Конспект Урока "Защита окружающей среды" 8 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Конспект Урока "Защита окружающей среды" 8 класс по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6»
Творческая разработка урока
Тема: «Защита окружающей среды»
8 класс
Учитель английского языка:
И.А. Юнченко
Новокузнецк, 2019
Тема урока: «Защита окружающей среды»
Тип Занятий: обобщающее повторение.
Вид занятий: комбинированный урок.
Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме:«Защита окружающей среды».
Образовательная: Уметь систематизировать лексические и грамматические знания, уметь применять их в речевых умениях.
Развивающая:систематизировать лексико-грамматический материал, способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся
Практическая: Учить обучающихся применять лексику по теме, учить строить высказывания
Воспитательная: формировать уважительное отношение к природе, чувство сопричастности к проблемам экологии.
Учебная группа: учащиеся 8-го класса.
Методы: словесный, наглядно-иллюстративный, частично-поисковый, фронтальная беседа.
Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерный проектор, компьютерные слайды, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент урока.
(На смарт-доске высвечен слайд № 1 с темой урока.)
1.1 Т: Dear Friends, let's begin our ordinary lesson. We've spoken a lot about our topic “The Earth Needs a Friend, Doesn’t it?”But why are we talking about it at our lessons?
P1: Because our Earth is polluted. Air ,water, land are seriously polluted.
T: Is pollution dangerous?
P2 : …
T: What is happening because of pollution?
T: Who is the main pollutant on our planet?
T: We live among litter. Litter is everywhere. Why is so much litter around us?
P5. …
T: What should people donot to live among litter?
P6. …
T: What should people do to keep our environment clean?
P7: …
That’s right!
- Лексическая разминка.
So, we 've known a lot of words about our topic. Let's use them in our following exercise. In front of you there are sheets of paper. Your task is match the words with their definitions.
(Насмарт-доскевысвечиваетсяслайд № 2).
Учащиеся выполняют упражнение на карточках , затем выходят к доске и соединяют слово с его значением.
Right you are! Thanks a lot!
- Просмотрфильма(Seeing is believing).
T: Our planet is in danger. We'd like you to watch a short film about the results of our influence on the environment. And it is very pity that we are becoming the hostages of our terrible actions.
Greenpeace motto is “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can't eat money”.
(ссылка: www. You Tubeвидеостинг/фильм «Environmental Protection»)
- Useful tips (полезные советы)
As you have seen, our planet is in danger. So, we should do our best to keep it clean, to drink pure water, to breath fresh air, to eat healthy food. We know how to do it. There are lots of ways to live on a healthy planet. And if you and your friends, your family follow these ways, you can begin trying to save the Earth. Now, Children, cоmplete the Word Web giving us some tips how to save the Earth, how to keep our environment clean.
( На смарт-доске высвечивается слайд№ 3)
Учащиеся заполняют WordWeb и выходят к доске со своими советами.
Wonderful! You are nice!
- Hometask (mini-projects).( домашнее задание мини-проекты)
А) задание 1 группы: Продолжительность жизни животных на планете Земля.( Lengthofanimals'lives)
P: Our project is called Lengthofanimals'lives. Length of different animals is different. It depends on different conditions. One of the reasons of shortend animal's lives is the man's influence. The man's influence into animals world is becoming more stronger and stronger. Their habitat is polluted, it is becoming dirty. They can't live in their places. Here you can see
the averageLengthofanimals'lives.
Б) задание 2 группы: Времяразложенияопределенноговидамусора.( Approximate Decomposition times in a landfill)
P: Our project is called Approximate Decomposition times in a landfill. Why we are interested in this project. There is a lot of litter around us: on the beaches, in the streets, in the forests – so everywhere. We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves, litter is also dangerous for people, because Approximate Decomposition times in a landfill is different. Now look at some facts.
You are very creative!
- Грамматическая разминка
We are responsible for our actions, thoughts, before our lesser brothers-animals, before our nature surrounding us and especially for our future generation.Our last task is complete the sentences using Conditionals II.
(На смарт-доске высвечивается слайд №4)
- Conclusion. (заключение). Подведение итогов.
Our time is over. I am are very pleased with you. You show us how you are creative, curious, serious, responsible. I am sure you are real friends of our planet. The World is what we see, what is around us, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we walk. Take care of our planet. I Think the future generation will be thankful.
- Домашнее задание.
Слайд № 2
1 | to protect | a | flora and fauna |
2 | environment | b | use again |
3 | to pollute | c | to make or become rotten |
4 | waste | d | to be at risk |
5 | pollution | e | the presence of harmful things in environment |
6 | ecology | f | to convert waste into reusable material |
7 | to decompose | g | to make water, soil and air dirty with harmful substances |
8 | litter | h | a period while something become rotten |
9 | wildlife | i | the surrounding of the organism, or population, that includes factors that have an influence in their survival, development and evolution |
10 | to recycle | g | wastes and litter |
11 | recycling | k | an area where rubbish is burying |
12 | decomposition time | l | the study of the relationships that living things have with each other |
13 | landfill | m | trash, such as paper, cans, bottles, that is left lying in an open area |
14 | ecologist | n | to keep safe from harm |
15 | to be endangered | o | a person who studies nature and its habitants |
16 | rubbish | p | material that is not wanted |
Слайд № 3
Слайд № 4
- If all the people decided to save our world, …
- If people didn' t waste paper, …
- If people thought about the Earth before they throw something away, …
- If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, …
- If we took care of our planet, …
- If we cut down fewer forests, …
- If we opened more national parks, …
- If you were the President of our country, …
- If people didn’t pollute seas and oceans, …
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