Театрализованное представление на английском языке в честь открытия конкурса гидов-переводчиков.
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Театрализованное представление в честь открытия конкурса гидов-переводчиков.
Франция. Королевский дворец. Людовик 13 и Анна Австрийская танцуют Марлезонский балет. Танец заканчивается , и в зале появляется первая фрейлина королевы Констанция Бонасье.
-( обращается к Королеве)Your Majesty! ( обращается к Королю)I am sorry, Your Majesty! I have to inform you that Monsieur de Treville is waiting for your permission to meet him now.
The King
-You say, who is waiting for…?
- Monsieur de Treville, Your Majesty!
The King
-( обращается к Королеве)I am sorry, Madam. ( обращается к Констанции) Call him!
-Yes, Your Majesty!
В зале появляется капитан королевских мушкетеров.
De Treville
- ( обращается к Королеве) Madam! (обращается к Королю )Your Majesty!
I’ve got some important news for you!
The King
-Are you sure?
De Treville
-Absolutely sure, Sir! The fact is that the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich has declared two-days’ international competition and invited us to be its participants.
The King
- That sounds interesting!
De Treville
-The first day of this competition is dedicated to the foreign languages and the second day – to the swordsmanship.
The Queen
- Oh, that’s really very interesting! In my opinion, this is a good opportunity for France to show our skills and to develop the relationship between our countries, Sir!
The King
-Hmm, I suppose you are right, Madam!( обращается к капитану) We must take part in this event!
The Queen
-More than that, our French “Book of Wise Aphorisms” is just what we need to use as a present to the Russian Tsar.
The King
- Good idea! Wise advice from a wise woman!
The Queen
- Thank you, Sir! Monsieur de Treville, Constance will give you
the Book. I think it is not necessary to discuss who will deliver this present to the Russian Tsar.
De Treville
-Yes, Your Majesty!
The King
- De Treville, the Queen will take care of the participants of the first day but you should give my order to the famous musketeers.
De Treville
- Your Majesty! They are waiting for your order!
The King
-Really? Call them quickly!
De Treville
-Yes, Sir!
Констанция уходит за «Книгой мудрых изречений» и возвращается, отдав ее в руки Королевы.
В зал входят три королевских мушкетера. Де Тревилль с ними. Они делают поклон Королеве и Королю Франции.
The King
-Oh, how nice it is to see you again, you, noble defenders of your king!
Мушкетеры вместе :
-Your Majesty!
- Thank you so much, Your Majesty!
-We are always ready to serve our king!
-We are always ready to serve France!
The King
-It’s high time to show your skills in swords craft, musketeers! My order is to go to Russia and take part in the international competition! Monsieur de Treville will tell you all the details!
The Queen
-You should also take this “Book of Wise Aphorisms” and give it to the Russian Tsar as our present. It’s an important mission! I mean the relationship between our countries.
De Treville
- Your Majesty! We are always glad to be successful in everything!
The King
- There’s no doubt , De Treville! My Honour!
De Treville
-Your Majesty!
Мушкетеры делают поклон. Король , Королева и Констанция уходят.
- So, life is empty if there are no adventures and deeds in it.
-Right you are, Aramis but life is useless even if there are adventures in it.
- Honestly speaking, I am sick and tired of all these adventures!
De Treville
-Have you heard that? Would you like to stay at home doing nothing? Are you getting older, Portos?
-Of course I am not! I have just become cleverer!
-Nevertheless, we have the order of our king! We must go to give this book to the Russian Tsar and to show our swordsmanship.
De Treville
- You are right, Aramis! It’s very noble to be a real musketeer!
-So, our adventures are going to be continued.
- As for me, I will go to Russia under one condition.
-What do you mean?
-I will go to Russia only if I have a perfect meal there!
De Treville
- Portos, don’t worry! Russian cuisine is very delicious! Believe me!
-So? Let’s go to Russia!
De Treville
-One for all
Мушкетеры вместе
-And all for one!
Все уходят
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