план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

План- конспект открытого урока в 7 классе по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по теме:


7класс, учебник “Enjoy English”, Биболетова М. З.

Цель урока: Работать над формированием умений устной речи по теме.

Задачи урока: 

  1. Развивать умения устной речи и аудирования.
  2. Развивать умение читать с различной стратегией.
  3. Развивать и воспитывать у школьников понимание важности изучения

      иностранного языка в современном мире.

  1. Развивать познавательные интересы учащихся.

Оборудование к уроку: компьютер,

                                          мультимедийный  проектор

                                                          Ход урока.

I   Орг момент.


  T. Good morning, boys and girls, and our guests! I’m glad to see you at our lesson! I see  that everybody is ready for the lesson. Let’s start!

  1. Сообщение темы урока.


Look at the  board and guess the topic of our lesson: (Слайд 1)



The topic of our today’s lesson is : “Why study English?” слайд2

And now look at the proverb and try to translate it

As you know, English has become the first foreign language that much of the world want to learn. Today we are going to discuss the reasons for this. It would be interesting to know why you learn English.

II   Фонетическая зарядка.

Клеят страны на карты

As usual we begin with pronunciation. (Слайд 3)

Repeat the words after me!

  • The USA                                                                English
  • Canada                                                                   Standard English
  • Australia                                                                 Welsh
  • South Africa                                                           Scottish
  • New Zealand                                                          Official language
  • Wales                                                                      Irish
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Great Britain
  • Northern Ireland
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Teacher: Look at the words and say  what they mean.

Pupils: They mean the names of the countries, the names of the languages.

III  Основная часть урока.

1)Развивать умение читать с пониманием основного содержания. Активизировать употребления ЛЕ по теме.


you have to fill it with the words from the box. Let’s read them!

Africa, official, Schools, Kingdom, television, Great Britain, variants, Scotland (Слайд7)

  • Nowadays  English is the language of the world, or in other words a global language. It  is the national language of   1______, the USA , Canada, Australia, South 2_____,
  • New Zealand, etc. Together with Wales, 3_____  and Northern Ireland, England forms the United  4 _____ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The national language of Wales is Welsh, in Scotland-Scottish. Still  the  5_____language of all the four parts of the country is English.
  •   The English population speaks Standard  English. However, in America, Canada and other countries people have developed their own  6_______  of  English. Today
  • Standard English is a modern literary form English which students learn and study at  7_____   and universities. It is also the language of the newspapers , radio and
  • 8______  

KEYS: (Слайд 5)

  • 1.Great Britain
  • 2.Africa
  • 3.Scotland
  • 4.Kingdom
  • 5.official
  • 6.variants
  • 7.schools
  • 8.televiosion

TEACHER: As you  see,  English is spoken in many countries  of the world.

2.Обучение аудированию с пониманием основной информации.(Слайд     )

TEACHER : :Now listen to the students talking about their reasons for learning English. Fill in the table


Reasons/ purpose for learning English    




Why do the children study English?(контроль понимания прослушанного текста)

And now control if you are right. (Слайд    )



Reasons/purpose for learning English


He often visits his relatives and friends in Britain. He likes to read British youth magazines.


He is going to be a pilot. Every pilot should speak English. He learns English to use the Internet.


He learns English to make new fiends and to know the latest musical news.

3 Чтение с пониманием основного содержания (Слайд11)

TEACHER: Read the texts and say what job the person does: a pilot, a computer programmer, a travel agent. A SCIENTIST

  • A) I’m…   . I go all over the world with groups of tourists. I talk to airport, hotel and restaurant workers all over the world. I need English to travel.

  • B) I’m…  . When I was at school I liked playing computer games. They were in  English. I got interested in computers, and the computer helped me to learn English. I can’t say some English words correctly but I read English very well.

  • C) I’m…  . When I fly the plane I speak to air traffic control by radio. They speak English to me, and I speak English too. I must speak and understand English well to fly a plane. ( air traffic control-диспетчерская служба)

  • D)  I’m…  . I often take part in different conferences with reports. My profession is connected with chemistry. I have my own lab at the university.

  • A)
  • B)
  • D)

What other jobs need English?

2. What are the most   important reasons for a Russian  student to learn English  at school?

(Слайд    )

(Слайд      )

If you know English well, you can…..

Make friends                                          Watch films in the original    

Go abroad on an exchange program       Travel

Be the best student                                  Read English and American literature            

Understand                                              Understand modern pop singers

Be an intelligent person                          Get a better job in future

Study languages at the university           Get information

Do business                                             Communicate with people when you are abroad

7. TEACHER: I see you understand how important it’s to learn English.

And now check how much English you know.  (Слайд ____

  • 1. Translate into Russian:
  • A) Alice in Wonderland
  • B) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  • C) Gulliver’s Travels
  • 2. Say the name of :
  • A) three drinks in English
  • B) three pop singers or groups who sing in English
  • C) three computer games in English
  • D) three English/American words in English
  • 3. Translate into English:
  • A) гостиница
  • B)Электронная почта
  • C)Млечный Путь
  • 4. Say a line from an English song.
  • 5. Think of cartoon characters and say the English for:
  • A)   мышь
  • B)   утка
  • C)   Белоснежка



IV. Подведение итогов урока.

TEACHER: Today we discussed a lot of reasons for learning English .I hope you understand how important and useful it’s to know English. Thank you for your work.

V.  Домашнее задание.

Your homework will be to write a composition: “Why I learn English”.

Use the plan: 1. English is important because….

                      2. Why I learn English.

                      3. What I do to know English better.

                      4. How I plan to use English in  the future.

And at the end of our lesson I would like you to listen to the song of a great English pop group of the 60s “The Beatles”. Does anybody know what group it is? What song is the most popular? Do you know?        Let’s listen to and enjoy ourselves!  (Слайд 15)

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