Сценарий по мотивам "Алисы в стране чудес"
классный час по английскому языку (11 класс)
Сценарий был написан для последнего звонка, но может быть использован для других мероприятий.
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Данный сценарий был использован на последнем звонке, однако подходит для других мероприятий, например, недели иностранных языков.
Alice is sitting on the stage, reading a textbook. White Rabbit rushes out on the stage.
WR: Oh, dear me, dear me! The Headmistress!
Alice looks at him but continues reading.
WR: Oh dear me, dear me! I will be late! The Headmistress! What will she say? I will never touch that computer game again, I promise. (looks at his watch nervously).
WR: Oh goodness! I really must hurry up! Lessons start in a minute! She will not let me into the classroom! And this is the only time I’ve done all homework!
Alice looks at him:
A: Fancy that! A talking rabbit! What next?
WR: It looks like a door! What if? (runs to the edge of the stage. Alice follows him).
Alice is standing in the middle of the stage. Around her all actors are moving forming a circle.
A: Will the fall never come to the end? What is mother going to say? I promised to buy bread on my way home. What a strange room! It gives me creeps! And what’s this? A skeleton? What do they keep it for, I wonder? And why are here so many children? How loud they are! How can a sane person put up with the noise? And where am I?
The fall is over. Actors leave the stage. Alice is sitting on the stage.
Cheshire Cat appears, half walking, half dancing.
CC: Hi there, my lovely! Welcome to Wonderland.
A: I am at a loss. I never expected anything like that, I’m sure. I’m not even sure I am myself and me!
CC: People say old habits die hard. Remember something you learned at primary school. It’ll make you feel better.
A: I’ll try. What about multiplication table? 2 by 2? 4, isn’t it? But what about 8 by 7? No idea. It means I am not myself.
CC: It means you should have learnt better! What about something really elementary, like ABC?
A: A. Then B. Then C I think. Then may be F? Or G? I must google it. Where’s my phone?
CC: No phones here. No cribs. It Wonderland, we are all honest here. What poem did you learn at school last?
A: My uncle… Something about my uncle… He died? Or what? I don’t remember. I’m telling you I ‘m not myself!
CC: Sure thing you are not yourself, my lovely. Nobody here is.
A: I feel dizzy. I think I am going to faint.
CC: Drink this. It will cheer you up. And take my advice: have a nice cup of tea. Mad Hatter serves the best tea here. Well, I must be off, but you may keep the best part of me – my smile…
CC disappears. Alice looks around. She sees the Caterpillar.
A: What’s that?
C: I’m not WHAT, I’m WHO. Caterpillar at your service, babe.
A: Service? How can you serve me?
C: I run a course. Lectures, seminars, staff like that. My course is on time management. I’m highly successful. Not everybody is admitted.
A: I have no time for a course. But I do need a course in time management. In this crazy land…
A: Never mind! Everybody is obsessed with time.
C: You have enough time for my course. It’s a crash course. It only consists of one rule: Take your time…
Queen appears.
Q: Take your time? Stuff and nonsense! Time and tide wait for no man! Don’t fiddle with time or it will take revenge. Like it happened to the Mad Hatter. He was frivolous with time, he didn’t keep good time, he didn’t do things on time and now look at him…
A: Look at him! I think it’s exactly what I’m going to do. Which way is it?
Q and C point at different directions.
She leaves the stage and when she returns Mad Hatters tea party is in full swing.
March Hare and Hatter No room! No room!'
Dormouse: Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.'
A; `There's PLENTY of room!' But why are here so many dirty dishes?
H: Because it’s always lunch break here.
A: Always lunch break?
MH: Yes, this is why we have no time to clean things up. We are stuck here, in the school cafeteria. We are going to stay here for 11 more years.
A: Why?
H: Because we wasted time. We wasted it in the 5th grade, then in the 6th…
MH: And in the 7th, and in the 8th…
D: Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.
MH: And Dormouse slept at all lessons. Nobody could wake HER up, even the Headmistress.
D: Of course, of course; just what I was going to remark myself.'
A: SO what?
H: So Time got angry. It stopped and we are in a time trap. We can’t leave it for the next 11 years. We’ll graduate from school at the age of 27.
A: How terrible! I’m never going to waste even a second any more. Where are my school books? Good bye and have a nice Time!
D, H and MH: Have a nice TIME?
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