Пример описания любимой книги
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)
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I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. | I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. |
I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. | I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. |
I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. | I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. |
I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. | I'd like to tell about one book I have read. Its name is “Three Comrades”. It was written in 1936 by Erich Maria Remark. This is a wonderful story about three friends trying to rearrange their lives after the war. The main characters are Robby, Otto and Lenz. They are fair, optimistic, and dutiful. They opened a small car workshop to earn some money. We learn about their lives, love relations, problems, fears, and fun. The story made a deep impression on me. I have learnt about a hard after-war period, about true friendship, and about devastating losses. I think, this book is a wonderful pastime for people fond of serious dramas. |
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