Лексико-грамматические разработки
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
Данный материал может быть использован на уроках английского языка в 8- 11 классах
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Quiz (English-speaking countries)
- Choose the correct answer.
- The British Parliament is situated in …Kensington /Westminster/Waterloo
- Kipling is a famous …American /British / Australian writer and poet.
- Beverly Hills are situated in…the USA / Wales / England.
- Tomas Edison was born in …England/ Wales / the USA.
- Watergate case is connected with …Kennedy / Reagan / Nixon.
- Baseball is a popular sport in … Ireland/ Norway/ the USA.
- Greenwich is situated not far from …Edinburgh/ London / Boston.
- Jack London wrote about the Gold Rush which took place in …Alaska / Klondike / Scotland.
- Becky Sharp was the main character of one of the most famous British writers - … Thackeray /Dickens/Swift.
- “The Great Gatsby” was written by … J. Austin/ T. Dreiser /Fitzgerald.
- Queens is the district in …New York / London / Canberra.
- Waterloo is a …battle / lake / newspaper.
- Whitehall is a …newspaper/ street / battle.
- Rip Van Wan Winkle is the main character of the story written by …J. Austen/ T.Dreiser / W. Irving.
- Huxley is a famous …American / British / Australian writer.
- The nickname of the Conservative Party is …Whigs/Libs / Tories.
- The USA Congress consists of …one chamber / two chambers/no chambers.
- The American variant for lorry is …trunk /wheel / truck.
- …Dreiser/ Cooper / Austin is an American writer famous for such books as “Sister Carrie”, “American Tragedy”, “Jenny Gerhard”.
- You can find a Peter Pan statue in … Hyde Park / Kensington Gardens / Regent’s Park.
- The Great Fire broke in London in …(1555/1588/1665/1666)
- What is the most ancient sight in Great Britain? (the Tower of London / Hadrian’s wall / Stonehenge / Warwick Castle)
- Where is Ben Nevis situated? (England /Scotland /Wales/ Northern Ireland)
- What is “carol”? (a nursery rhyme / a religious Christmas song / a Christmas party with dancing / a type of decoration)
- What is an emblem of Wales? ( leek/ thistle/ shamrock / rose)
- People who work in unskilled jobs and use their hands are called… ( blue collar workers/ white collar workers / black sheep / red tape)
- Hogmanay is …(a dish / a costume / a tradition/ a holiday)
- “Evergreen state” is the name of …(Colorado / Delaware / Washington / Virginia).
- Scotland Yard is the headquarters of … (the London police force / the Magistrate’s court / The Royal court / the Supreme Court).
- Haggis is … (a national Welsh costume / a traditional Welsh dish / tartan / a food eaten in Scotland)
- The UK is….
- The capital of Scotland is …
- The capital of Wales is…
- The flower symbol of England is …
- How many stripes are on the American flag ?.......
- How many stars are on the American flag? ….
- Which American town is called “a big apple”?....
- Who was the first American president?.....
Предварительный просмотр:
- Choose the correct answer
- After month of work the project … (approaches/ is approaching/ comes / is coming) completion.
- There are concerns that something … (happening / happens / is occurring / occurs) inside the house.
- Our special reporter Steve Rogers … (is reporting / reports / is joining / joins) us from Bagdad.
- The government … (calls / is caqlli8ng / is declaring / declares) war on crime every time somebody commits it.
- Scientists … (find / are finding / found / has found) new clues about global warming in the past of the Earth.
- Even today this fact alone … (guarantees / is guaranteeing / assures / is assuring ) our successful future.
- The doctor … (warns / is warning / insists / is insisting) on the operation again.
- By signing this paper, you … (agree / are agreeing / are accepting / accept) all the terms of using this application.
II. Choose the correct option : A, AN, THE or -- (for no article) .
- Although ______accommodation in Paris is quite expensive I found _____cheap hotel in the city centre.
- ______Good Fast Food Competition aims to prove that _____fast food doesn't need to be made with _____unhealthy ingredients.
- ____People say ____Costume Museum is quite boring, but I've got _____friend who went there and says it's brilliant.
- I went to the fashion show in _____town centre yesterday. _____ models were really good-looking but ______clothes were a bit boring.
- _____tracksuit he bought yesterday was the wrong size.
- He left _____home without informing anyone.
- When we arrived she went straight to _____kitchen to prepare ____meal for us.,
- ____Mt. Everest is ____highest mountain in ____world.
- ____attempt has been made to collect ___funds to start ____public library in ____town where I live.
- ____Shah of Iran had to leave the country in 1979.
- ____Life can be very hard for ____poor.
- Anyone who has ____information should contact ____local police.
- _____president of ____United States is a busy man.
- Choose the correct answer
- After month of work the project … (approaches/ is approaching/ comes / is coming) completion.
- There are concerns that something … (happening / happens / is occurring / occurs) inside the house.
- Our special reporter Steve Rogers … (is reporting / reports / is joining / joins) us from Bagdad.
- The government … (calls / is caqlli8ng / is declaring / declares) war on crime every time somebody commits it.
- Scientists … (find / are finding / found / has found) new clues about global warming in the past of the Earth.
- Even today this fact alone … (guarantees / is guaranteeing / assures / is assuring ) our successful future.
- The doctor … (warns / is warning / insists / is insisting) on the operation again.
- By signing this paper, you … (agree / are agreeing / are accepting / accept) all the terms of using this application.
II. Choose the correct option : A, AN, THE or -- (for no article) .
- Although ______accommodation in Paris is quite expensive I found _____cheap hotel in the city centre.
- ______Good Fast Food Competition aims to prove that _____fast food doesn't need to be made with _____unhealthy ingredients.
- ____People say ____Costume Museum is quite boring, but I've got _____friend who went there and says it's brilliant.
- I went to the fashion show in _____town centre yesterday. _____ models were really good-looking but ______clothes were a bit boring.
- _____tracksuit he bought yesterday was the wrong size.
- He left _____home without informing anyone.
- When we arrived she went straight to _____kitchen to prepare ____meal for us.,
- ____Mt. Everest is ____highest mountain in ____world.
- ____attempt has been made to collect ___funds to start ____public library in ____town where I live.
- ____Shah of Iran had to leave the country in 1979.
- ____Life can be very hard for ____poor.
- Anyone who has ____information should contact ____local police.
- _____president of ____United States is a busy man.
Предварительный просмотр:
Today to recognize the importance of reading as part of language building, I have a post filled with English idioms, words, and phrases about reading and books. I have defined this new vocabulary below and included a practice exercise as well. I challenge you to use three of the words, phrases, or idioms here in the next week.
bookworm – a person who loves to read and is devoted to reading
book smart – to be very smart or successful in scholastic way (from knowledge in books), but not very smart or successful in real world interactions
an open book – to have very evident and clear emotions and thoughts
to hit the books – to study hard
to read the fine print – to read carefully; to know all the information that is contained in a large document, such as a contact
to read between the lines – to try to understand something that is not expressed openly or explicitly; a synonym to this phrase is the verb ‘to infer’
“Read my lips!” – This phrase means ‘listen very carefully.’ It is used to emphasize the importance of what a person is saying. This phrase was famously used by the George H. Bush when he was running for President of the United States in 1988. At that time he said, “Read my lips, no new taxes!”
to read someone the riot act – to give someone a strong scolding or to talk to someone severely; to yell at someone
spell bound – to hold someone’s attention completely; a synonym for this phrase is ‘fascinated’
“that’s one for the books” – This phrase is used to say that something is ‘amazing,’ ‘wonderful’ or ‘impressive.’
“you can’t judge a book by its cover” – This idioms is used to say, ‘you should not judge people by their appearance alone.’ This idiom also is used to remind people that the outside of something is not always the same as the inside.
1. I always have my lawyer read over my work contracts. I pay him to ________________ for me.
2. Jane is very shy, she dresses conservatively, and she keeps to herself most of the time at school, but I saw her out at a club this past weekend and she was really partying. It just goes to show, ______________________.
3. James has been a ____________________ since he was a young boy. He started reading at age 5 and has never been without a book since.
4. ___________________, when I say you have to home by 10:00pm, I mean it! If you can’t follow the rules, you can’t go out with your friends anymore.
5. It is time to ______________________ and get ready for our English final on Friday.
6. I know Jill so well she is like _________________ to me; I know when she is happy, sad, or mad without her saying a word.
Bookends -a pair of objects that you put at each end of a row of books to stop them from falling over
bookmark -something you put inside a book so that you can find the page you want
bookrest - a frame for holding a book so that you do not need to use your hands
fiction -books and stories about imaginary events and people. Books that give facts about real events, things, or people are called non-fiction
non-fiction-writing that is about real people and events, not imaginary ones
pop-up- a pop-up book or card has pictures inside that have been cut out so that they stand up when you open the pages
reference-used to describe books or places where you can find information
uncut - an uncut film or book has not had parts removed from the original
unpublished-not available for the public to read
unputdownable- a book that is unputdownable is so interesting or exciting that you do not want to stop reading it
unreadable -an unreadable book is very difficult to read, for example because it is not very good or the subject is too complicated
well-thumbed - a well-thumbed book or magazine has been read many times
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