театрализованное представление на английском языке
материал по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс)
Австралийская сказка The Leader and His Servants была адаптирована и составлена на английском языке для выступления учащихся 5-7 классов на фестивале "Окно в англо-говорящий мир". Лексический и грамматический материал отобран с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся и требований ООО ФГОС
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Once upon a time there lived a strong and powerful man. He was the leader of the tribe of the island of Oahu and he was the Strongest by name. Vast and abundant was his land, numerous were the beasts and birds, happy and careless were his people.
The Leader (L.): Oh, my thankful and beloved people! Our land is so vast and rich that I do not know what is happening in the far ends of my realm. Shall I go and see?
People: Oh, our dear and beloved leader! Gods bless you and your way! We will be waiting for you! Farewell! Farewell!
Off he went and on his way he met a stranger.
L: I am the leader of the tribe of Oahu. Who are you and where are you going?
Stranger 1 (S1): My name is Sharp-sighted. I can make out what is happening in the far, far lands. They are larger and richer than yours.
L: Will you be my servant and help me in my labours?
S1: I will, I promise.
On and on they went and some time later they saw a man.
L: I am the leader of the tribe of Oahu.
S1: I am his servant. What are you doing here?
Man: My name is the Fastest. I am waiting for the sunrise. I want to catch the sun. It will shine for us only.
(Three of them were waiting for the Sun. The fastest chased it, grabbed it and captured it)
L: I need such fast and powerful men. Would you like to serve me?
F: Certainly, I would be pleased. I will run and catch beasts and birds for you.
On and on they went: the Leader and his two servants: Sharp-sighted and Fastest. They saw two men who were sitting along the roadside. One of them was trembling, the other was hot as if he was on fire.
L: I am the leader of the tribe of Oahu. Who are you and why are you sitting here?
First man: I am always cold. I am from the land of eternal heat. The Sun shines all the year round in the land of my fathers.
Second man: I am always hot. I am from the land of eternal snows and extreme colds. Blizzards are my best friends.
S1: Then you will be called the Freezing.
F: And you will be called the Burning.
L: And both of you will be my servants.
Then they met a Hunter. He was a very skillful archer.
L: I am the leader of the tribe of Oahu. Will you be my servant, a skillful archer?
A: I promise, I will, oh, the Strongest and the most powerful of all the living men!
Then they saw a man who was lying on the ground with his ear down.
L: I am the leader of the tribe of Oahu. Why are you lying on the ground?
Man: I am trying to make out what our ancestors, our God Father Uakea and his wife Papa are saying to each other. My name is Sharp-Eared.
L: Will you be my servant?
Man: I will, and who are these men?
- I am Sharp-Sighted. I can see far.
- I am The Fastest. I can follow the Sun and the Wind.
- I am Freezing. I am always cold.
- I am Burning. I am always hot.
- I am the Archer. I can bow well enough.
Man: I will be your servant too.
A few hours later they reached the most beautiful land they had ever seen. The leader of the tribe was a woman. She was eager to see these strong and powerful men.
W: Welcome, strangers! Be seated, have something to eat and drink and have a rest. What do you want to find in our land, in the land of our ancestors?
L: I’ve heard some tidings that you are fond of riddles. If I solve them, will you be my wife?
W: I will, but the riddles are difficult.
The first riddle is as follows:
My servant is at the door of our God Fathers. Where is the door?
L: Oh, my Sharp-Sighted servant! Can you see the door?
S1: At the far end of the island there’s a tree. It is the Door. You should break the trunk and find the door.
L: Oh, I am the Strongest. I’ll go and break the trunk.
W: The second riddle is as follows:
There are three dogs at the door. One of them belongs to our God Father, one of them belongs to his wife, one of them belongs to me. Which dog is mine?
L: Oh, my Sharp-Eared servant. Try to find out about the dogs.
(Their God Father Uakea is outside his hut. He is talking to his servants)
Uakea: Our tribe has got three magic dogs. We worship them. My dog is black and he always comes first. Then comes the red dog of my wife. The white dog of our woman-leader comes the last.
L: Oh, the most beautiful of all the living women. Wise and clever you are. But I am wise too. Your dog is white.
W: The third riddle is as follows:
We need some special water, but the source is far, far away. Send one of your men, and I will send my woman-servant. If your servant is the first, I will be your wife and we will have a wedding ceremony.
L: Oh, my Fastest servant. Try to overtake the woman-servant.
Off they ran. The woman-servant was faster.
L: Oh, my Archer. Make the woman-servant drop the jug and break it.
The Archer shot the arrow.
The woman-servant: Someone has shot an arrow into the air. It came to earth, I knew not where. Oh, my jug is broken. Our Leader will punish me. I am in a sorrow.
The Fastest brought some water and the Strongest gave it to the woman-leader.
L: Oh, the wisest and beloved woman-leader. You have to keep your promise and be a wife of mine.
W: In our land there are two strange and wonderful places. One of them is the hottest one, the other is the coldest one. Will you be able to find servants who are capable of living there forever?
Freezing: I am always cold. I would be grateful if you sent me to live there.
Burning: And I am always hot. Please order me to go and live in the fascinating land of everlasting colds and snowfalls.
L: Off you go. And you should get ready to the wedding ceremony.
W: I am delightful that my husband will be such a brave and smart man of power.
Four servants: And we will serve both of you.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Цель: приобщение учащихся к культуре страны изучаемого языка, в частности, к литературе и музыке, с целью повышения интереса к изучению английского языка и расширения кругозора учащихсяЗадачи:уче...
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