Соединенное Королевство и Соединенные Штаты
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
урок-игра по теме: "Соединенное Королевство и Соединенные Штаты"
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Занятия кружка по теме: "Tea Tradition in the UK" и урок-игра по теме: "Соединенное Королевство и Соединенные Штаты"
Разделы: Преподавание иностранных языков | Внеклассная работа
Тема: Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и Соединенные Штаты Америки
1) Провести практику монологической и диалогической речевой деятельности и аудирования;
2) Учить логически строить высказывание;
3) Активизировать лексику по теме “Страны и континенты”
воспитательная: воспитывать уважение к истории и традициям других стран;формировать интерес к изучению экономики, культуры и истории англо-говорящих стран
развивающая: развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, речь и познавательный интерес
Оснащение: карта США и Великобритании; карта мира с указанием всех англо-говорящих стран;
Виды англо-говорящих стран и городов; плакат со сканвордом
Ход урока
- Введение в сюжет урока
Teacher: Dear friends! Our lesson is unusual today. There is a meeting of two teams. One team is frim the USA and the other team is from the UK. The first task for you is to introduce yourselves and greet the competitors.
- 1 Конкурс – приветствие команд. Оценивается по пятибалльной системе.
T.: The team from the United States of America.
Captain: We are ‘Yankees’. Our motto is ‘United we stand, divided we fall’.
The greeting of the team : ‘We have common ancestors, that’s why let us be friends!’
T: The team from the United Kingdom
Captain: ‘We greet you Yankees. We are ‘Britons’. Our motto is ‘While I breathe, I hope’.
The greeting of the team: ‘We wish to win, but we prefers to make friends’.
2 Конкурс. Разминка. Quiz.
Участвуют все члены команды. Сначала вопросы задает одна команда о своей стране, затем другая. За каждый правильный ответ- один балл.
The questions of ‘Britons’
- What is the name of the most famous clock in Great Britain? ( Big Ben }
- What’s the name of the London Underground? {The Tube }
- What’s tartan? {a pattern of the kilt }
- What London street is famous for shops? { Oxford Street }
- What is the name of the British flag? {Union Jack }
- Where is Ben Nevis situated? {in Scotland }
- What is Humpty – Dumpty? { an egg }
- What monument is there in the center of Trafalgar Square? { Nelson’s Column }
- The Capital of Australia is… ( Canberra }
- What is Britain separated from the Continent by? ( the English Channel )
The questions of ‘Yankees’
- Santa – Barbara is in…( California )
- The ‘ Dynasty ‘ is an American… ( soap opera )
- What is the capital of the country? ( Washington )
- The USA consists of … states ( 50 )
- What is High School? ( upper grades of secondary school )
- In what century did the English colonization of the American continent begin? ( 17th century )
- What is the capital of Canada? ( Ottawa )
- What is the symbol of the USA? ( Uncle Sam )
- What is New England? ( part of the US )
- What is soccer? ( American football )
3 Конкурс капитанов “ Угадай страну ”. Оценивается по пятибалльной системе.
( Подготовка к заданию входит в домашнее задание )
Задание команды ‘ Yankees ‘
This country is washed by the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It is situated on the Indostan peninsula. The highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, are situated in this country.
( India )
Задание команды ' Britons ’
It is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent. It’s are is about the same as that of the USA ( without Alaska ). It is washed by the Pacific and Indian Oceans. ( Australia )
4 Конкурс – сканворд. Puzzle.
На двух листах ватмана в клетках вписаны буквы. Здесь спрятаны 16 географических названий. Команды работают одновременно. Сканворды прикреплены с 2-х сторон передвижной доски. Кто найдет больше слов в сканворде за 2 мин? За каждое правильное слово – 1 балл.
M | R | A | R | I | V | E | R | B | V |
C | O | C | E | A | N | D | F | G | A |
Q | C | U | Q | T | R | Y | K | L | L |
S | K | M | N | L | R | H | I | L | L |
S | U | I | S | T | A | T | E | A | E |
T | V | O | L | C | A | N | O | K | Y |
R | H | S | E | A | T | I | C | E | J |
A | G | U | L | F | Y | M | N | O | P |
I | C | O | N | T | I | N | E | N | T |
T | O | W | N | K | F | D | A | L | E |
5 Конкурс. Командам предлагаются для сравнения знаки и символы культуры. Задача – найти соответствия.
The UK The USA
London Washington, D. C.
10 Downing Street White House
Magna Charta Bill of Rights
Parliament Congress
Official Birthday ( the second Saturday Independence Day ( the fourth of June ) July )
Union Jack Stars and Stripes
Elstree studious Hollywood
Big Ben Statue of Liberty
Black taxi yellow cab
soccer baseball
good-bye take care
За каждый ответ дается один балл. Можно спросить о том, что они знают о данных символах культуры.
6 Конкурс – Историческое лото.
На 10 карточках написаны даты. 5 дат из истории Великобритании, 5 – из истории Америки. Карточки лежат на столе. Участники ( по 5 от команды ) по очереди подходят к столу, берут карточку, читают дату и называют событие. За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл.
The UK
- - the beginning of the first English University ( Oxford )
- - W. Shakespeare was born
- – The UK was formed
- – Elizabeth 11 became the Queen
- – the ‘ Beatles ‘ was found
- – Columbus discovered America
- – a group of Pilgrims settled in America
- – the US Constitution was written
- – G. Washington became the first President
- – the end of the Civil War and slavery
7 Конкурс - музыкальный. Это тоже часть домашнего задания. Каждая команда разучивали гимн страны, которую она представляла. Гимн исполняется по куплету ( 5 баллов ).
Yankees – America, the Beautiful
Britons – The National Anthem of the United Kingdom
- Жюри подводит итоги.
Dear friends! It was a pleasure to watch you. We’ve enjoyed your game. Now, listen to your results: …..
Teacher: Thank you for the lesson! You’ve worked well today. Good-bye!
Занятие кружка. Тема: Традиция чаепития в Великобритании. Time for Tea.
дидактическая: познакомить с историей, традициями и особенностями чаепития в Великобритании; подчеркнуть общие черты и различия в особенностях русского и английского чаепития.
воспитательная: формирование интереса к изучению культуры, обычаев и традиций Великобритании.
Подготовка начинается заранее – мы собираем и готовим материал, разучиваем стихи и песни, составляем меню, готовим реквизит, оформление.
За несколько дней до заседания клуба вывешивается объявление:
We’ll talk about the tradition of 5 o’clock tea.
Interesting information, delicious cakes, poems, songs and games await you in our club!
Меню составлено заранее. Всю выпечку мы готовим накануне. На столе у гостей клуба тоже есть меню и программа вечера.
The Menu:
- Puddings
- Cakes
- Pancakes
- Rolls
- Marmalade
- Strawberry Jam
- Chyak-Chyak
- English Tea ( tea with milk)
- Russian Tea ( tea with lemon )
- Information about English Meals
- Information about English Tea Tradition
- Five o’clock Tea
- Poems
- Songs
- Games
Участники: 3 ведущих
2 официантки
1 оператор для видеосъемок
Teacher: Dear friends! We are very glad to see you in our club. Every nation has its own customs and tradition. England is a country of old traditions. Today we want to tell you about English tea tradition, to taste some English food. We’ll sing songs, recite poems, play games. We hope you’ll enjoy our party!
1st Announcer: English food differs from Russian food very much, even the names of meals. The English eat four times a day. They have breakfast, lunch, 5 o’clock tea, dinner. An Englishman prefers ‘ good plain food’. They usually like steak, roastbeaf, fish, chips, and a lot of vegetables. They prefer meat and fish to soup.
It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have a cup of tea 6 or 8 times a day and even more. But it can hardly be called a meal. At the weekends friends and visitors are often invited to have a chat over a cup of tea.
2nd Announcer: The British and tea are inseparable. 8 out of ten in Britain drink tea every day and Britain imports about 20% of all the world’s tea. Tea makes up about half of all that a Britain person drinks. Tea has even played a part in British literature and history. The British Tea Tradition has its own history. There are some interesting facts in it.
Firstly in Europe tea was used as a medicine. In 1660 after the epidemic of terrible plague when the London’s population half reduced, the English began to think more about their health. Out-of-door games, walking out and having exotic and tasteful drink from China became very popular. The Industrial revolution in England also played a great role in tea spreading. The long working day at factories required attention. And tea with milk and sugar warmed, was very tasty and useful. Many years later it became a good tradition to have a nice cup of tea with friends and relatives. The ‘ 5-o’clock-tea-law’ was even adopted.
3d Announcer: The British are very fussy about how tea is made. The tea-port must be warmed before the tea is put in, the water must be boiling properly, the right quantity of tea- one spoon for each person and one for the port- must be used and the tea must be brewed for three minutes.
The English like tea with milk. Biscuits, cakes, puddings, pancakes and jam are given for tea. But the English see the drinking of tea as the opportunity to relax for a few minutes, to listen to nice music, to play games.
Nice and well-made tea is a great comforter for everybody. Don’t hurry when having tea, just sit down, relax and enjoy it.
1st Announcer: Now we want you to relax and have a nice cup of tea, taste our dishes, listen to songs and poems.
Официанты накрывают столы и разливают чай. Звучат песни под гитару и стихи:
- ‘Love Me, Tender’ Elvis Presley
- ‘My Love Is a Red-Red Rose’ Robert Berns
- ‘Unbreak My Heart’ Toni Braxton
- ‘Twilight’ Byron
3d Announcer: Now we want you to have some physical activity. In some parts of Britain there are pancakes races on Shrove Tuesday. People race with a frying pan in one hand. They have to throw the pancakes in the air and catch it again in the frying pan. Let’s play a little.
Проводится веселая подвижная игра. К участию в игре приглашаются все присутствующие.
В это время официанты готовят свежий, горячий чай.
2nd Announcer: Russian people are also very fond of tea. Both nations have very much in common as for tea tradition. Tea is the most popular drink among the Russian people especially in Bashkiria. We have a cup of tea to relax and have a chat with friends. We like well-made strong tea with milk or lemon. By the way, tea with lemon is called ‘Russian tea’. Our dishes are also much alike. We like pancakes, cakes, and other cookies. But we have our national dishes too. For example, chyak-chyak. Now we want you to taste our delicious cake.
Официанты подают гостям чак-чак – башкирское национальное сладкое блюдо к чаю.
Звучит башкирская народная песня.
2nd Announcer: As have just known we are much alike with the British in tea tradition. Everybody of you knows much about our native country. But what do you know about Great Britain? We offer you a short quiz about the UK.
Проводится викторина “ Великобритания ”.
- What is the name of the famous clock in London?
- How do the English call Metropolitan in London?
- Who is the head of the government?
- Where is the official residence of the Queen situated?
- What is the name of the Queen’s eldest son?
- The traditional British drink is…
- The most popular theme of conversation in Britain is…
- How is the midday meal called?
- What are the largest rivers in the UK?
- What is Robert Berns?
- How do the British call their national flag?
- The oldest University of England is…
- Who is the greatest English playwright?
- The most favorite kind of sport in Britain is…
- What is the national dish foe Christmas?
2nd Announcer: You’ve worked well. Thank you!
1st Announcer: We are very glad you have come to our party. Thank you for your activity. And now let us sing together the old Scotland song ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’.
Все исполняют песню, взявшись за руки. Для гостей слова песни написаны на плакате
Teacher: We thank everybody for coming. Come and see us again!
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