Театральная постановка по художественному произведению Р. Киплинга "Кошка,которая гуляет сама по себе"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Театральная постановка,которая была представлена зрителям 6-хи 5-х классов 25.05.2017г.
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Адаптированный сценарий
для постановки школьных спектаклей
на английском языке
“ The cat that walked by himself ”
by Rudyard Kipling
Сценарий подготовила:
учитель английского языка
Кудряшова С.В
Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen!
We would show you the play “ The cat that walked by himself ” by Rudyard Kipling.
Author: For this happened when the Tame animals were wild. The dog was wild, and the Horse was wild, and the cow was wild, and the sheep was wild, and the pig was wild – as wild as could be!
But the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him.
Of course the Man was wild too. He was dreadfully wild. The woman tamed him.
Woman: What are you doing here?
Man: I live here.
Woman: What an animal you are to live here! Come! This is my home. Wipe your feet, dear! We’ll keep a clean house. Cozy, isn’t it?
Man: Very cozy.
Woman: I’ll start the fire.
Author: That was the first fire, started by a woman.
Horse: O my Friends and O my Enemies, why have the Man and the Woman made that great light in that great Cave, and what harm will it do us?
Dog : I will go up and see and then tell you. I think it is good there. Cat, come with me.
Cat: No, no. I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. I will not come.
Dog: Then we can never be friends again.
Woman: Tell me, blade- bone, Who is my first guest?
Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, what do you want?
Dog :Oh, my Enemy and wife of my Enemy, what is that smell so good in the Wild Woods?
Dog: Oh, my Enemy and wife of my Enemy, give me another.
Woman: Guard this Cave at night and help my Man to hunt, then I will give you many bones.
Dog: O, my Friend and Wife of my Friend, I will help Your Man to hunt, and at night I will guard your Cave.
Cat: Ah! That is a very foolish Dog.
Man: What is Wild Dog doing here?
Woman: His name is not Wild Dog anymore, but the First Friend, take him with you when you go hunting.
Horse: Why hasn’t Wild Dog returned? I will go and see. Cat, come with me.
Cat: No, no. I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. I will not come.
Woman: Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods what do you want?
Horse: O my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, where is Wild Dog?
Woman: You did not come here for Wild Dog, but for the sake of this wonderful grass.
Horse: That is true; give it me to eat.
Horse: O, my Mistress, and Wife of my Master, I will be your servant.
Cat: Ah, that is a very foolish Horse.
Man: What is Wild Horse doing here?
Woman: His name is not Wild Horse anymore, but the First Servant. Ride on his back when you go hunting.
Cow: Why hasn’t Wild Dog and Wild Horse returned? I will go and see. Cat, come with me.
Cat: No, no. I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. I will not come.
Woman: Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods what do you want?
Cow: I will promise to give you milk every day in exchange for this wonderful grass.
Woman: Well. You shall eat the wonderful grass three times a day.
Man: What is Wild Cow doing here?
Woman: Her name is not Wild Cow anymore. She will give us the warm white milk.
Man: I have never tasted anything better.
Author: Next day no other Wild thing went to the cave, so the cat walked there by himself.
Woman: Wild Thing out of the Wild Woods, what do you want?
Cat: I am the Cat who walks by himself, and I wish to come into your cave.
Woman: You are too late, Wild thing. I have not need of either friends or servant.
Cat: I am not a friend, and I am not a servant. I am the Cat who walks by himself.
Woman: Then go away.
Cat: O, my Enemy and Wife of my Enemy, must I never drink the warm white milk? You are very wise and very beautiful.
Woman: I knew I was wise, but I did not know I was beautiful.
Cat: Say a word in my praise for that.
Woman: I never shall.
Cat: And if you shall?
Woman: If I ever say a word in your praise you may come into the Cave.
Cat: And if you say two words in my praise?
Woman: I never shall.
Cat: And if you shall?
Woman: Then you may sit by the fire.
Cat: And if you say three words ?
Woman: Three? Well, then you may drink the warm white milk three times a day.
Cat: Ah , my time has come.
Woman: That was wonderfully done.
Cat: The first praise.
Woman: You are very clever!
Cat: The second praise.
Woman: Well done. You are so quick!
Cat: The third praise.
Woman: I have spoken three words in your praise, and now I will give you milk three times a day for always and always.
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