Викторина "Привет, Америка" 9 класс
занимательные факты по английскому языку (9 класс)
Обобщение изученного страноведческого материала по теме "Америка"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Hello America!
1. The official name of America is
a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK
2. America was discovered by
a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus
3.The Native Americans were
a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans
4. The area of the USA is
a) over 9 mln. sq. kl b) over 10 mln. sq. kl c) over 6 mln. sq. kl
5. The capital of America is
a) New York b) Boston c)Washington, DC
6. The first president of the USA was
a) Abraham Lincoln b) George Washington c) Franklin D. Roosevelt
7. In America the official language (s) is/ are
a) English b) English and French c) English and German
8. American money is
a) euros and cents b) dollars and cents c) pounds and pennies
9. The national symbol of America is
a) the rose b) the bald eagle c) the shamrock
10. The American flag has
a) thirteen stripes b) thirty stripes c) fifty stripes
11. What do the strips (seven red and six white) on the American flag mean?
a) the original thirteen States that were united in 1776
b) the original seven States that were united in 1776
c) the original six States that were united in 1776
12. What do the stars on the American flag mean?
a) the number of large cities today b) the number of states today
c) the number of colonies today
13. Americans celebrate Independence Day
a) July 4 b)December 25 c) February 14
14.Americans began to celebrate Flag Day since
a) . June 14, 1777 b) July 4, 1776 c) on February 14, 1269
15. Why is dollar described in such way $ ?
(because SU was abbreviation and low part of the letter U erased (стёрлась)
and the lines left $ )
16.The first skyscraper in America was in
a) New York City b) Chicago c) San Francisco
17. Where is the tallest skyscraper in America now?
a) in New York City b) in Chicago c) in San Francisco
18. The largest city and port in the USA is
a) New York b) Washington c) San Francisco
19. The most famous symbol of America is
a) the Empire State Building b) the Statue of Liberty c)the Rockefeller Center
20. What country presented the Statue of Liberty to America?
a) Russia b) Great Britain c) France
21. New York is
a) the Big Pine-apple b)the Big Apple c) the Large Orange
22. New York consists of … boroughs. What are they?
a) 7 b) 3 c) 5 (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, the Bronx)
23. New York is on
a) the Mississippi River b) the Colorado c) the Hudson River
24. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were ruined
a) on January 22, 2000 b) on September 11, 2001 c) on November 13, 2009
25. The tallest skyscraper in New York after September 11, 2001 became
a) the Empire State Building b) the Chrysler c) the Pan American buildings
26. The Empire State Building has … floors
a) 96 b) 103 c) 105
27. John D. Rockefeller II was
a) a rich aristocrat who believed in people and didn’t believe in money
b) a famous architect and designer c) a famous scientist
28. The most famous musical is
a) Mexico b) Chicago c) New York
29. The national sport in America is
a) football b) soccer c) baseball
30. The first man on the Moon was
a) John Glen b) Yuri Gagarin c) Neil Armstrong
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