Традиции и праздники родной страны и англоговорящих стран
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
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The population of the USA consists of different nationalities. All nationalities follow their native traditions and celebrations. Each of the American states celebrates its own holidays. But there are several holidays which are celebrated all over the country.
Christmas Day- December, 25 The biggest holiday of the year. People decorate their houses with a Christmas tree and prepare present for friends and relatives. On Christmas Eve many people go to the church and sing Christmas carols. The President gives his speech on TV. Santa Clause brings presents for children and puts them into their stockings.
New Year’s Day –January, 1 On this day the Americans celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. They usually meet for a meal and give New Year’s promises. They promise to work harder or not to tell lies and so on. But they usually forget about their resolutions by January 2.
Martin Luther King’s Day- The third Monday of January He was and important black leader who wanted equal rights for black people. He was killed in 1968 and his birthday has become a public holiday since then.
St. Valentine’s Day- February, 14 Nobody knows much about St. Valentine. People call him the saint of love. On this day people give Valentine cards with hearts and wishes to the girlfriend and boyfriends, wives and husbands.
President’s Day On the third Monday of February students and pupils read about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents.
Easter The Easter weekend is in March or April but the date changes every year. It celebrates the day when Jesus came back from the dead. On Easter Sunday people give chocolate eggs or chocolate rabbits to each other.
Memorial Day Last Monday of May is a special day to remember people who died in wars. Many people visit the graves of their relatives and friends and leave flowers there.
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day One Sunday in May is Mother’s Day and one Sunday in June is Father’s Day. Children usually spend the day with their parents and give them cards, flowers and presents.
Independence Day-July, 4 On July, 4th 1776 the USA became independent from England. It’s a great holiday with parades, shows, concerts and fireworks all over the country.
Columbus Day It is the day to remember Christopher Columbus who discovered America. It is on the second Monday of October.
Hallowe’en -October, 31 It is one of the most favorite holidays in America. People decorate their houses with autumn flowers, and pumpkin faces on the windows. Children dress up in ghosts and witches, shout “Trick or treat” and get sweets fruit, cakes.
Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursday of November is a special day for the Americans to get together and give thanks for different things: for being with their families, for being well, for health, good job and friends.
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Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people. The British are proud of their traditions and keep them carefully.
Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years. It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their days off at home with their families.
English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a dog, a cat or a bird
Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen. They often say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Beg your pardon”.
People all over the world know the saying: “The Englishmen’s home is his castle”. They like to live in small houses with a small garden. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, that's why many of them prefer the open fire to central heating
They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.
The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea in lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have "high tea" or big tea and no supper. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.
They have also English and British traditions of sport, music and many royal occasions.
June, 5th It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II became queen. It has been celebrated since June 5 th , 2012 which was the 60 th anniversary of her reign.
The Queen’s telegram It is not a very old custom but it is for very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their one-hundredth birthday
Changing of the Guards is a very beautiful tradition. Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremony at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change.
Pancake’s Day It is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter. Pancake Day is traditionally a day of celebration, the last day that you can eat what you want until Easter.
Pancake’s Day Well, on this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for school dinner, and in restaurants customers ask for pancakes, too . Pancake Day is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans and pancakes.
Guy Fawkes” Night Guy Fawkes” Night is observed on the 5 th of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw guy on a bonfire. This celebration is often associated with collecting money for charity
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Our country has a great variety of holidays and days to remember. They are connected with traditions, religion, historical events. Some of them are days off, others are not.
New Year’s Day. This is one of the most important holidays of the year. It is celebrated on the 31 of December and the 1 of January. It’s time of decorating New Year’s tree, giving presents, making parties with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka , fire works.
Orthodox Christmas We celebrate it on the 7 th of January. This holiday is celebrated with all-night services in orthodox churches, family dinners. In old times people in Russia used to have fun singing special Christmas songs ( kolyadki ) and were given cakes, fruit and so on.
Winter holidays The period from New Year’s Day till Christmas is free of work for most people in our country. Many people use it to spend time with their families or to travel.
Maslenitsa This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring Lent. During this festival people make pancakes, sing and dance traditional songs and burn a scarecrow of winter.
Country’s Defendant Day- February 23 This holiday is devoted to soldiers and officers and everyone who defended the country or is in the Army. They are greeted and given presents. Concerts and official ceremonies take place for this day.
Women’s Day-March, 8th This is a day off. Men and young boys try to please their mothers, sisters and friends with flowers and presents.
Easter. It is the main orthodox festival of the year. Churches have special churches on Easter Sunday. People in Russia usually make special bread (we call it “kulich”) and coloured eggs. Easter lasts for a week in Russia. But we don’t have Easter holidays at schools.
May Day-May, 1 It used to be a holiday of working people and celebrated with demonstrations on the main squares. Now it is a spring holiday when people prefer to go out in the streets and take part in all kinds of outdoor activities.
Victory Day-May, 9th It is a great date for all the people of our country. We celebrate the victory of The Soviet people over German fascists in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, and World War II 1939-1945.
Military parades and processions of veterans take place in our cities and towns. We congratulate those who took part in this war, those who helped our country to win and remember those who died during the war.
Russian Independence Day It is celebrated on the 12 th of June and it is a day off. We celebrate the day when Russia became an independent country, the Republic of Russian Federation after the break up of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The Day of Knowledge The first of September is the first day of school. But pupils have holiday meetings not lessons on this day. Classes really begin on the 2 of September.
Days to remember We also have many days to mark some important dates connected with our history, social life and so on. The are not days off. Among them are:
June, 22- the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war.
Cosmonauts’ Day April, 12 – the day when our Russian cosmonaut Yury Gagarin made the first flight into open space.
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The Christmas Day in the United Kingdom is celebrated on 25 December, as well as in the most of European countries. Many of the British modern Christmas customs and traditions are directly derived from pagan ceremonies belonging to ancient midwinter feasts. One of the oldest is probably the decoration of houses with greenery. The curious custom of kissing under the mistletoe seems to be altogether English in origin, and to appear in other European countries only when Englishmen have taken it there. The Christmas tree came originally from Germany and went to America with German settlers before it reached the British Isles in the first half of nineteenth century.
Christmas food has always been largely a matter of tradition, but its nature has changed a great deal with passage of time. The turkey which is now the most usual dish on Christmas Day didn't appear in Britain until about 1542. Its predecessors were goose, or pork, or beef, or a huge pie made up of a variety of birds. In the grater houses venison, swans, bustards, or peacocks in their feathers were eaten. The ancestor of another traditional British food, the Christmas pudding, was plum porridge (until 1670).
Another feature of the Christmas time in Britain is represented by carols, which are the popular and happy songs of the Christian religion which came into being after the religious revival of the thirteenth century, and flourished more strongly in the three centuries that followed. Now, nearly all British churches have their carol service. In many towns, the people gather round the communal Christmas tree, or in the town hall, to sing carols under the leadership of the local clergy, or of the mayor.
The 26 December is the St. Stephen's Day, the first Christmas martyr, far better known in England as Boxing Day. A name is derived either from the alms boxes in churches, which were opened, and their contents distributed to the poor on that day, or from the earthenware boxes that apprentices used to carry round with them when they were collecting money gifts from their master's customers. Until very recently it was usual for the postman, the dustman and a few other servants of the public to call at all the houses they have served during the year, and to receive small gifts from the householders on Boxing Day.”
The New Year comes in very merrily in most parts of Britain, with the pealing of bells and the blowing of ships' sirens and train whistles, and singing of the traditional “Auld Lang Syne”, although the majority know only some of the words. In the north of United Kingdom, especially in Scotland, the custom of First-footing has been flourishing for centuries. The First Foot is the first visitor to any house in the morning hours of 1 January. He is considered to be a luck-bringer. He is welcomed with food and drink (especially the last one), and brings with him symbolic gifts, which are most usually a piece of bread, a lump of coal, salt, and a little money, all of which together ensure that his hosts will have food and warmth and prosperity all throughout the year.
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Customs and traditions in Great Britain So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says. The combination of the words tradition & custom means a usual manner of doing smth, a believe of principal, of conduct passed on from generation to generation. English traditions can be subdivided into the traditions dealing with private life of the English national & religious holidays, public celebrations, traditional ceremonies & traditional sporting events. People have such holidays celebrated: New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, Halloween, Christmas Day & Boxing Day .
Halloween celebration The celebration dates back some 2,000 years . October 31st is Halloween, and you can expect to meet witches and ghosts that night. Halloween is an old word for "Hallows Evening", the night before "All Hallows" or "All Saints' Day" On one night of the year, ghosts and witches are free. Well, that's the traditional story. A long time ago people were afraid and stayed at home on Halloween. But now in Britain its a time for fun. There are always a lot of parties on October 31st. At these parties people wear masks and they dress as ghosts and witches, or as Dracula or Frankenstein's monster .People can still look forward to parades, costumes and sweet treats to usher in the winter season. . And some people make special Hallowe'en lamps from a large fruit the pumpkin.
Pumpkin carving Pumpkin carving is a popular part of modern America's Halloween celebration. Pumpkins also come in white, blue and green . Come October, pumpkins can be found everywhere in the country from doorsteps to dinner tables. Despite the widespread carving that goes on in this country every autumn, few Americans really know why or when the jack o'lantern tradition began. Or, for that matter, whether the pumpkin is a fruit or a vegetable. Halloween, one of the world's oldest holidays, is still celebrated today in several countries around the globe. The biggest pumpkin in the world tipped the scales at a whopping 1,446 pounds. This gigantic gourd was weighed in October 2004 at a pumpkin festival in Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada.
In conclusion Halloween has also become that time of the year when people sit back and hear stories and anecdotes about ghosts and paranormal encounters. This notion has created a great scare among children, who now are changing gears and seeing Halloween more as a fun celebration. The entire atmosphere of that night is an inexpressible event and the way the kids go for trick or treat, collecting their desired sweets and the adults can throw a party any moment. The entire experience of being extremely crazy to the core .What could be better than this ?
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