Презентация Spotlighgt 8 - essay
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Халилова Зарема Казимагомедовна

Презентация по учебнику спотлайт 8.


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Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

For & against essays 8 класс

Слайд 2

Ex.2 p 114 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions . 1 What type of essay should you write? 2 What will your essay be about? 3 What style should you use? 4 What points should you include in your essay?

Слайд 3

Ex.3 p.114 Advantages ( преимущества) Justifications/Example s ( подтверждение/примеры) 1. A quick way to find information; ( быстрый способ найти информацию). 2. Provides a variety of sources ( предоставляет различные ресурсы). 1. Students hove more free time for other activities; ( У студентов больше времени на свои занятия). 2. Students can read lots of information and form their own opinions by comparing and contrasting ideas Disadvantages ( недостатки) Justifications/Example s ( подтверждения/примеры) 1. Students don't use their writing skills; 2. Some websites contain inaccurate ( неточную ) Information . 1. They just copy the Information which is not always well-written . 2. Some students may include a lot of facts in their work which a re incorrect ( Некоторые студенты могут включать много фактов в свою работу, которые неправильны).

Слайд 4

Ex.4 p.115 However — yet; First of all — the first advantage; Secondly — Moreover; For example — For instance; However — in spite of this; One drawback — one disadvantage ; For example — in particular; Another disadvantage — Another point against ; All in all — All things considered

Слайд 5

Match them to their supporting arguments 1 . Students can learn at their own pace( темпе ). 2 . It is more convenient for people who don't have time to go to lessons. 3 . People can save time and money on travel. 4 . It can be lonely studying alone. 5 . E-learning depends too much on technology. a ) Students don't have to commute ( добираться) to school. b ) With e-learning there is no chance to meet other people and share ideas with them. с ) People do not have to be in a certain place at a certain time. d ) People can choose when and for how long they want to study. e )Computer problems can make people miss lessons.

Слайд 6

LINKERS introduce points представить точку зрения t o start with - Начнем с f irstly – во-первых list/add points создать/добавить перечисление аlso - также s econdly - во- вторых м oreover – более того show contrast показать противоположность o n the other hand – c другой стороны а nother disadvantage - другой недостаток introduce examples/justifications представить примеры/обоснования consequently - c ледовательно as a result- в результате for example- например Conclude делать заключение a ll in all – в общем Finally – в конце in conclusion – в заключении

Слайд 7

Plan Introduction Para1 : Introduce the subject Main body Para 2 : arguments for with justification/examples Para 3 : arguments against with justification/examples Conclusion Para 4 : closing remarks

Предварительный просмотр:

          Nowadays students have access to many various  websites to help them learn. However, there are arguments for and against learning online. 

There is no doubt that e-learning is a convenient way to learn . First of all , __________________________________________________________________



Secondly, _________________________________________________________



Moreover, _________________________________________________________


On the other hand, there are some disadvantages against online learning  . Firstly, __________________________________________________________________



Secondly, __________________________________________________________



To sum up,       ______________________________________________________




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