Внеклассное мероприятие: «Путешествие в страну «Читалия» Travelling to the country “Chitaliya”.
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Цель: расширить кругозор учащихся, формировать нравственные ценности у учащихся, приобщать ребят к прекрасному, развивать интерес к чтению.
Выбор темы, формы и подбор материала для внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку обусловлены её актуальностью и местом в системе уроков английского языка.
Использованные приёмы активизации и включения в процесс иноязычного общения зрительской аудитории – в качестве слушателей, участников диалогового общения, читателей, участников игр и викторин.
Количество учащихся, принявших участие в мероприятии: 15
Количество зрителей, принявших участие в мероприятии: 47
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Внеклассное мероприятие: «Путешествие в страну «Читалия» Travelling to the country “Chitaliya”.
Цель: расширить кругозор учащихся, формировать нравственные ценности у учащихся, приобщать ребят к прекрасному, развивать интерес к чтению.
Расширение лексического запаса учащихся по темам: «Путешествие по страницам книг»;, «Свободное время», «СМИ».
Расширение лингвистического кругозора и эрудиции учащихся;
Закрепление знаний произведений зарубежных и отечественных писателей
Активизация и закрепление лексики по темам: «Путешествие по страницам книг»;, «Свободное время», «СМИ».
Выявление уровня знаний, умений и навыков по пройденным темам;
Повторение грамматического материала по темaм Present Simple, Present Continuous;
Привлечение детей к чтению
Развитие языковой догадки, внимания и логического мышления;
Воспитание умения работать в коллективе;
Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи;
Воспитание уважительного отношения к выступающим; воспитание бережного отношения и любви к книге.
Воспитание культуры общения
Оборудование: диапроектор, мультимедийная презентация, костюмированные сказочные герои, памятки об обращении с книгой, крылатые выражения и афоризмы известных людей:
- A room without books is like a body without a soul.
Дом, в котором нет книг, подобен телу, лишенному души. (Cicero) (Цицерон)
- The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most. (Parker) Самые ценные книги те, которые заставляют Вас много думать
- Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
(Addison) Чтение для ума, что физкультура для тела. (Эдисон)
- A book holds a house of gold (Книга — хранилище несметных сокровищ) (China)
- Books are ships which pass through the vast seas of time. (Francis Bacon)
- There is no friend so faithful as а good book.
Ход мероприятия
Учитель: Good day boys and girls and our guests. Today we are having a wonderful show: “Travelling to the country “Chitaliya”. Traveling around this country, you will remember the books of many writers from different countries. Is it always easy to put into words what you feel? You can't find the words more often. It`s so difficulty. That`s why the lines of your favorite works come to help us making our speech more beautiful and easier for understanding. You can find lines that are in tune with the motives of your soul. Great writers in their works, musicians in their music, and artists in their paintings reflect these lines. Famous English philosopher scientist of the 16 century Francis Bacon wrote: Books are ships, which pass through the vast seas of time. Let me introduce the host of our show Niphanina Lera in the role of a wonderful Fairy.
Ведущая: Good day, friends. Today you are in the magical land where there is always a mysterious interest. This country is called "Chitaliya". Guess the secret:
It`s glued, sewn, without doors, and it is closed.
Who opens it, knows a lot.
What is it? (A book.)
You are right. The book is an amazing thing. Do you know that geometric images and drawings were the first type of writing. The ancient civilization is the Sumerian. Instead of words and letters, the Sumerians used drawings. Sumerian writing is called «cuneiform." The Latin letter «A " may have originated from the old pictorial sign of the bull. So there were books. In Egypt its were written on papyrus, in Mesopotamia its were scratched on clay tablets, in India its were made up of chopped palm leaves, in China — scrolls of silk. In Russia, books were written on the bark of trees. Some of the first books have survived to the present day. They are now carefully stored in the largest libraries. To live with books is a life without rains. You can know about everything: funny animals, amazing clothes, wonderful houses, brave, kind heroes, true friends, amazing adventures, ancient wisdom and many others. Listen to some poems about books:
- Чтец.I like books I really do –
Books with stories and pictures, too.
Books of birds and things that grow.
Books of people we should know.
Books of animals and places too,
I like books I really do!
- Чтец.Keep a poem in your pocket and a picture in your head
you'll never feel lonely at night when you're in bed.
- Чтец. At night when sunshine goes away, and it's too dark for me to play,
I like to come inside, and look for new friends in a storybook. You can find this story in the country “Chitaliya”.
Ведущая: Favorite fairy-tale heroes will help us to travel around the country.
(Звучит музыка) (Золушка появляется в зале и подпевает, вальсирует, под конец плачет).
Золушка: I`m tired. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes»
A dream is a wish your heart makes. (Подметает пол и говорит под музыку). I`m tired. No, matter how your heart is grieving.
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish
Will come true
(Дальше громче поет)
Текст песни Золушки: «A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes»
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you are fast asleep
In dreams you will lose
Your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams
And someday
Your rainbow will come
Smiling through
No, matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish
Will come true. (Плачет)
Ведущая: Why are you crying, dear, why? Please, don’t cry!
Золушка: I live with my step-mother and two bad and ugly step-sisters, who said: Cinderella, come here! Cinderella sweep the floor! Cinderella clean my shoes! Cinderella comb my hair! (Плачет). I want to take part in the school show, but I haven`t a beautiful dress.
Ведущая: I can help you. Look at me. Closed your eyes.
(Взмахивает волшебной палочкой, закрывает собой от зрителей и снимает с нее плащ)
Золушка: I can’t believe this dress is mine! Thank you, Fairy, you are so kind.
Ведущая: There is a children`s party. Please, help me to tell about fairy heroes from different books to children.
Золушка: OK! I`m glad to see you, my friends. Do you know me?
(Зал: Cinderella)
Ведущая: Who wrote about Cinderella?
(Зал: The famous French writer Charles Perro.
However, we are Russian children. Where are you from?
Зал:(We are from Russia)
We live in Russia. Many children like Soviet songs with Cinderella. Antonio Spadavecchia composed the tune.
Золушка: Let`s dance, please. Stand up altogether and dance with me. ( Танцуют все )
Ведущая: What's that noise? Do you hear? Who's there?
(Звучит музыка, вбегают гномы и Белоснежка. Танцуют танец)
Белоснежка: My skin is white as snow, my cheeks are pink. I wandered along through the wood. I came to a cottage among the hills. Now seven little dwarfs lived among the mountains, and dug and searched for gold.
I am called ………..
(зал: Белоснежка)
Белоснежка: SnowWhite. Some people call me Snowdrop.
1 Гном: We are dwarfs. We are brothers. We went out all day long to our work, seeking for gold and silver in the mountains.
Ведущая: Who wrote about SnowWhite and 7 dwarfs?
Зал: The Brothers Grimm - German storytellers.
2.Гном: Let's imagine for a moment,
that we lost our magazines and books.
3 Гном: People don't know about Cinderella, SnowWhite, Dwarves, Alice in the Wonderland.
Белоснежка: Perhaps, we can`t imagine to live without them.
Вместе: Let`s make friends from different books.
Золушка: Read the books, please and you will see words and magic and mystery.
Белоснежка: Read the books, please and you`ll know all things that can help you grow.
Ведущая: An English writer Joseph Addison of the 17th century said:
Вместе: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Белоснежка: What was your favourite fairytale when you were little?
Золушка: My favourite fairytale is Little Red Riding Hood. It was written by Charles Perro.
(Выходит Красная Шапочка)
Красная Шапочка: Good day, boys and girls. Of course, you know me. Name me, please, on the English language.
(Зал: Little Red Riding Hood)
Красная шапочка: I`m Little Red Riding Hood. I love my Grandmother. I am happy. I want to see my granny.
(Звучит музыка и под музыку Красная шапочка, пританцовывая, говорит слова)
If you would stomp, ride and run on the footpath so long, so long, so long
You could come to Africa!
Perhaps, It is possible-possible-possible
A-a-ah, in Africa rivers are so wide,
A-a-ah, in Africa the mountains are so high,
A-a-ah, crocodiles, hippos,
A-a-ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
And a green parrot!
And a green parrot!
Ведущая: Now quiz:" As you know English writers and their works " Look at the pictures and name the title of the book and the writer.
1. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
- Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There»
(By Lewis Carroll)
- Charlie and the chocolate factory. (By Roald Dahl.)
- Jungle book. (By Rudyard Kipling)
- Harry Potter. ( By Joan Rowling)
- Treasure island (By Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Lord of the rings (By John Tolkien)
- Mary Poppins. (By Pamela Travers)
- Robinson Crusoe ( By Daniel Defoe)
- Winnie-the-Pooh ( By Alan Alexander Milne)
Золушка: • There is no friend so faithful as, а good book.
- Do you like reading books of Russian writers?
Зал: (Yes)
Ведущая: Children, guess the book that talks about work, skill, human dignity.
(Выходит в костюме героиня уральской сказки: Хозяйка медной горы.)
Хозяйка медной горы: I live under the ground. I have a large, green, yellow room with gold flecks. All beds, tables, stools are made of brass. The walls are malachite with diamond. All my dresses sparkle with diamond scattering. Guess, who am I?
Зал: (The mistress of copper mountain. It was written by P. P. Bazhov.)
Ведущая: I want to check, are you attentive readers?
I get telegrams, but I don't know from whom. Help me get to know their authors.
- Grandpa planted a turnip. The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Grandpa called Grandma Granddaughter. The doggy Kitty pulled doggy, A Mouse is here. Зал: (The Turnip", a Russian folk tale)
Ведущая: Who wants to read the next telegram?
2.Гном: There is stood a small wooden house in the open field.
A mouse ran: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?
Зал: (The wooden house, a Russian folk tale)
3.Гном: Once there lived an old man and old woman. The old man said, "Old woman, bake me a bun." "What can I make it from? I have no flour.
Зал: (The Bun, a Russian folk tale)
4. Гном: The three little pigs are brothers. They are going into the forest. They want to build three houses.
Зал: (The three little pigs, by S. Mikhalkov)
5. Хозяйка медной горы: It was long, long ago when the Fox and the Crane were close friends. One fine day the Fox invited the Crane to dinner with her and said to him: «Come, buddy! Come, my dear! I’ll treat you heartily!”
Зал: (The Fox and The Crane, a Russian folk tale)
Ведущая: Rene Descartes said: “The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries”. It`s now the game: “What does the book like?”
- Cover
- Dirty hands
- Bookmark
- Ice cream
- A good reader
- Rain and snow
- careful attitude
- Scrambled eggs
- Clean hands
- Lying on the floor (Ответы зала: Yes, No)
Золушка: Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own. That's why we should keep the books. Let's say the reader's oath. Repeat after me, please:
- We shouldn't bend the pages of books.
- We shouldn't put pencils, pens in books.
- We shouldn't write and draw in books.
- We shouldn't read books while eating.
- We should use the bookmark.
Ведущая: A Book speaks when you drop her on the floor:
Ученик в костюме книги: I get stepped on my sides are sore;
Torn out pages make me groan;
I feel dizzy if I'm thrown;
Every mark and every stain
On my covers gives me pain;
Please don't bend me, if you do I don't want to talk to you;
But we will both be friends together,
If you protect me from the weather
And keep me clean so that I look
A tidy, neat and happy book.
Ведущая: Our party is over. In conclusion, I want to say: “ Choose a book as you choose a friend. Выбирай книгу так, как выбираешь друга.
Don't judge а book bу its cover. Не суди о книге по ее обложке.
There is no friend so faithful as а good book. Нет друга более верного, чем хорошая книга.
Золушка: Read your whole life. Please, will be smart.
Ведущая и Золушка вместе: Thank you for attention. Good-bye.
(Машут рукой и уходят со сцены)
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