Открытый урок "Праздники России и Великобритании"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Открытый урок на семинаре директоров в 6 классе.
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14.12.2018 Праздники России и Великобритании.
Открытый урок в 6 классе. Урок повторения по теме «Feasts» (Модуль 7, УМК «Spotlight») Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений (урок закрепления)
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие учащихся.
-Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you!
Look at the blackboard, please! There are many postcards on it.
Guess, please! What are we going to talk about in our class?
(We are going to talk about different British and Russian feasts).
-Yes, you absolutely right! We have a feast at school today too. We have a lot of guests in class.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
-Now let’s check your homework. Ask and answer the questions.
Vasilisa, go to the blackboard and ask questions to your classmates!
(Репортер журнала задает вопросы учащимся, вопросы и ответы отрабатывались заранее, во время работы над модулем).
1. What’s your favourite holiday? | 1. My favourite holiday is my birthday. |
2. When is your birthday? | 2. It’s on the …. of …… |
3. How do you celebrate it? | 3. I invite my relatives and friends, we eat tasty food, have a birthday cake, play games and dance. |
4. When is Christmas in Russia? | 4. It’s on the 7th of January. |
5. How do people celebrate it? | 5.They cook tasty food, go the church. |
6. When is Christmas in Great Britain? | 6. It’s on the 25th of December. |
7. What do the British do on this day? | 7. They decorate their houses and Christmas trees, cook turkey with potatoes. |
8. When is St Patrick’s Day in Ireland? | 8. It’s on the 17th of March. |
9. How do they celebrate it? | 9. They watch parades. |
10. When is Guy Fawkes Day? | 10. It’s on the 5th of November. |
11. What do the British do on this day? | 11. They make a fire and fry sausages in the garden. |
12. When is Halloween? | 12. It’s on the 31st of October. |
13. How do people celebrate it? | 13. They decorate their houses with pumpkins, dress up as witches and ghosts. |
14. When is Valentine’s Day? | 14. It’s on the 14th of February. |
15. How do people celebrate it? | 15.They write postcards, give presents to them, whom they like. |
16. When is Victory Day in Russia? | 16. It’s on the9th of May. |
17. What do we do on this day? | 17. We watch a parade on TV, congratulate our veterans, recite poems for them. |
18. Do you like New Year? Why? | 18. Yes, I do. Because I like to get and give presents, decorate a New Year’s tree, set up fireworks. |
19. Do you like Maslenitsa? | 19. Yes, I do. |
20. How do you celebrate it? | 20. We make a lot of pancakes and eat them. They are very yummy. |
21. What do we celebrate on the 25th of November? | 21. It’s Mother’s Day. |
22. Do you like to give gifts or to get them? | 22. I like to give gifts||| to get gifts. |
3.Работа над текстом письма.
a) Children! I’ve got good news for you. We’ve got a letter from an English pen friend. Do you like to get letters? Do you like to write letters? I think you often write e-mails letters. Do you agree? Who do you write e-mails letters to? I’ve made several copies of this letter. Take the letter and read it.
Hi! My name is Tom. I am 11 years old. I go to school. I live in the north of England. My family is big. I have got a mother, a father, a big brother and a little sister. My father’s name is Alex and he’s 40. My mother’s name is Kelly and she’s 38. My brother’s name is John and he’s 15. My sister’s name is Ann and she is 7. We are very friendly and sociable. We like spending free time together. We like playing boarding games, doing sports, going on picnics to the countryside. We also enjoy celebrating holidays. Our favourite holiday is Christmas. It’s on the 25th of December. We are very busy before Christmas. We decorate our house and Christmas tree. Our father usually buys a lot of presents for our mummy and us. I draw funny pictures for my parents and brother and sister. My brother makes a Christmas cake. John likes cooking. He often helps mum cook delicious Christmas dishes. Christmas turkey is very yummy! My little sister learns rhymes for us. We make a lot of small presents for our parents. All our presents are under our Christmas tree. I like to get presents and to give them to my relatives and friends.We are looking forward to Christmas now. Tell me about yourself and your family. What’s your favourite holiday? When is it? How do you celebrate it? Do you like to get presents? Write back soon! Best wishes, Tom |
b) Now answer my questions, please!
1. What’s the boy’s name? | 18.What do they enjoy? |
2. How old is he? | 12.What is his favourite holiday? |
3. Does he go to school? | 13.When is Christmas in England? |
4. Where does he live? | 14.What do they do before Christmas? |
5. Is his family big? | 15.What does his father do? |
6. Has he got a brother or a sister? | 16. What does Tom do? |
7. What’s his mother‘s name? | 17. What does Tom’s brother do? |
8. How old is she? | 18. What does John like doing? |
9. What’s his father‘s name? | 19. What is very yummy? |
10. How old is he? | 20. What does Tom’s sister do? |
11. What’s his brother‘s name? | 21. What do they do for their parents? |
12. How old is he? | 22.Where are their presents? |
13. What’s his sister‘s name? | 23.What does Tom like to do? |
14. How old is she? | 24. What are they doing now? |
15. What are they? | |
16. What do they like doing together? | |
17. How do they spend time ? |
c) Объяснение домашнего задания.
Now about your homework for Tuesday. Write a letter to Tom about yourself, your favourite holiday and draw a picture. Don’t forget to answer his questions.
(Учащимся раздаются бланки ответного письма Тому, который они должны написать дома, заполнив пропуски и нарисовать рисунок).
Dear Tom, Thanks for your letter. I’m very glad to meet you. My name is __________. I’m _____years old. I live in __________________. I go to ___________. My family is________________. I’ve got a___________________________ _____________________________________________________________. My favourite holiday is________________________________________. It’s on the ____________of________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________. What form are you in? How did you celebrate Christmas? What presents did you get? Did you like them? Write back soon. Best wishes, _____________________ |
4. Работа над лексикой по теме «Подарки».
There are no holidays without gifts. I think you like to solve different crosswords.
1) Take these crosswords, find and circle 21 gifts.
Who is ready? Take this felt-tip pen and circle.
B | O | A | R | D | G | A | M | E | S | A | D | O | L | L |
B | N | C | H | O | C | O | L | A | T | E | M | K | O | W |
A | S | D | G | R | O | B | O | T | A | S | G | H | L | A |
C | D | P | B | F | O | O | T | B | A | L | L | S | M | T |
A | D | U | T | E | D | D | Y | B | E | A | R | N | H | C |
K | G | Z | M | N | Y | U | O | L | I | W | G | A | B | H |
E | F | Z | F | L | O | W | E | R | S | E | G | D | K | K |
Z | B | L | S | E | G | D | D | Y | B | E | U | R | M | T |
L | O | E | M | K | I | T | E | N | O | T | I | E | B | S |
E | O | S | S | E | G | D | D | Y | B | S | T | S | I | H |
S | K | J | L | E | G | O | S | E | T | K | A | S | K | I |
S | E | G | D | H | H | C | D | D | Y | B | R | H | E | R |
S | C | O | O | T | E | R | S | E | G | D | P | E | T | T |
C | O | M | P | U | T | E | R | G | A | M | E | S | O | O |
R | O | L | L | E | R | S | K | A | T | E | S | D | Y | B |
B | O | A | R | D | G | A | M | E | S | D | O | L | L | |
C | H | O | C | O | L | A | T | E | W | |||||
R | O | B | O | T | A | |||||||||
C | P | F | O | O | T | B | A | L | L | T | ||||
A | U | T | E | D | D | Y | B | E | A | R | C | |||
K | Z | W | H | |||||||||||
E | Z | F | L | O | W | E | R | S | E | G | D | |||
B | L | E | U | R | T | |||||||||
O | E | K | I | T | E | T | I | E | B | S | ||||
O | S | S | T | S | I | H | ||||||||
K | L | E | G | O | S | E | T | A | S | K | I | |||
C | D | R | E | R | ||||||||||
S | C | O | O | T | E | R | P | E | T | T | ||||
C | O | M | P | U | T | E | R | G | A | M | E | S | ||
R | O | L | L | E | R | S | K | A | T | E | S |
5. Do you like to give presents to your mother? How often do you do it? What gifts do you give to her? Let’s go to the shop and order some flowers for your mother. Her birthday is tomorrow. Read and complete the dialogue.
6 | Seven roses, please! | |
8 | At 10am tomorrow, please! | |
10 | For Ann Johnson at 10Oxford Street, London. | |
2 | Good morning! I’d like to send some flowers, please! | |
3 | Of course. What do you have in mind? | |
5 | Here you are. They are beautiful and fresh. How many roses do you want to order? | |
12 | Yes, please! I have it ready. | |
7 | When would you like us to send them? | |
9 | Who are they for? | |
13 | Right. That will be 30 £ including delivery. | |
1 | Good morning! How can I help you? | |
11 | Would you like to include a card? | |
4 | My mother’s birthday is tomorrow. She likes white roses very much. Show me these pink roses, please. | |
14 | Here you are. Thank you very much. |
5-1)Let’s read the dialogue . S1-is a shop assistant and S2-is a customer.
1 | Good morning! How can I help you? | |
2 | Good morning! I’d like to send some flowers, please! | |
3 | Of course. What do you have in mind? | |
4 | My mother’s birthday is tomorrow. She likes white roses very much. Show me these pink roses, please. | |
5 | Here you are. They are beautiful and fresh. How many roses do you want to order? | |
6 | Seven roses, please! | |
7 | When would you like us to send them? | |
8 | At 10am tomorrow, please! | |
9 | Who are they for? | |
10 | For Ann Johnson at 10Oxford Street, London. | |
11 | Would you like to include a card? | |
12 | Yes, please! I have it ready. | |
13 | Right. That will be 30 £ including delivery. | |
14 | Here you are. Thank you very much. |
(I think your mum will be very glad to get these beautiful flowers.)
6. Обучение аудированию. (Test Booklet, p.38)
Учащиеся прослушивают запись и отвечают на вопросы.
7. Подведение итогов урока.
Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your good work. Have a nice day!
Приложение 1.
Holidays|Feasts New Year's Day in Russia New Year's Day in the UK Christmas Day in Russia Christmas Day in the UK Defender of the Fatherland Day International Women's Day Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day Unity Day Tatiana Day (student's day) Valentine's Day Easter in Russia Easter in the UK Boxing Day St Patrick’s Day Halloween Guy Fawkes day St. David’s Day Teacher's day Day of knowledge Cosmonautics day Maslenitsa |
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