сценарий Алиса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Alice in Wonderland
Part 1
Alice - What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?
Rabbit - Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!
Алиса подходит к столу, где стоит бутылочка с Этикеткой
Alice - Drink me! No, I’ll look first and see whether it is marked “poison” or not.
What a curious feeling I must be shutting like a telescope!
EAT ME Well I “ll eat it, if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep into the garden. I do not care what happens.Curiouser and curiouser!. Oh, my poor little feet, You ought to be ashamed of yourself. A great girl like you to go on crying in this way! Stop this moment< I tell you.
Rabbit - Oh! The Duchess, , the Duchess
Alice - If you please Sir, (he runs away)How queer everything is today !
Rabbit -The Duchess! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! Oh my fur and whiskers! She will get me executed. Where can I have dropped them, I wonder!
Well Mary Ann what are you doing here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!
Алиса подходит к домику, чтобы взять перчатки. Залезает в него и застревает в нем.
Alice - He took me for the housemaid, I’d better take him fan and gloves- that is , if I can find them. How queer it seems, to be going messages for a rabbit! I know something interesting is sure to happen. I wish I had not gone down that rabbit hole, but this sort of life is rather curious.
Rabbit - Mary Ann! Mary Ann! Fetch me my gloves this moment! What is this in the window? an arm ? But it is huge. I shall burn the house down!
Alice- Do not do that
Part 2
Caterpillar Who are you?
Alice I hardly know
Caterpillar What do you mean by that?
Alice I am afraid I can’t put it more clearly
Caterpillar Who are you?
Alice I think you ought to tell me who are you, first!
Caterpillar Why? Come back! I have something important to say! Keep your temper!
So you think you are changed, do you?
Alice I am afraid I am sir.
Caterpillar What size do you want to be?
Alice I do not want to change very often
Caterpillar Are you content now?
Alice Well I should like to be a little larger, sir.
Caterpillar One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.
Alice One side of what? The other side of what?
Caterpillar Of the mushroom!
Alice and now which is which? How puzzling all these changes are! Now I have to get to this garden how is this to be done?
Part 3
Fish-Footman For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.
Frog footman From the queen to the Duchess to play croquet.
Footman -There is no sort of use in knocking. And that for two reasons. First, because I am on the same side of the door as you are, secondary, because they are making such a noise inside, no one could possibly hear you.
Alice- How am I to get in?
Footman -There might be some sense in your knocking, if we had the door between us.
I shall sit here till tomorrow or next day. Are you to get in at all?
That is the first question?
Alice -It is really dreadful. What Am I to do?
Footman -Anything you like!
Alice- There is no use of talking to him. He is Idiotic.
Alice -There is certainly too much pepper in that soup.
Alice Please, would you tell me, why your cat grins like that?
Duchess - It is a Cheshire cat and that is why, Pig!
Alice - I didn’t know that Cheshire cats grinned; in fact, I did not know that cats could grin.
Duchess -They all can and most of them do.
Alice - I donot know of any that do
Duchess -You do not know much. And that is the fact.
Alice -Oh, please mind what you are doing!
Duchess -If everybody minded their own business, the world would go round a deal faster that it does.
Alice - Which would not be an advantage
Duchess - Oh, do not bother me!
Speak roughly to your little boy
And beat him when he sneezes
He only does it to annoy,
Because he knows it teases.
Wow, wow, wow
I speak severely to my boy
I beat him when he sneezes;
For he can thoroughly enjoy
The pepper when he pleases!
Wow, wow, wow!
Duchess Here! You may nurse it a bit, if you like! I must go and get ready to play croquet with the Queen!
Part 4
Alice If I do not take this child away with me, they are sure to kill it in a day or two. Do not grunt, that is not at all a proper way of expressing yourself. If you are going to turn into a pig, my dear, I will have nothing more to do with you. Mind now! What Am I to do with this creature when I get home? If it had grown up, it would have been a dreadfully ugly child: but it makes rather a handsome pig.
Alice-Cheshire Puss, would you tell me, please, which way I ought to walk from here?
The Cat - It depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice I do not much care.
The Cat - Then it doesn’t matter which way you walk.
Alice - so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat In that direction lives a Hatter, and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.
Alice But I do go want to go among mad people.
The Cat Oh, you can not help that. We are all mad here. I am mad. You are mad.
Alice -How do you know I am mad?
The cat You must be.
Or you would not have come here. Do you play croquet with the Queen today?
Alice I should like it very much, but I have not been invited yet.
The Cat You will see me over there. By-the by what became of the baby?
Alice It turned into a pig
The Cat I thought it would. Did you say pig or fig?
Alice I said pig. And I wish you would not keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly.
The Cat All right
Alice Well I have often seen a cat without a grin but a grin without a cat! It is the most curious thing I have ever seen in all my life.
Part 5
All together - No room! No room!
Alice- There is plenty of room
The March Hare- Have some wine.
Alice – I do not see any wine.
The March Hare- here is not any.
Alice – Then it is not very civil of you to offer it.
The March Hare- Then it was not very civil of you to sit down without being invited.
Alice – I did not know it was your table. It is laid for a great number of people/
Hatter- Your hair need cutting
.Alice – it is very rude.
Hatter – What is the day of the month is it?
Alice – The fourth.
Hatter – Two days wrong.
Alice – What a funny watch. It tells the day of the month and doesn’t tell what o’clock it is.
The Hatter- Why should it?
Alice – I do not quite understand you.
The Hatter – The Doormouse is asleep again
The Doormouse – Of course just what I was going to remark myself.
Alice - I think you must do something better with the time than wasting it.
The Hatter – If you knew the time as well I do, you would not talk about wasting it. It’s him. We quarreled last month, it was at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts and I had to sing.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat!
How I wonder what you are at?
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea tray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle.
The Doormouse – twinkle, twinkle, twinkle
The Hatter Well I had hardly finished the first verse, when the Queen shouted He is murdering the time. Off his head.
Alice - How dreadfully savage
The Hatter – and since then it is always 6 o’clock, and it is always tea time and we have no time to wash things between whiles.
Alice – Then you keep moving round, I suppose?
The Hatter – Exactly so.
The March Hare – Suppose we change the subject. I am getting tired of this.
Alice –it is the stupidest tea-party I was ever at in all my life. That is very curious.
Part 6
Gardener – Look out now, Five! Do not go splashing paint over me like that!
Five- I could not help it, Seven jogged my elbow!
Seven – That is right, Five! Always lay the blame on others.
Five- You’d better not talk. I heard the Queen say only yesterday you deserved to be beheaded!
Gardener – What for?
Seven – That is none of your business, Two!
Five – Yes, it is his business/
Seven Well of all the unjust things.
Alice- Would you tell me, please,why are you painting those roses?
Two – Why, the fact is you see, miss this ought to be a red rose tree and we put a white one in by mistake. And if the Queen was to find it out, we should all have our heads cut off, you know.
Five - The Queen, the Queen
The queen-Who is this? Idiot! What is your name?
Alice- my name is Alice, your majesty.
The Queen – And who ate these?
Alice – How should I know? It is not business.
The Queen – off with her head! Off!
Alice – Nonsense!
The King - Consider, my dear she is only a child!
The Queen – Turn them over! Get up!
What have you been doing here?
TWO – May it please your majesty, we were trying
The Queen – I see. Off with their heads! Are their heads Off?
Soldiers - Their heads are gone, if you please your maiesty1
The Queen – That is right. Can you play croquet?
Alice – Yes!
Part 7
The Queen – Come on then!
The white Rabbit – it is a very fine day!
Alice – Very! And where is the Duchess?
The Rabbit – Hush! Hush! She is under the sentence of execution
Alice – What for?
The Rabbit – Did you say What a pity?
Alice – No,I did not.
The Rabbit – She boxed the Queen’s ears.
Oh, Hush, the Queen will hear you!
The Queen – Get to your places! Off with his head!
Off with her head!
The cat – How are you getting on?
Alice – I do not think they play at all fairly!and they quarrel so dreadfully.
The cat - How do you like the Queen?
Alice – Not at all . She is so extremely …Likely to win.
The King – Who are you talking to
Alice – It is a friend of mine! Allow me to introduce it.
The King – I do not like the look of it at all. It may kiss my hand if it likes.
The Cat – I’d rather not.
The King – Do not look at me like that!
Alice – A cat may look at a king.
The king – Well, it must be removed! My dear, I wish you would have this cat removed.
The Queen – Off with his head!
The king – I’ll fetch my executioner myself.
The executioner - I can’t cut the head off unless there was a body to cut it off from!
The king – A head can be beheaded
The Queen – If you do not do about it in less than no time, I will have everybody executed all round
Alice – It belongs to the Duchess, you’d better ask her about it!
The Queen – She is in prison. Fetch her here!
Part 8
The duchess – I am glad I can see you again. Have you seen the mock Turtle ?
Alice – Not yet!
The Queen – Come on, then! This young lady wants to know your history.
The Mock Turtle – I’ll tell it here. Sit down both of you and do not speak a word till I have finished. Once I was a real turtle.
When we were little we went to school in the sea. The Master was an old Turtle, but we called him Tortoise
Alice – Why did you call him Tortoise, if he was not one?
The Mock turtle – We called him Tortoise because he taught us. You are very dull! We had the best education as we went to a day-school.
Alice – I have been to a day school too.
The Mock turtle – With Extras?
Alice – Yes, we learned French and Music.
The Mock turtle – and washing
Alice – No
The Mock – so your school was not a real one. We had reeling and Writhing and different branches of arithmetic – Ambition, distraction, Uglification and Derision.
Alice - I have never heard of Uglification.
The Mock – Also we learned Mystery, Seaography, Drawling stretching and Fainting in Coils.
Alice – And how many hours a day did you do lessons?
The Mock turtle – Ten hours the first day, nine the next and so on.
Alice – What a curious plan!
The Mock – That is the reason they are called lessons because they lessen from day to day! That is enough about lessons! Tell her about the games!
The Mock turtle- Can you have any idea what a delightful thing a lobster-quadrille is?
Alice – No, indeed!
The Mock Turtle – would you like to see a little of it?
Alice – very much indeed
The Mock Turtle – Come, let’s try the first figure.
Alice – Thank you, it is a very interesting dance to watch.
The Mock Turtle- shall we try another figure of the Lobster-quadrille? Or would you like me to sing you a song?
Alice – oh, a song please!
The Mock Turtle- I shall sing you Turtle Soup.
Part 9
The Rabbit – come on the Trial is begenning1
Alice - The trial? What are they doing?
The turtle- that is the jury box and those are twelve creatures! They are putting down their names for fear they should forget them before the end of the trial.
Alice – Stupid things!
The King – silence in the court! Herald read the accusation!
The white Rabbit – the queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day. The Knave of hearts, he stole those tarts, and took them quite away!
The King – Consider your verdict.
The Rabbit – not yet, not yet!
The King - call the first witness1
The Rabbit – First witness!
The Hatter – I beg your pardon, for bringing this: but I had not quite finished my tea when I was sent for!
The King – You ought to have finished! when sis you begin?
The hatter – 14 th of March!
The March hare – 15 th
The Doormouse – 16 th
The king – write that down! Take off your hat!
The Hatter – it is not mine.
The King – Stolen!
The Hatter – I keep them to sell.I have none of my own! I am a hatter.
The King – Give your evidence or you will be executed!
The hatter - I am a poor man, your majesty and I had not just begun my tea and what with the bread and butter getting so thin and the twinkle of the tea
The King- The twinkle of what?
The Hatter – it began with the tea
The King – of course, the twinkle begins with the T Do you take me for a dunce? Go on!
The Hatter - I am a poor man, and most of things twinkled after that – only The March Hare said –
The March Hare – I did nit say anything!
The Hatter - You did
The March Hare- I deny it.
The king – He denies it Leave out that part.
The Hatter – Well the Dormouse said…. I can not remember
The King You must remember I’ll have you executed!
The Hatter – I am a poor man, your majesty
The King – You are a very poor speaker! You may sit down
The Hatter – I’d rather finish my tea.
The King - You may go!
The Queen and just take his head off outside!
The King – Call the next witness! Give your evidence!
The Duchess – Shan’t
The King – What are tarts made of?
The Cook Pepper
The Queen – Collar the Dormouse! Pinch him off with his whiskers!
The King – Call the next witness!
Part 10
Alice – Here! Oh, I beg your pardon1
The King – What do you know about this business?
Alice – Nothing!
The King – Nothing whatever?
Alice – Nothing whatever
The King – That is vcery important
The Rabbit – Unimportant, your majesty means, of course,
The King – Unimportant, of course, I meant. Important – unimportant –
Everyone who is a mile tall must leave the court!
Alice – I am not a mile tall!
The King – You are!
Alice – well I shan’t go at any rate, besides that is not a regular rule; you invented it just now. Stuff and nonsense.
The queen – Hold your tongue!
Alice – I will not!
The Queen – Off with her head!
Alice – Who cares for you?
You are nothing but a pack of cards!
Sister – Alice,dear wake up
Alice – Oh I have had such a curious dream!
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