Презентация к уроку "Путешествие и туризм" (10 класс), учебник Spotlight
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная презентация будет полезна учащимся 10 класса при изучении темы "Путешествие". В презентации имеются задания на словообразование и на активизацию лексического материала.
Подписи к слайдам:
What is trave l ling for me? It is the shining sun, the sea; The golden sand which look s like beads; The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze. And when the twilight falls from height, The night appears from heaven’s gate. I see the moon in magic light, And stars, that sparkle at the night. What is travel l ing for?
Key words To participate in international tournaments Volunteer for environmental projects Experience local customs (traditions, cultures) Look for work Visit friends, relatives Enjoy beautiful scenery, diverse wildlife, natural wonders Collect strange souvenirs
Cinquains about travelling 1.Travelling 2.exciting, comfortable 3.to enjoy, to relax, to visit 4.A change of scene. 5.journey
advantages disadvantages by plane by train by car by ship on foot
There is no doubt that air travel is more (1)_________than any other EXPENSE form of modern transport, but although it would be more (2)______ ECONOMY to travel by train I often fly because I find it more (3)____________ ENJOY Strangely enough, they say it is the (4)____________ form of travel. SAFE Apparently, it is more (5)________ to drive or cross the road so DANGER I don't feel as (6)______________ as I used to when I travel by air. ANXIETY I usually ask for a window seat because you get a (7)_______ view, WONDER although it can be quite (8)__________ because there is less space. COMFORT Others feel less (9 ) ___________ next to the aisle because they find it NERVE (10) ___________ to forget how high up they are. EASE Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. Fasten your seat belts
There is no doubt that air travel is more EXPENSIVE than any other form of modern transport, but although it would be more ECONOMICAL to travel by train I often fly because I find it more ENJOYABLE Strangely enough, they say it is the SAFEST form of travel. Apparently, it is more DANGEROUS to drive or cross the road so I don't feel as ANXIOUS as I used to when I travel by air. I usually ask for a window seat because you get a WONDERFUL view, although it can be quite COMFORTABLE because there is less space. Others feel less NERVOUS next to the aisle because they find it EASIER to forget how high up they are.
It is two hours before (1)______________ time and I still haven't DEPART set off for the airport, although the ticket (2) ____________ INFORM says I am supposed to be there at least one and a half hours before the (3)___________is due to take off. I have always FLY considered this policy totally (4)__________and so tend to arrive NECESSARY at the airport as late as I can. This habit of mine was almost (5)__________the last time I set off DISASTER for the airport by train. Everything was going (6)_________and I SMOOTH was feeling quite relaxed, when suddenly the train stopped and an (7)___________was made that we had to change trains for ANNOUNCE what they referred to as (8) ___________ reasons. Of course this TECHNIQUE was another way of saying the train had broken down and it meant a delay of about twenty minutes. As if that wasn’t enough, on (9)_________ at the airport there was ARRIVE a huge queue at the check-in counter. There had been a (10)___________ bomb threat and everyone had to go through a TERROR thorough security check before finally boarding the plane. Is a good holiday what I need?
It is two hours before DEPARTURE time and I still haven't set off for the airport, although the ticket INFORMATION says I am supposed to be there at least one and a half hours before the FLIGHT is due to take off. I have always considered this policy totally UNNECESSARY and so tend to arrive at the airport as late as I can. This habit of mine was almost DISASTROUS the last time I set off for the airport by train. Everything was going SMOOTHLY and I was feeling quite relaxed, when suddenly the train stopped and an ANNOUNCEMENT was made that we had to change trains for what they referred to as TECHNICAL reasons. Of course this was another way of saying the train had broken down and it meant a delay of about twenty minutes. As if that wasn’t enough, on ARRIVAL at the airport there was a huge queue at the check-in counter. There had been a TERRORIST bomb threat and everyone had to go through a thorough security check before finally boarding the plane.
TOURISM in Kaliningrad place leisure shopping souvenirs entertainment theatres cinemas night life restaurants cuisine food drinks sightseeing museums galleries excursions geographical position climate accommodation hotels B&B rented flats holiday houses health resorts public transport bus taxi
Home work You should write a “for and against” essay on the topic we have discussed, about tourism in Kaliningrad.
Предварительный просмотр:
Travelling and Tourism
Общедидактическая цель: создать условия для осознания и осмысления блока новой учебной информации, ее применения в новой учебной ситуации.
Технологии: компьютерные технологии, интеллект-карты
Зaдачи урока:
способствовать развитию практического владения языком, умению вести беседу;
создавать условия для формирования лексических навыков говорения для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ;
расширить кругозор по теме;
реализовать межпредметные связи (география, история Калининграда).
развитие лингво-культурной компетенции;
активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.
создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению;
воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение;
формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.
создавать условия для развития исследовательских умений учащихся. способности к распределению внимания;
развитие способности к переключению уровней мышления
Оборудование урока: мультимедийная презентация , карточки с заданиями;
When there is a will, there is a way.
1. Teacher. Good morning, students. I hope you are fine today.
Today we are going to talk about tourism and tourist problems. It will be the subject of today’s discussion.
At the end of the lesson you will tell me if Kaliningrad is worth visiting.
I would like you to learn some proverbs:
Every country has its customs.
So many countries, so many customs.
When at Rome, do as Romans do.
2. A lot of people all over the world are fond of travelling. They travel to see other countries, to enjoy picturesque places, to discover different ways of life or just for a change of scene. People travel on business and for pleasure having at their disposal various means of transport. So it is impossible to imagine our life without travelling. People can express their emotions in different ways. Some of them draw pictures of their favourite places, others write poems. I have found a very nice poem for you. Let’s read it with a bit of feeling and think of your own emotions and associations.
What is travelling for?
What is travelling for me?
It is the shining sun, the sea;
The golden sand which looks like beads;
3. Teacher. I would like you to tell me why people travel and what is travelling for you. Please, think over and use the ideas below:
To participate in international tournaments
Volunteer for environmental projects
Experience local customs (traditions, cultures)
Look for work
Visit friends, relatives
Enjoy beautiful scenery, diverse wildlife, natural wonders
Collect strange souvenirs
4.Listen to four people talking about travel. Who (John, Lynda, Steve, Marta) travels for:
Fun (Lynda)
Their goals (Marta)
Relaxation (John)
Experience? (Steve) Prove your answers.
Let’s make up cinquains about travelling. Do you remember what is it? It is a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines (a general word. two adjectives on the topic. three verbs. the main idea of your “poem” (it must consist of 3-4 words) and a synonym of the general word. Make up as many cinquains as you can. All your cinquains will be different. Read them aloud when you are ready.
Pupils’ cinquains.
exciting. comfortable
to enjoy. to relax. to visit
A change of scene.
fascinating. interesting
to swim. to sunbathe. to walk
The best way to relax.
enjoyable. convenient
to impress, to explore, to admire
Travel broadens your mind
picturesque. romantic
to dance, to bathe,to enjoy
The way to escape from everyday life.
5. Teacher. Everybody knows that different kinds of travelling have their own positive and negative aspects.
Possible answers:
Advantages and disadvantages
by plane
1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport. 1) The trip to the airport takes almost as long as the flight.
2) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board. 2) There are usually long queues at the check-in.
3) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane. 3) Flying often involves delays. 4) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.
5) There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil any journey.
6) You luggage can be lost.
7) It is the most expensive way of travelling.
by train
1) The seats are made into beds on night journeys. 1)Your fellow -passengers can be annoying.
2) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport). 2) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment.
3) The tickets are less expensive. 3) It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth.
4) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks. 4) Toilets ate usually dirty.
5) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you.
6) The porter can help you with the luggage.
by car
1) You can stop wherever you want. 1) Petrol is very expensive.
2) You don’t have to buy any tickets. 2) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place.
3)You shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule) 3) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.
by ship
1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner. 1)You are afraid of tossing.
2) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions. 2) You can suffer from seasickness.
3) Your voyage depends on the weather.
6. We have just compared some possible advantages and disadvantages. When you are going to travel you have to solve lots of problems. Our choice of means of travelling depends on our plans and financial possibilities. (Приложение1)
Now. let’s do some tasks focusing on vocabulary. You have to complete the text by making an appropriate word from the word stem you are given.
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
8. Teacher. We live in Kaliningrad. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Millions of tourists visit our city every year. Let’s talk about tourism in our city.
What would you recommend a foreign tourist wishing to visit Kaliningrad.
You had to outline all the aspects of tourism in our city. You were divided into groups and each group had to investigate whether Kaliningrad is worth visiting.
Учащиеся представляют свои интеллект-карты и защищают их.
Teacher: Let’s summarize everything.
Kaliningrad is worth visiting because
- There are a lot of places to visit: theaters, cinemas, museums, The Zoo, Curaneum spit, the Baltic Sea.
- Night life is excellent.
- People in Kaliningrad are polite and friendly.
- There are many places to eat where you can try both Russian and international food.
- There are a lot of clubs and discos for different tastes.
- I agree with you Kaliningrad land is very unique place for travelling.
Every day we can meet tourists from many towns of Russia and tourists from other countries in the streets of Kaliningrad.
- I am sure the next task will be very interesting for you.
- Imagine that you are three travel agencies and you arrange tours around our region.
- You should make up your own advertisements for your travel agencies.
- But before you`ll try to learn how to do it. You see the example of the advertisement . Let`s read the title and translate.(ученики читают и переводят название рекламы)
- First of all you should look through it and understand what it`s about. Be attentive: :there are some unknown words and expressions and then you`ll answer my questions.(ученики читают про себя).
- Do you have some difficulties. Please translate some expressions into Russian
-include coach tours
-cost £ 100 a week plus travel costs
-Heathrow airport
Choose Our Centre
And you`ll learn all these skills: fishing, climbing, sailing, swimming, horseback riding, boating and campcraft (разбивка лагеря).You`ll even learn how to bake your own bread.
- Our holidays include coach tours
- We invite children from 14-18 for 1-2 weeks
- Cost 100£ a week plus travel costs
- We meet you at the Heathrow airport and take you to our Centre.
- Accommodation in youth hostel.
You are welcome
Answer some of my questions according to this text.
- What is the price?
- How long does it last?
- What activities does it include?
- How do holiday makers get there?
- It this Centre for grown-ups or children?
- What kind of tour is it?(actions and adventures)
- Does this advertisement have enough information to attract your attention?
- What information would you like to know about this Centre?
- Would you like to choose this Centre for your holiday? Why?
- I think now you can attract a lot of guests (tourists) to our amazing land.
- Let`s try to make your own advertisement and remember about all actions to this advertisement. Work in groups(ученики составляют рекламу по образцу)
- Now the speaker from each group represents their work to other groups.
- The two other groups must say if they`ll go to this tour or not and why as if you are potential tourists.(ученики представляют свои рекламы и высказывают свое мнение)
I believe that you`ll be real travel agents.
Оформить буклет вашего туристического центра с подробным описанием, что вы можете предложить своим клиентам (какие услуги, номера с видом на море, лес, парк, питание, плавательный бассейн, теннисные корты).Красочно оформить.
- Teacher:
Teacher: Let’s summarize everything.
Kaliningrad is worth visiting because
- There are a lot of places to visit: theaters, cinemas, museums, The Zoo, Curaneum spit, the Baltic Sea.
- Night life is excellent.
- People in Kaliningrad are polite and friendly.
- There are many places to eat where you can try both Russian and international food.
- There are a lot of clubs and discos for different tastes.
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