итоговые тестовые работы по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку
итоговые тестовые работы по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт:http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2018 г. |
по английскому языку в 4 классе
Итоговая контрольная работа 4 класс
Часть I. Чтение
Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Tad and Fred
Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.
"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.
Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.
1. Fred has got
a) a dog b) a puppy c) a cat.
2. Tad is
a) black b) grey c) white.
3. One day they play hide-and-seek
a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest
4. Fred wants to find
a) his house b) Tad c) the park
5. "Where is …?" the puppy says.
a) my house b) your house c) Fred
6. His house is
a) green b) blue c)red.
Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.
a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty
b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball
c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake
d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm
e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.
2. Выбери нужное слово.
a) Have you got many/much friends.
b) He eats many/much bread for breakfast.
c) His friend live/lives in the forest.
d) Cats like/likes milk and fish.
e) They go/goes to the park every day.
Правильные ответы.
I. 1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – b 5 – c 6 – a
II. 1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben
2. a) many b)much c)lives d)like e)go
Шкала оценивания
Количество баллов | Оценка |
14 – 16 | 5 |
11 - 13 | 4 |
8 – 10 | 3 |
< 8 | 2 |
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт:http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 10 классе
I variant
I. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1 – 7 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы1–7.
Tourism in Britain
Every year more than eleven million tourists visit Britain. In fact, tourism is an 1________________ industry, employing thousands of people. | IMPORTANCE |
Most 2________________ come in the summer months when they can expect good weather. | VISIT |
Tourists 3________________ spend a few days in London, then go on to other well-known cities. | USUAL |
Perhaps the least visited places in England are old 4________________ towns. | INDUSTRY |
But many people think that nineteenth-century cities show the 5________________ of Britain. | REAL |
The 6________________ of the past is to be still seen in their old streets. | GREAT |
The cheap, concrete buildings of the 1960s look old and dirty, but for the 7________________ tourists these cities are full of life and colour. | ADVENTURE |
II. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1 – 8 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1 – 8.
Albert Einstein, a Nobel Prize Winner in Physics
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. His interest in science 1________________ when he was only five years old. | BEGIN |
His father gave him a magnetic compass. Looking at it, the young Albert wanted to know why the needle 2________________. | MOVE |
In 1902, after graduating from the university, Einstein took a job in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. In 1909, at the age of thirty, Einstein 3________________ his job at the Patent Office and began his lifelong career in the academic world. | LEAVE |
His genius was recognized, and in 1921 he 4________________ the Nobel Prize in physics. | GIVE |
In 1933, when Adolf Hitler came into power, Einstein and his 5________________ wife moved to the USA. | TWO |
He 6________________ a professor at Princeton University where he remained until his death in 1955. | BECOME |
Shortly before his death he wrote and signed the | WARN
It is generally thought that Albert Einstein is the greatest theoretical physicist who ever 8__________________________. | LIVE |
III. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.
The first Europeans to visit what is now called Alaska were Russian sailors led by Captain Bering. The 1 ______ was funded by Russian czar Peter the Great. In 1728 Bering and his crew 2 ______ through the strait that is now named after him, between the easternmost part of Asia and the westernmost part of the Americas. Their journey 3 ______ that Asia was not connected to North America; however, due to the heavy fog, they never actually saw the nearby land of North America. In 1741 Bering headed further south, landing on tiny Kayak Island off the 4 ______ of what is now the southeastern part of the state.
In the 1780s and 1790s Russians began small colonies, first on Kodiak Island and later on the mainland. In 1799 the Russian-American Company was established to 5 ______ Russian interests. For the next 68 years the company provided the only form of government for the European colonists, 6 ______ never numbered more than a few hundred. The Russians ruled the 7 ______ until the late 1860s, when they sold it to the United States for $7.2 million dollars.
The 8 ______ of gold in 1896 in the Yukon Territory started a huge gold rush that brought thousands of settlers.
1. A) travel; Б) trip; В) journey; Г) expedition
2. A) paddled; Б) sailed; В) travelled; Г) rowed
3. A) proved; Б) convinced; В) persuaded; Г) appeared
4. A) bank; Б) beach; В) shore; Г) sea-side
5. A) look after; Б) look at; В) look for; Г) look away
6. A) which; Б) whose; В) what; Г) who
7. A) country; Б) area; В) ground; Г) earth
8. A) discovery; Б) detection; В) exploration; Г) innovation
21-23 | 17-20 | 12-16 | <12 |
excellent | good | satisfactory | Try again |
II variant
I. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1 – 7 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы1–7.
Nicknamed the “Golden State”, California is the third largest state in area after Alaska and Texas. The 1________________ of gold and | DISCOVER |
the immigration in 1849 of thousands of gold diggers in search of the 2________________ metal helped California’s admittance into the Union in 1850. | VALUE |
Today, California, land of 3________________ redwoods, has the highest population of any state in the country. | MARVEL |
It is also America’s main 4________________ state, | AGRICULTURE |
which is 5________________ known for its avocados and grapes. | SPECIAL |
It is also the home of Hollywood, the center of America’s movie 6________________. | BUSY |
However, not everyone wants to move to California. In recent years forest fires, floodings and earthquakes have left thousands of people 7________________. | HOME |
II. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1 – 8 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1 – 8.
Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Albert Schweitzer is known throughout the world for his missionary work in Africa. He was born on January 14, 1875 in Alsace, which was part of Germany and 1________________ Part of France after World War I. | LATE |
He was a talented person and by the age of thirty, 2________________ as an author, a lecturer, and a musician. | KNOW |
It was at this time that he learned of the great need of medical doctors in Africa. He decided to become a doctor of medicine. In 1913, Doctor Schweitzer and his wife 3________________ for Africa. | LEAVE |
The morning after the Schweitzers arrived, they started to treat their patients in an old farmhouse. However, a new hospital building 4________________ with the help and the trust of the African people. | BUILD |
Their work was interrupted by World War I. Only in 1924, Dr. Schweitzer was finally able to return to Lambarene to rebuild the hospital. When Mrs. Schweitzer came back to Africa in 1929, the hospital was much 5________________. | LARGE |
There was a 6________________ staff of doctors and nurses. | GROW |
In 1953 Dr. Schweitzer 7________________ the Nobel Peace Prize. | GIVE |
He was grateful, but said, “No man has the right to pretend that he 8________________ enough for the cause of peace or declare himself satisfied.” | WORK |
III. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.
The First Day at School
Do you remember your first day at school? It was probably 1 ____ confusing. Now, to 2 ____ this confusion, many primary schools in England have a special teacher who welcomes new pupils. She is 3 ____ a reception class teacher. The children are 4 ____ with the idea of school and if they have been good, they can’t understand why they have to go to school. They imagine that school is optional. When the child goes to school on his first day and watches his mother leaving he thinks that she is deserting him. The teacher must 5 ____ him that at the end of the day his mother will be back and take him home. The children are not the only people that are disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has as much difficulty in 6 ____ with the mothers. They hang around and dislike leaving the child without their protection.
The best way to 7 ____ with the situation is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before the beginning of term, the mother should take her child to see the teacher and to look 8 ____ the school. The first day should be something to emphasize the regularity of school.
1. А) enough; Б) rarely; В) rather; Г) equally
2. A) escape; Б) defeat; В) beat; Г) avoid
3. A) named; Б) called; В) said; Г) told
4. A) afraid; Б) threatened; В) endangered; Г) risked
5. A) convince; Б) prove; В) explain; Г) announce
6. A) managing; Б) guiding; В) coping; Г) handling
7. A) face; Б) deal; В) touch; Г) consider
8. A) through; Б) about; В) after; Г) round
21-23 | 17-20 | 12-16 | <12 |
excellent | good | satisfactory | Try again |
1 вариант
Задание 1: 1 – important
2 – visitors
3 – usually
4 – industrial
5 – reality
6 – greatness
7 – adventurous
Задание 2: 1Г 2Б 3А 4В 5А 6В 7Б 8А
Задание 3: 1 – began
2 – was moving<или>moved
3 – left
4 – was given
5 – second
6 – became
7 – warning
8 – has ever lived<или>has lived
2 вариант
Задание 1: 1 – discovery
2 – valuable
3 – marvelous<или>marvellous
4 – agricultural
5 – especially<или>specially
6 – business
7 – homeless
Задание 2: 1В 2Г 3Б 4Б 5А 6В 7Б 8Г
Задание 3: 1 – later
2 – was known
3 – left
4 – was built
5 – larger
6 – growing
7 – was given
8 – has worked
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт:http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2018 г. |
по английскому языку в 11 классе
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса.
B 2 |
Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. |
- Disappeared people
- Depending on the weather
- Organizing people in case of emergency
- A dangerous street accident
- Protection from flood
- Emergency exits are to be done.
- It took many hours for workers to shut the water off when a large water pipe broke. Water gushed out of it. The streets flooded. The water pipe that broke was underground. The pressure from the water coming out of the pipe broke the street. The street fell into a huge hole. This break caused a lot of damage. One woman` s car flooded. It had four inches of water in it. There was a lot of work to be done.
- Firefighters hope to have control of a big fire by Friday. It has already burnt a lot of land. Firefighters worked all night, their hard work saved a lot of land. Now firefighters are worried. The wind is starting to blow. They think that the winds could fan the flames again. When wind fans a flame, it helps the fire grow. This would be very bad. The firefighters are hoping that the winds do not get any stronger.
- There was a fire that burnt a house down. The local police are trying to find out how it started. There was a man and three children who are missing. No one knows what happened to them. The mother of the missing children could not find them. She did not know if they were in the home before it burnt. She has not seen the father of her children since the fire. The police are not sure how the fire started. There is nothing that shows that fire was started on purpose but the police want to make sure.
- In spring, heavy rains and melting snow add a lot of water to the lake behind Folsom Dam. People believe too much water could breach the dam. Then the dam might break and flood the towns below the lake. A flood would be very dangerous for the people who live near the dam. They need to find a solution and a way to keep the nearby towns safe. Senator Deborah Ortiz has an idea that might help. She wants to ask the State of California for funds to make the Folsom Dam seven feet taller.
- Mr. Baldwin believes the way California handles disasters is a good one. People need to know when there is an emergency. They need to be warned. People can be given warnings over the radio. They are also warned over the television. Mr. Baldwin also says that more work needs to be done in an emergency. One thing he is worried about is how to evacuate people from towns. People need to know where to go if they have to leave their homes.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
B 3 |
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу. |
Once the child has reached school age, most women in Britain work part time, 1_______. However, this is not always possible for women who want a career. Recently 2 ______ on the Government to provide more money for state day nurseries, and on employers to establish crèches in the workplace.
Although there is a greater acceptance of men 3 _______, studies show that men` s and women` s roles have not changed as much as could be expected. In most families working women are still mothers, 4 _______. Because of the difficulties of combining the mother role with the demands of a career, women` s work tends to be low-paid and irregular.
In the past, families tended to stay together. They felt it was their duty to do this and that marriage was for life. Divorce was not socially acceptable. Legal changes have made it 5 _______. Another possible reason behind the rise in the divorce is the changing attitude to marriage itself. Perhaps the people most affected by a divorce 6 ________.
- housekeepers and income providers
- much easier to get a divorce
- there has been increasing pressure
- are the children
- to live together before they are married
- to fit in with school hours
- taking more of an interest in child care and domestic duties
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Грамматика и лексика.
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B3-B9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B3-B9. |
Enrico Caruso, a famous Italian singer, often said, «No one is so well-known
as he thinks». He knew it by his own experience.
B 3 |
Once he came to the United States to give ______. CONCERT
B 4 |
One day when he ______ to New York and DRIVE
B 5 |
his car _____ down. It was near the farm and he asked the BREAK
farmer to help him to repair the car.
B 6 |
When the car _____ Caruso paid the farmer for his work REPAIR
and gave him his photograph with his name on it. The farmer read the name on the photograph and cried out,
B 7 |
«What a luck! I _____ never ______ of receiving DREAM
B 8 |
the ______ traveller Robinson Crusoe GREAT
B 9 |
in ______ house!»
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B10-B14 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B10-B14. |
Children are curious. Sometimes, they are too curious! This can lead to injuries. Many childhood injuries can be avoided if adults
B 10 |
are ___________ and know how to keep kids safe. CARE
B 11 |
Here are some important things to know about ______. SAFE
Always make sure children are safe in a car by having them ride in a car seat.
B 12 |
_________ children should always wear a seatbelt when they are OLD
a passenger. Be a good example to your child by always wearing your seatbelt.
B 13 |
Install smoke __________ in your home. They make a loud DETECT
noise if smoke is present in the air. Make sure your children know what the sound means.
B 14 |
Talk to _______ about what to do in case of a fire. THEY
B 2 | |
1 | D |
2 | B |
3 | A |
4 | E |
5 | C |
B 3 | |
1 | F |
2 | C |
3 | G |
4 | A |
5 | B |
6 | D |
Грамматика и лексика.
B 3 | Concerts |
B 4 | Was driving |
B 5 | Broke |
B 6 | Was repaired |
B 7 | Have never dreamt |
B 8 | Greatest |
B 9 | My |
B 10 | Careful |
B 11 | Safety |
B 12 | Older |
B 13 | Detectors |
B 14 | Them |
Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.
Максимальное количество баллов-23
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2018 г. |
по английскому языку во 2 классе
Exercise 1. Выберите правильный предлог.
1. He is … in the bed.
a. in, b. on, c. under, d. by.
2. Ann is … the stool.
a. in, b. on, c. under, d. by.
3. The books are … the desk.
a. in, b. on, c. under, d. by.
4. The bag is … the desk.
a. in, b. on, c. under, d. by.
Exercise 2. Помоги Лунтику распределить слова по колонкам, обращая внимание на правила чтения
окончания –s .
shop, wood, rose, pilot, fish, sister, sweet,
star, farm, cook, match, cake, fox, bench.
[ s ] | [ z ] | [ iz ] |
Exercise 3. Выберите предложение, которое соответствует картинке, и подчеркните его.
- The cat is angry.
- The cat is sad.
- The cat is fat and bad.
- The cat is good and happy.
Упражнение 4. Помоги попугаю Кеше заполнить таблицу, выбрав из списка слов те, которые можно заменить на she, he, it, you.
rabbit, Kate, Nick, hen, fox, Ann, Tom, bag, Pamela, Jim, friends, Jane and Tim.
she | he | it | you |
Упражнение 5. Помоги Малышу вставить в пропуски глаголы am, is, are.
1. My name ____________ Tom.
2. It _______________ my doll.
3. I ______________ a troll.
4. You ______________ in the shop.
5. I ______________ five.
6. My dress _____________ red.
7. You ________________ in the street.
Оценочная шкала
37 - 35 баллов – «5»
34 - 28 баллов – «4»
27 - 19 баллов – «3»
менее 19 баллов – «2»
1. 1. A, 2. B, 3. B, 4. D.
[ s ] | [ z ] | [ iz ] |
shop, pilot, sweet, cook, cake, | wood, sister, star, farm, | rose, fish, match, fox, bench |
3. 4.
she | he | it | you |
Kate, Ann, Pamela, | Nick, Tom, Jim, | rabbit, hen, fox, bag, | friends, Jane and Tim. |
5. 1. Is, 2. Is, 3. Am, 4. Are, 5. Am, 6. Is, 7. Are.
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 5 классе
Exercise 1. Find the sentences in Past Progressive, underline them.
1. Yesterday we were getting to Moscow by plane.
2. We bought a lot of souvenirs in London.
3. Next year our family will visit Rome.
4. The pupils were learning English words from 5 to 6 o’clock.
5. When it began raining, she was having a lunch.
6. Mike does Moscow every year.
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps using the or no article.
1. _______ Paris,
2. _______ Volga,
3. _______ Asia,
4. ________ Tver,
5. ________ Red Sea,
6. ________ Red Square.
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps: A. do this museum, B. ocean, C. deep, D. fresh, E. river.
1. The country extends to the __________.
2. The water in Lake Baikal is ___________.
3. The Volga is the largest __________ in Russia.
4. It takes a lot of time to _________.
5. The river in this place is very _________.
Exercise 4. Make sentences from these words.
1. Ann, yesterday, riding, was, a horse. ___________________________________________________________
2. were, hockey, yesterday evening, the pupils, playing. ______________________________________________
3. on the phone, was, talking, Ann, with granny. ____________________________________________________
4. Tim, picture, drawing, was, yesterday. __________________________________________________________
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps: was/ were.
1. I _________________ watching the football match at 7 o’clock.
2. We ________________ choosing presents for our mum.
3. Andrew ____________________ sleeping from 4 to 6 o’clock.
4. The Browns ___________________ doing Rome.
5. My sisters ___________________ feeding our pets yesterday morning.
6. We ____________________ skating when it began snowing.
Оценочная шкала
27 – 26 баллов – «5»
25 - 20 баллов – «4»
19 - 14 баллов – «3»
менее 14 баллов – «2»
1. 1,4,5.
2. 1. -, 2. The, 3. -, 4. -, 5. The, 6. -.
3. 1. B, 2. D, 3. E, 4. A, 5. C.
4. 1. Ann was riding a horse yesterday. 2. The pupils were playing hockey yesterday evening. 3. Ann was talking with granny on the phone. 4. Tim was drawing picture yesterday.
5. 1. Was, 2. Were, 3. Was, 4. Were, 5. Were, 6. Were.
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 6 классе
Exercise 1. Make the right choice.
1. It … windy today.
a. is, b. am, c. are.
2. I … already … my car.
a. will washed, b. washes, c. have washed.
3. Yes, I have.
a. Have you finished your work? b. Has you finished your work? c. Has you finish your work?
4. Our family … to the sea tomorrow.
a. will go, b. goed, c. goes.
5. A postman … letters and newspapers.
a. will deliver, b. delivered, c. delivers.
6. When I came, he … the film.
a. have watched, b. had watched, c. will watch.
7. Yes she has.
a. Has she prepared for her test? b. Have she prepared for her test? c. Has she prepare for her test?
Exercise 2. Make the right choice.
1. A lawyer have to/ must keep laws.
2. A post office have to/ has to deliver letters.
3. A mechanic do not have to/ does not have to write books.
4. You must/ have to help your mum.
5. You must not/ do not have to bully your friend.
6. A farmer must/ have to care for animals.
7. A cook have to/ has to cook food well.
Exercise 3. Образуйте соответствующие формы от данных глаголов.
Present Simple (swim)_______________________________________________________________________
Past Simple (read)__________________________________________________________________________
Present Perfect (begin) ______________________________________________________________________
Future Simple (wait) ________________________________________________________________________
Past Perfect (cook) _________________________________________________________________________
Оценочная шкала
19-18 баллов – «5»
17-14 баллов – «4»
13-10 баллов – «3»
менее 10 баллов – «2»
1. 1. a, 2. c, 3. a, 4. a, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a.
2. 1. Must, 2. Has to, 3. Does not have to, 4. Must, 5. Must not, 6. Must, 7. Has to.
3. 1. Swim/ swims, 2. read, 3. Have/ has begun, 4. Will wait, 5. Had cooked.
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2018 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2018 г. |
по английскому языку в 7 классе
I. Use the, a, - (no article). (11 баллов)
1. Olga lives in Russia. It is _____ very big country. 2. He can’t speak German, he’ll need ____ translator.
3. Did ____ Robin come from _____ Edinburg or from _____ London? 4. Do you speak _____ Japanese? Is it ______ difficult? 5. We want to go to _____ Turkey next year. – Go in September. It is ______ best time in Turkey. 6. He lives in _____ France, doesn’t he? – Yes, this man is _____ doctor from Paris.
II. Choose the right answer. (5 баллов)
1. What can help you read a book in a sleeping bag?
a) a penknife b) a torch c) a tent
2. Where do people sleep in the forest?
a) in a tent b) in their wellingtons c) in their sweaters
3. What do you need if you get lost in the forest?
a) a penknife b) matches c) a compass
4. What do you need for your campfire?
a) some wood and matches b) some wood & a torch c) a guitar & a penknife
5. What do you do with a tent?
a) You pick it up b) You put it up c) You take it up
III. Fill in the gaps with other, the other, another. (5 баллов)
1. I have two pens. They are not very good. I think I should give you ____________ pen.
2. These apples are very tasty. Can I have _______________ one?
3. I have two sandwiches. One is with ham. Please, give me ____________ one. I don’t like ham.
4. Children’s books are boring. You don’t have to read them. There are ____________books in the bookcase
5. Do you want to go camping with us? No, thank you. I have _____________ hobbies.
IV. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. (6 баллов)
1. He _____________________________ (not call) his friend. 2. Misha _______________________________(write) a letter to his sister. 3. The children ___________________________ (clean) the forest. 4. She _____________________________ (not walk) the dog. 5. They _________________________ (buy) a new computer. 6. I _________________________ (leave) the book at home.
V. Choose the right answer. (6 баллов)
1. Mother Teresa was
a) a nun b) a doctor c) a teacher
2. Bill Gates is
a) a Scottish patriot b) a multimillionaire c) a great poet
3. Michael Lomonosov is
a) Russian b) American c) English
4. The founder of the Moscow State University was
a) Bill Gates b) Mikhail Lomonosov c) Alexander Pushkin
5. Mother Teresa started her work in
a) Macedonia b) Calcutta c) Seattle
6. … got the Nobel Pease Prize.
a) Mother Teresa b) Bill Gates c) Mikhail Lomonosov
Оценочная шкала
33 - 31 баллов – «5»
30 - 25 баллов – «4»
24 - 17 баллов – «3»
менее 17 баллов – «2»
1. 1. a, 2. a, 3. -, -, -, 4. -, -, 5. -, the, 6. -, a.
2. 1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b.
3. 1. The other, 2. Another, 3. The other, 4. Other, 5. another.
4. 1. Has not called, 2. Has written, 3. Have cleaned, 4. Has not walked, 5. Have bought, 6. Have left.
5. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. a.
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 8 классе
Exercise 1. Find the sentences in the Passive Voice and stress them.
1. They looked for this book.
2. The dinner was nice.
3. Letters will be sent tomorrow morning.
4. Latin is not spoken in the world now.
5. Latin is the language of medicine.
6. Last year English was taught by another teacher.
7. Coffee is being made at the moment.
Exercise 2. Change sentences in Passive Voice
1. This football player will miss the game, because he is ill._________________________________________
2. Most girls hate mice. _____________________________________________________________________
3. People speak Dutch in the Netherlands. ______________________________________________________
4. They awarded her cat the first prize in «Cats-show» last week. ____________________________________
5. They sent for the doctor. __________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1. She (заставила) __________________________ him follow her advice.
2. When are you going to________________________________ (делать доклад)?
3. When she was (искала) ______________________her keys, she found her pen.
4. You will (сделаешь ошибку)_______________________ if you go to the party.
5. Some people (одалживают) ______________________ money from the bank.
6. Do not (выключайте) _____________________ TV. He is watching the film.
Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with either … or, neither … nor, both … and.
1. Charles lives ... in Camberley ... in London, doesn’t he? ____________________________
2. The room was ... comfortable ... clean, was it? ___________________________________
3. If you do any more housework tonight, we’ll be able ... to attend the concert... to go to the cinema. ___________________________
4. … the student … the teacher will give you this book. ______________________________
5. I’d like to help you a little. I can... walk the dog... go shopping. ______________________
6. … London … Paris are crowded in summer.______________________________________
7. … Jack … Bill have received good marks for the test. ________________________________
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps: yourself, ourselves, himself, themselves, herself.
1. He can be proud of __________________________
2. Ann phoned John ___________________________
3. We often laugh at ___________________________
4. Do not do it ________________________________
5. They _________________________ know what to do.
Оценочная шкала
30 - 29 баллов – «5»
29 - 23 баллов – «4»
23 - 16 баллов – «3»
менее 16 баллов – «2»
1. 3,4,6,7
2. 1. The game will be missed by this football player, because he is ill. 2. Mice are hated by most girls. 3. Dutch is spoken by people in the Netherlands. 4. Her cat was awarded by them the first prize in «Cats-show» last week. 5. The doctor was sent for.
3. 1. Made, 2. Make a report, 3. Looking for, 4. Make a mistake, 5. Borrow, 6. Turn off.
4. 1. Either or, 2. Neither nor, 3. Either or, 4. Either or, 5. Either or, 6. Both and, 7. Both and.
5. 1. Himself, 2. Herself, 3. Ourselves, 4. Yourself, 5. Themselves.
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 9 классе
Exercise 1. Determine the condition in the sentences.
1. If I come late, I will not phone you._____________
2. I would give you this book if I found it. ____________
3. He knows when she will come. ___________
4. If I were able to make website homepages, I would make one for myself. ____________
5. He would have joined them if they had invited him. __________
6. He would gladly have helped you if you had let him. ___________
7. If I were older I would spend a lot of money. __________
8. She will visit you when she is on holiday. ___________
Exercise 2. Put the verbs in the right form.
1. He (get ready) __________________________________________ in time if you help him.
2. They (not to know) _______________________________________ when the match starts.
3. If I had a million dollars, I (give) ____________________________________ it to you.
4. If you (show) ________________________________ a good attitude to me, I would be more open with you.
5. If I had taken more water with me, I (be) ______________________________________________ OK.
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with “make” or “do”.
1. Jane always _______________________ a lot of mistakes in her test.
2. Rowling __________________________ a lot of money with her books.
3. I am busy. Tomorrow I am going to _______________________ a report.
4. Do you _______________________ any sports?
5. What does she _________________________? She is a doctor.
Exercise 4. Make the right choice.
1. Empire State Building is situated in …
a. New York, b. Washington, c. Hollywood.
2. The capital of the USA is …
a. New York, b. Washington, c. Boston.
3. Washington was named after …
a. president, b. prime-minister, c. writer.
4. The USA flag was design by …
a. Lincoln, b. Jefferson, c. Washington.
5. There are … stripes on the US flag.
a. 13, b. 50, c. 51
6. The Native Americans were
a. Indians b. Celts c. Mexicans
7. The official name of America is
a. the USA or the US b. the USSR c. the UK
Предварительный просмотр:
694240, Сахалинская область, г. Поронайск, ул. 2-ая Восточная, 29
тел/факс (42431) 4189, E-mail: ps-school_8@mail.ru, сайт: http://school8-poronaisk.ru/
Рассмотрено Руководитель ШМО ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Согласовано на Педагогическом Совете ________________/_____________/ Протокол № _____ от_____ 2016 г. | Утверждаю Директор МБОУ СОШ № 8 __________ /Е.Н. Сафенкова/ Приказ № ____ от ____2016 г. |
по английскому языку в 3 классе
Exercise 1. Дайте английский эквивалент.
1. много бананов _____________________________________________________________________
2. много женщин _____________________________________________________________________
3. много тигров ______________________________________________________________________
4. много мужчин _____________________________________________________________________
5. много поваров ____________________________________________________________________
Exercise 2. Посоветуй, что следует делать, а что не следует делать.
1. _________________ skate on the river.
2. _________________ eat a lot of sweets.
3. ________________ read a lot of books.
4. ________________ help your mother.
5. ________________ play on the computer all day.
Exercise 3. Вставьте в пропуски do или does.
1. _________________ Rose speak English?
2. _________________ you play computer games?
3. _________________ your parents like cats?
4. I _________________ not swim well.
5. She _________________ not read English books.
6. _________________ Mary skate well?
7. _________________ you like cinema?
Exercise 4. Сделайте правильный выбор.
1. The hares don’t/ doesn’t live in the woods.
2. They don’t/ doesn’t run by the lake.
3. My mother don’t/ doesn’t eat bananas.
4. He don’t/ doesn’t go to the shop.
5. She don’t/ doesn’t sing songs.
6. You don’t/ doesn’t play computer games.
7. My father don’t/ doesn’t drive a car.
8. I don’t/ doesn’t see sheep.
9. They don’t/ doesn’t play tennis.
10. The little mouse don’t/ doesn’t live in my house.
Оценочная шкала
27 - 26 баллов – «5»
25 - 20 баллов – «4»
19 -14 баллов – «3»
менее 14 баллов – «2»
1. 1. A lot of bananas, 2. A lot of women, 3. A lot of tigers, 4. A lot of men, 5. A lot of cooks.
2. 1. Do not, 2. Do not, 3. - , 4. -, 5. Do not.
3. 1. Does, 2. Do, 3. Do, 4. Do, 5. Does, 6. Does, 7. Do.
4. 1 don’t, 2. don’t, 3. doesn’t, 4. doesn’t, 5. doesn’t, 6. don’t, 7. doesn’t, 8. don’t, 9. don’t, 10. doesn’t.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Итоговые тестовые работы по русскому языку и литературе в 5 классе
Тема: Повторение пройденного материала за учебный год. Цель: Проверить уровень знаний и умений учащихся при работе со словами, частями речи и предложением; приобщение к самостоятельному выполнению за...

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Элементы содержания проверяемых заданий:Аудирование на установление соответствий между монологическими высказываниями и утверждениями;Чтение на соответствие между частями текста и их заголовками;Употр...

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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся, изучающих английский язык как второй иностранный. Третий год обучения....

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