to succeed in life? You have 3 minutes to look through this text and be ready to answer the questions.
Harland Sanders
Harland Sanders was an American businessman, best known for founding Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). His father was a butcher and died when Harland was a boy. At the age of 10 he began to work as a farmhand for the local farmers. Harland was on bad terms with his stepfather and had to drop out of school and go to live and work on a nearby farm. Later he worked as a railroad worker and fireman.
At nights, being married and having 3 children he studied law by correspondence. Soon Sanders started his legal career.
He lost his jobs several times. Some years later he established a ferry boat company but the venture failed.
Harland began to serve chicken dishes and other meals at one of the restaurants. His popularity grew and as a result he opened his own restaurant.
In 1952 at the age of 62 Colonel established the chain of KFC fast food restaurants and 2 years later the outlets were set up in other countries such as Canada, England, Mexico –more than 600 outlets. He became one of the richest and most successful businessmen of the USA.
Teacher. Your time is up. Let's check your answers.
Student 1. He achieved his success in business.
Student 2. Money was unlikely to help him become successful as he came from an ordinary family. Perhaps it was a great motivator for him as he made several efforts to set up his own business but succeeded when he was over 60.
Student 3.I believe it was impossible to achieve anything without hard work. Working hard is the only way to succeed in life. It's rather difficult.
Student 4. I'm sure he was just lucky.
Student 5. To my mind Sanders’ personal qualities also played a certain role in making his career.
Student 6.He was ambitious, determined, persistent, and even stubborn.
Student 7. He looked straightforward, decisive and optimistic. He seems not to be afraid of difficulties.
Teacher. You were very close to the right answers. Nothing is left for me but add only some words to the notion of "the American dream". Having material goods proves that a person is hard-working; so many people try to have everything their neighbors have. They expect their children to live a better life than they do.
The national idea for the majority of Americans is as follows, "We're all born equal. But after that we are on our own. Nobody is going to hand you success on a plate. If you want to succeed, you'll have to make it on your own: your own energy, your own head, and your own ambitions. If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again." What do you think is necessary to be successful? What arc these ways to the top of the mountain?
Student 1. Health.
Student 2. Someone's support.
Student 3. Money.
Student 4. Good luck.
Student 5. Personal qualities such as persistence, ambition, self- confidence.
Student 6. Talent.
Student 7. Education.
Student 8. Risk.
Student 9. Hard work.
Student 11. Experience.
Student 12. Hope.
Student 13. Personal appearance.
Teacher. What opportunities do we, Russians, have to do well in life? How do we see our future? What is the Russian dream? I hope you'll help me to answer these questions and explain your choice in the form of a mini-project.
To make the project you are to divide into groups. How shall we make them? I offer you to do it in the following way: I've got cards with the same names of the ways how to achieve
success as you saw on the blackboard. Which way would you prefer? Here are they. These are the ways that help us to make groups.
Who wants to dispute the point of view that hard work is the most necessary to succeed in life? (... money, ... education, and so on.)
Take you seats over there. We have got 4 (5, ...) groups. Here is the paper and the set of felt-tip pens for each group. On each sheet of paper there is a vertical line in the form of a path to the top of the mountain. Starting with this initial point that is at the bottom "November, 2015" you should show your own way(s) to the top of the mountain symbolizing your future success "November, 2029".
Remember to say:
what and where you will be in 14 years;
what way(s) you will choose, what you need for it.
In the groups there are like-minded friends. That is why I hope you will manage to come to an agreement.
In 5-7 minutes we'll find out how these paths have led you to success and if these very ways are really reliable.
Student 1. If we manage to fulfill all these tasks and our dreams come true in 2029 I see myself as an interpreter.
Student 2. I`ll be a lawyer.
Student 3. And my profession will be an international economist. In our opinion it's a good start for making a family.
III Заключительная часть урока
Teacher. So many people, so many opinions. Each person prefers his/her way to achieve a goal. But there is no doubt that none of them is short, as there are no short cuts to success. As the English proverb says, "Real success comes in small portions every day." Do you remember the topic of our discussion? A sweet smell of success. Though we are short of time I am still wondering if success really smells sweet, for you personally.
Устная или письменная рефлексия :
Before the lessonI didn’t know, but now I know that… | |
Now I can… | |
I need it for… |
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