конспект урока, презентация "Технологии", 9 класс, учебник "Spotlight"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Данный урок является уроком промежуточного контроля навыков аудирования и лексических навыков говорения. Применение ИКТ, методов обучения в сотрудничестве и коммуникативного, упражнений на усвоение и контроль лексики темы помогает совершенствованию всех видов речевой деятельности суворовцев и обеспечивает эффективное использование рабочего времени.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Федеральное государственное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Уссурийское суворовское военное училище
Министерства обороны Российской Федерации»
Преподаватель (руководитель дисциплины)
отдельной дисциплины (иностранный язык)
Егорова Е.А.
« 17» декабря 2014 г.
План-конспект открытого урока по предмету
английский язык для суворовцев 9 класса
по теме: «Современные технологии».
Составила преподаватель отдельной дисциплины
(иностранный язык)
Хомякова М.Л.
г. Уссурийск
2014 г.
Методическое обоснование
Согласно поурочному планированию разработанный урок является восьмым в цикле «Современные технологии». Данный урок является уроком промежуточного контроля навыков аудирования и лексических навыков говорения. Применение ИКТ, методов обучения в сотрудничестве и коммуникативного, упражнений на усвоение и контроль лексики темы помогает совершенствованию всех видов речевой деятельности суворовцев и обеспечивает эффективное использование рабочего времени.
В течение урока прослеживаются межпредметные связи с учебными дисциплинами «Русский язык» и «ИКТ». В начале урока проводится устный опрос слов по теме по цепочке методом взаимопроверки. Вопросно-ответное упражнение по теме (беседа) «Мобильные телефоны» является целью развития навыков монологической и диалогической речи, совершенствования лексических навыков говорения. Прослушивание аудиотекста и последующее выполнение задания на соответствие с целью контроля понимания содержания, направлено на совершенствование навыков аудирования. Выполнение задания по чтению - побор заголовка, слова в контекст, выделение ключевых слов для пересказа текста -активизирует мыслительную деятельность суворовцев, развивает учебно-интеллектуальные умения: анализ, логику, рациональность, слуховую и зрительную память, умение сосредоточиться. Итоговое задание на контроль понимания текста и усвоение лексических единиц позволяет провести всестороннюю проверку и объективно оценить знания суворовцев. Работа в группах способствует сплочению коллектива, развитию творческих способностей каждого суворовца, воспитывает ответственность за общее дело. Рефлексия выявляет способность делать самоанализ своей деятельности на уроке.
Методические рекомендации:
1)личная активность преподавателя, способность достигать продуктивной деятельности всех суворовцев при помощи дифференцированного подхода к способностям суворовцев, поддерживать высокую активность путем постоянной стимуляции их умственной деятельности и вовлечения всей группы в работу;
2)постоянная смена видов заданий и упражнений, рефлексия, как компоненты здоровьесберегающих технологий;
Преподаватель (руководитель дисциплины)
отдельной дисциплины (иностранный язык)
« 17 » декабря 2014 г.
Тема урока: Современные технологии
Дидактические цели урока:
- Образовательные: обобщить знание лексического материала темы, продолжить формирование навыков устной речи по теме;
- Развивающие: развивать память, мышление, устную речь; формировать умение преодолевать трудности в учении;
- Воспитательные: формировать у воспитанников интерес к техническим новинкам;
Материальное обеспечение урока: интерактивная доска, слайдовая презентация, упражнение в программе “My Test”;
Методы обучения: устный фронтальный и индивидуальный опрос, тренировочные упражнения;
Формы работы: индивидуальная, общеклассная;
Формы контроля: самоконтроль, взаимоконтроль, контроль преподавателя;
Ход урока:
№ | Этапы урока | Время | Работа суворовцев |
1. 2. | Вводная часть. Основная часть. 1)Введение в тему урока. Let’s watch video film and guess the theme of our lesson. What is the theme of our lesson today? What shall we discuss? 2) Повторение лексического материала темы. Let’s review the words on the topic. Ask each other a phrase on the topic to translate from English into Russian. 3)Вопросно-ответная работа по теме «Компьютеры и мобильные телефоны» Режим: S1- S2,3... 4)Аудирование. Формат ОГЭ. 5) Диалогическая речь «Электронная книга. Каковы её преимущества?» (индивидуальное задание) 6)Ролевая игра “Computer problems” Электронная физминутка (зарядка для глаз). 7) Поисковое чтение. Работа в группах. Контроль понимания –краткий пересказ текста, выполнение теста, дискуссия по теме. Индивидуальная работа. Выполнение теста “My test”. 8) Проектная работа «Современные технологии в армии» Контроль задания самоподготовки (индивидуальное) Просмотр презентации . 9) Рефлексия. Заключительная часть. Выставление оценок. Задание на самоподготовку. | 2 40 3 5 5 10 5 3 2 10 5 3 2 | Приветствие. Рапорт дежурного. Просматривают видеоролик. Today we’re going to revise the words and phrases we have learnt in Module 4, we’ll talk about technology, computers and computer problems, about different modern gadgets and devices. Работа по цепочке (взаимоконтроль): S1: to reboot the system S2: перезагрузить систему, to do the full scan S3:проверить компьютер на вирусы, to use anti-virus software …
S1: A recent survey which was carried out in our group showed that all of my classmates think that technology devices make their lives easier. They own different types of gadgets: 100% of students have mobile phones 100% of teens have their own laptop 56% of teens have MP3 players 17% of teens have PDA So, the favourite device is computer. What can we do with the help of them? the 2nd - is mobile phone, the 3rd - MP3 player and everyone wants to have a PDA. Let me ask them questions about mobile phones. 1.What do you use it for? 2.Which do you prefer: sending a message or making a call? Why? 3.How often do you send and receive text messages or e-mails? 4.Mobile phones should be banned in public places. Do you agree with me? 5.Mobile phones are irritating and useless. Is it really so? Now listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (A-E) to the statements (1-6). There is one extra statement (Test booklet 9 test 4 Listening) After-listening: What problems do the mobile phones cause? (are dangerous because of the radiation, people shorten every word they can, and spell words incorrectly) Would like to have E-book? What are it’s advantages? T: Oh, I have a problem. Can you help me? S1: I’ll try. What is it? T: The screen keeps freezing. S2: Does the cursor sticks in the same place? T: Yes, and I can’t do anything. What should I do? S3: You should have anti-virus software. It may be a virus that causes the problem. Do a full scan of the computer. T: Well, it’s worth a try. I suppose that might work. 1)Choose the title for your text. 2) Put in the word into the text. Exchange your papers, check the work of your classmate and give him a hand if it’s necessary. - Give the summery of the text “Robots” -Let’s do the quiz. -What do you think: are teenagers completely hooked on technology today? Размышления учеников о позитивной стороне использования компьютера в повседневной жизни подростков. T. Thank you. But on the other hand there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become antisocial. Do you agree with me? Any other opinions? Размышления учеников о негативном влиянии компьютера на подростков. T. Yes. You are right. Some people become so dependent on computers that they don’t care about their everyday responsibilities. Монологическое высказывание. Modern technologies became a reality in the army nowadays. Military designers create modern weapons and equipment for missile and artillery units, reconnaissance units, electronic warfare and communication.The Russian army uses tactical complexes "Iskander-M", anti-aircraft missile system S-300V4, self-propelled anti-tank missiles "Chrysanthemum-C.", T-72 tanks and armored personnel carriers BTR-80. New types of small arms, sniper rifles, close combat weapons and body armor appeared not long ago. What new have you learnt today? I have learnt that … What have we done today? We have … Our lesson has come to the end. Thank you for your work. I think the material was very interesting and useful. Our work was very productive. Your marks for the lesson are… H/ass: ex. 6 p 65 |
Преподаватель: ________________/Хомякова М.Л./
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
2 Gadgets
Results of a survey: TEEN GADGETS FAVOURITE GADGET Mobile phone 9 0% Laptop 100% Laptop 10 0% Mobile phone 88% MP3 player 58% MP3 player 47%
Computers Can you live without them?
Listening Study skills Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (A-E) to the statements (1-7) Read the sentences and underline key words /phrases. Think about synonyms because they do not usually use the same words in the listening text. to have a big phone bill to cause illness to be dangerous because of radiation to feel secure to shorten the word to spell the word (in)correctly
The keys A – 1 D- 5 B- 3 E - 4 C- 1 extra - 6
Reading (work in groups) 1)put in the word into the text 2)choose the title of your text 3) underline the key-phrases to give the summery of the text -exchange your paper, check the work of your group-mate -give him a hand (if it’s necessary)
What is “the Internet”? A: B:a worldwide system of computer networks B:a way of sending emails C:a way of getting information D: the ability to communicate
What does “www” mean at the beginning of many website addresses? A:Wireless Web World B: World Wide Web C:Wild Word Web C: World Wild Web
When did Tim Berners-Lee create the Web? A:in 1989 C: in 1975 B: in 1898 D: in 2005
Which country has the highest number of Internet users? A:Japan B: the USA C: Sweden D: the UK
How many websites are there ? A: about 100 millions B: about a million D: over a million C: over 100 millions
In the 80s the internet was only used by… A: students B: people from all countries C: schoolchildren D: academics and military researchers
What does ISP stand for? A:Important Service Provider B:Instant Site Provider C:Impossible Site Provider D:Internet Service Provider
How many web pages does the average Internet user visit each month?? A: about 100 B: over 100 C:about 10 D: about 1ooo
How many websites per day are added to the Internet? A: about 1000 B: about 5000 C: about 17000 D: about 10000
Are teenagers completely hooked on technology today? Positive: Using the Internet Help at school New skills Make life more enjoyable Comfortable Negative: Teens can get distracted Waste a lot of time Teens become antisocial Life in a virtual reality Health problems
What new have you learnt today? I have learnt that … What have we done today? We have …
Home assignment Ex. 2-3 p. 68
Предварительный просмотр:
1) choose the title of your text:
1. Positive and Negative features of technology.
2. Early days and future of the Internet.
3. The problems of roboticists.
2) put in the word into the text
perform, figurative, emotional, an artificial, intelligence, ability, reasoning , researchers
3) give the summery of the text
Nowadays robots can … a single task such as vacuuming the carpets, mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows, washing the cars, climbing stairs and so on. But there are some difficulties in inventing them. For example, language. Robots have to be able to understand …. speech such as idioms and … responses.
Another problem with creating a robot is how to give it … Scientists work hard to make a robot think. Robots that can think like humans do not exist yet. The truth is the scientist don’t know how to give robots this …
They don’t have the knowledge to give a robot intelligence or the power of … .They may never work it out …. prove that the best way to overcome this problem is to study the human brain and to create … brain that copies its functions.
perform figurative ability
emotional an artificial reasoning
intelligence researchers
1) choose the title of your text:
1. Positive and Negative features of technology.
2. Early days and future of the Internet.
3. The problems of roboticists.
2) put in the word into the text
improved , antisocial , communication, experiences, knowledge, an email, the computer skills, face-to-face, violent
3) give the summery of the text
The Internet has really … our lives. It allows access to information and entertainment and make …. easier and faster. All in all, the Internet enriches our daily … in many ways and makes our life enjoyable. It is a powerful tool and can be used for good as well as bad.
On the one hand, it gives us instant access to information and … You can type a question in an Internet search engine and it will look for a site that will help you answer it. Furthermore, you can send … to people all over the world and they receive it immediately. Pupils learn … that will help them at school and later in working lives.
On the other hand, the Internet has a negative effect on people. Some of them become … and distracted and waste time surfing the Net. As a result, they become as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of ….. Besides, some sites and encourage … behavior.
improved antisocial violent
communication experiences
knowledge an email
the computer skills face-to-face
1) choose the title of your text:
1. Positive and Negative features of technology.
2. Early days and future of the Internet.
3. The problems of roboticists.
2) put in the word into the text
scientists , users , an interactive, virtual , appliances ,networks, popular.
3) give the summery of the text
In the early days of the Internet it was used only by … and military men. But in the 1990s it became very … It took only 5 years to reach 50 million … (13 years –for TV). Everyone can learn how to use the Internet – it is not the rocket science.
Nowadays the Web looks like a newspaper. In the future it may look a lot more like … film. It becomes cheaper to display things in 3-D images, the Net will become a … world. For example, when you buy a car instead of just looking at a picture of it, you will be able to climb into it and take it for a test drive down a motorway.
What is more, everything from our cars to kitchen … will be connected to local …. . There is already “an Internet fridge” that emails a shopping list to the local supermarket and checks your schedule to coordinate a convenient delivery time.
scientists users an interactive
virtual appliances networks
Предварительный просмотр:
S1: A recent survey which was carried out in our group showed that all of my classmates think that technology devices make their lives easier.
They own different types of gadgets:
100% of students have mobile phones
100% of teens have their own laptop
56% of teens have MP3 players
17% of teens have PDA
So, the favourite device is computer.
What can we do with the help of them?
the 2nd - is mobile phone, the 3rd - MP3 player and everyone wants to have a PDA. Let me ask them questions about mobile phones.
1.What do you use it for?
2.Which do you prefer: sending a message or making a call? Why?
3.How often do you send and receive text messages or e-mails?
4.Mobile phones should be banned in public places. Do you agree with me?
5.Mobile phones are irritating and useless. Is it really so?
T: Oh, I have a problem. Can you help me?
S1: I’ll try. What is it?
T: The screen keeps freezing.
S2: Does the cursor sticks in the same place?
T: Yes, and I can’t do anything. What should I do?
S3: You should have anti-virus software. It may be a virus that causes the problem. Do a full scan of the computer.
T: Well, it’s worth a try. I suppose that might work.
Computers. What can we do with the help of them?
- Edit / print document.
- have the access to the latest information very quickly
- do our homework (download images/photos, get information)
- watch educational programmers
- send /receive emails
- chat on-line and make new friends all over the world. It’s a chance to practice English
- read books on-line
-Hi! I’ve bought a new E-book! It’s the latest model, and it’s work very fast.
-How lucky you are. My congratulations!
-In my opinion, E-books will soon replace traditional books because you can also listen to the speaker not only read the text.
-Oh, you mean audio-books. Its’ very convenient to listen to the text while doing sport or just having a rest.
-What is more, I don’t have to go to the library in order to find the necessary book. I’ll surf the Net and download it.
-Well, it’s true that new technologies are capable of introducing changes in our daily lives, but I can say that E-books can never compete with printed books.
-Why are you so sure?
-Because printed books are cheaper and easier to use. Besides, they don’t need electricity and a lot of people prefer personal relationship with a book. A printed book is better for human eyes than a screen.
-Tastes differ. My E-book is light and has a lot of information. So I suppose they will coexist with printed ones and be a part of human culture.
-Let it be so.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
military equipmen t
armored military vehicles System integrators are assembling an interesting mix of companies with competencies in commercial auto racing, off-road vehicles, high performance engines and other sectors to provide increasingly dynamic vehicles .
a multi-functional vehicle that executes detection and interrogation functions while reducing the size of route-clearance tools and technologies. Phase II employs a C2 platform that uses survivable, multi-functional robots to execute tasks
The INVISIO V60 is an in-ear hearing protection and communication system with electronic hear-thru and impulse noise protection.
mobile micro-robot The new THROWBOT XT provides both audio and video reconnaissance of dangerous environments. Military fire teams use the new micro-robot to quickly gain situational awareness during high-risk operations .
The RAPTOR X is a complete wireless networking solution, offering the network designer, operator, and provider
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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