План-конспект и презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 А классе по теме «Opinion Essays». Сочинение «Ваше мнение».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Урок применения знаний и умений для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Используется методика группового обучения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока английского языка в 11 А классе
по теме «Opinion Essays»
Сочинение «Ваше мнение»
Дата: 15. 11. 13
Цели урока:
Деятельностная цель:
Формирование у учащихся деятельностных способностей и способностей к структурированию и систематизации предметного содержания по теме сочинение «Ваше мнение», формирование способности учащихся к новому способу действия, связанному с построением структуры изученных понятий и алгоритмов.
Содержательная цель:
построение обобщённых деятельностных норм и выявление теоретических основ развития содержательно-методических линий.
Задачи урока:
1Систематизировать знания учащихся о структуре сочинения «Ваше мнение».
2 Совершенствовать умение употреблять лексические единицы, используемые при написании сочинения «Ваше мнение».
3 Совершенствовать умение учащихся работать в группах
4 Способствовать развитию творческих и познавательных способностей.
5 Воспитывать социокультурное сознание.
Оборудование урока:
ПК, проектор, раздаточный материал с групповыми заданиями, презентация.
Урок проходит в медиа-классе.
Тип урока: урок применения знаний и умений
План урока:
I Начало урока - 2 минуты Good morning! Take your seats. Today we’re going to practice writing opinion essays. You’ll work in groups.
Доброе утро! Садитесь. Сегодня мы будем практиковаться в написании сочинения «Ваше мнение». Вы будете работать в группах.
II Основная часть урока – 36 минут.
1) You know opinion essays require your clear opinion on a topic, supported by reasons and examples. What parts should they contain?
Вы знаете, что сочинение «Ваше мнение» предполагает то, что вы приводите личное мнение по теме и подкрепляете его доводами и примерами.
Слайд № 1
An introduction (stating the topic and your opinion)
Вступление (указываем тему и приводим своё мнение)
A main body (several paragraphs each with a topic sentence presenting a separate viewpoint supported by reasons/examples, and including a paragraph presenting the opposing viewpoint)
Основное содержание (несколько абзацев, каждый из которых начинается с главного предложения, заключающего в себе идею всего абзаца, содержит примеры и доказательства)
A conclusion (restating your opinion in other words)
Заключение (ещё раз сообщаем своё мнение другими словами)
Writing an opinion essay
- I paragraph Make an introduction/state the problem.
- II paragraph - Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it.
- III paragraph - Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
- IV paragraph - Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion.
- V paragraph - Make a conclusion relating to your opinion.
Now we’re going to revise some theory. Open your books to page 54 exercise 1b. There are some statements. Work in groups and decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay. You have 4 minutes to do it.
Сейчас мы повторим теоретический материал. Откройте учебники на странице 54 упражнение 1b. Даны утверждения. Работайте в группах и примите решение, правдивы ли эти высказывания при написании сочинения «Ваше мнение». У вас 3 минуты.
2) Card 1
Ex. 1b p. 54
Work in groups and decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay.
1Decide on your opinion before you start writing. T\F
2 Write in semi-formal style. T\F
3 Use present tenses. T\F
4 Include personal examples. T\F
5 State your opinion in the first paragraph only. T\F
6 Use the variety of linking words. T\F
7 State the topic and the introduction. T\F
8 When presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph. T\F
9 Never include a quotation. T\F
10 Present the opposing viewpoint first. T\F
11 Begin each paragraph however you like. T\F
12 You don’t have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples. T\F
13 State your opinion again in the conclusion. T\F
Проводится обсуждение каждого утверждения.
The key:
- t 2) t 3) t 4) f 5) f 6) t 7) t 8) t 9) f 10) f 11) f 12) f 13) t
3) Работа в группах над сочинением «Ваше мнение».
All teenagers should help with household chores. Do you agree?
Read the rubric and underline the key words.
A magazine is asking for opinions on the following: All teenagers should help with household chores. Write an essay, giving reasons\examples to support your point of view.
T: What are the key words?
S: magazine, opinions, teenagers, help, household chores, essay, giving reasons\examples.
T: Определили ключевые слова, теперь формулируем проблему, перефразировав тему эссе, используя синонимы ключевых слов. Введение должно включать в себя мысль, высказанную в задании, и прямо противоположную. Вы, как бы, вступаете в дискуссию со стороной, имеющей иную точку зрения. Это и будет введением.
Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают и представляют готовый вариант от каждой группы.
I paragraph - Make an introduction/state the problem.
Следующие фразы можно использовать во введении
- Since time immemorial.../For centuries...people have been arguing.../thinking about.../struggling for... /
- For years the problem of ... has been one of the most serious.
- It has been widely discussed in recent years whether... or not.
- People have always wanted...
- Today we still... (This problem) is/are getting more and more...
- Some people believe/argue/claim... that ..., while others think/believe/argue...
- How does ... influence ...?
Teenagers lead busy lives. They have school, homework, night classes and sports
to fill their days. Is it really necessary for teens to help with the household chores as well? In my opinion, no.
Далее необходимо привести свою точку зрения и привести минимум два аргумента в пользу своей позиции.
Match veiwpoints to reasons\examples. These ideas may help you. Two minutes for you to do it.
Veiwpoints | Reasons\examples |
| a They are usually under a lot of pressure at school. |
| b Many parents lead busy lives too, and don’t have time to do everything. |
| c They will learn to be more organised and plan their time better. |
The key:
II paragraph - Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it.
Можно использовать следующие фразы:
To state your opinion:
- I (strongly) believe .../ In my opinion.../ From my point of view...
To list points:
- First of all.../ Firstly.../Secondly.../Finally...
To give reasons:
- ...because.../...because of.../...since.../...as.../...due to the fact that...
To say about the result:
- ...as a result.../...consequently...
To introduce example:
- For example.../For instance.../...such as...
Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают и представляют готовый вариант от каждой группы.
To begin with, it’s not fair to make teenagers help out at home because they are usually under a lot of pressure at school. If they have cleaning to do when they get home, when will they find the time or energy to do their homework?
Затем следует изложить точку зрения ваших оппонентов и объяснить, почему они пришли к такому выводу.
III paragraph - Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
To introduce the opposite opinion:
- However, some people argue...
- On the other hand, many people believe that ... They argue that ... because...
- On the other hand, many people are convinced that...They claim that... because...
Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают и представляют готовый вариант от каждой группы.
In addition, some parents can rely too much on their children to do all the jobs they hate, like weeding the garden. Quite often, children are turned into slaves that work for the benefit of the parents and for little financial reward.
Затем нужно объяснить, почему вы не согласны с противоположной точкой зрения.
IV paragraph - Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion.
To disagree:
- I strongly disagree with this view, because ... (give a counter-argument)
Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают и представляют готовый вариант от каждой группы.
On the other hand, it makes sense to share the household chores. Many parents also lead busy lives and don’t have enough time to do all the jobs that keep a home neat and tidy.
И последнее, вывод. В заключении (conclusion), где подводится итог всему сказанному, вы должны повторить основные пункты ваших рассуждений, выразив это другими словами (restatement). В этой части сочинения не должно быть каких-либо новых, требующих дальнейшего разъяснения мыслей.
V paragraph - Make a conclusion relating to your opinion.
- In conclusion.../To sum up...
- Despite other people's opinion, I still believe/argue... that ...
Учащиеся работают в группах, обсуждают и представляют готовый вариант от каждой группы.
Childhood is a time of learning and every day has something new. If children were forced to work all hours of the day, they would have no time for personal development. After all, as the saying goes, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’
III Заключительная часть – 2 минуты
1) Подведение итогов урока.
We have done a lot today. We have revised some theory, worked in groups and practiced writing opinion essays.
2) Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок за устные ответы.
I’ll check your tests and give you marks later. Now your marks for the lesson.
3) Домашнее задание.
Ex. 8 p. 56
Choose rubric A or B. Then underline the key words and write an opinion essay, giving reasons\examples to support your point of view.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Writing an opinion essay I paragraph Make an introduction / state the problem II paragraph Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it III paragraph Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion IV paragraph Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion V paragraph Make a conclusion relating to your opinion
1Decide on your opinion before you start writing. T\F 2 Write in semi-formal style. T\F 3 Use present tenses . T\F 4 Include personal examples. T\F 5 State your opinion in the first paragraph only. T\F 6 Use the variety of linking words. T\F 7 State the topic and the introduction. T\F 8 When presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph. T\F 9 Never include a quotation. T\F 10 Present the opposing viewpoint first. T\F 11 Begin each paragraph however you like. T\F 12 You don’t have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples. T\F 13 State your opinion again in the conclusion. T\F
The key: 1) t 2 ) t 3 ) t 4 ) f 5 ) f 6 ) t 7 ) t 8) t 9 ) f 10 ) f 11 ) f 12 ) f 13 ) t
All teenagers should help with household chores. Do you agree?
Read the rubric and find the key words A magazine is asking for opinions on the following: All teenagers should help with household chores. Write an essay, giving reasons\examples to support your point of view
magazine, opinions, teenagers, help, household chores, essay, giving reasons\examples
I paragraph – Make an introduction/state the problem Since time immemorial.../For centuries...people have been arguing.../thinking about.../struggling for... / For years the problem of ... has been one of the most serious. It has been widely discussed in recent years whether... or not. People have always wanted... Today we still... (This problem) is/are getting more and more... Some people believe/argue/claim... that ..., while others think/believe/argue... How does ... influence ...?
Например , Teenagers lead busy lives. They have school, homework, night classes and sports to fill their days. Is it really necessary for teens to help with the household chores as well? In my opinion , no .
Arguments For Teenagers who help out at home will learn valuable skills. It’s not fair to make teenagers help out at home. It makes sense to share household chores. Against They will learn to be more organised and plan their time better. They are usually under a lot of pressure at school. Many parents lead busy lives too, and don’t have time to do everything .
II paragraph – Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it To state your opinion : I (strongly) believe .../ In my opinion.../ From my point of view... To list points: First of all.../ Firstly.../Secondly.../Finally... To give reasons: ...because.../...because of.../...since.../...as.../...due to the fact that... To say about the result: ...as a result.../...consequently... To introduce example: For example.../For instance.../...such as...
Например , To begin with, it’s not fair to make teenagers help out at home because they are usually under a lot of pressure at school. If they have cleaning to do when they get home, when will they find the time or energy to do their homework?
III paragraph – Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion To introduce the opposite opinion: However, some people argue... On the other hand, many people believe that ... They argue that ... because... On the other hand, many people are convinced that...They claim that... because...
Например , In addition, some parents can rely too much on their children to do all the jobs they hate, like weeding the garden. Quite often, children are turned into slaves that work for the benefit of the parents and for little financial reward.
IV paragraph – Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion. To disagree: I strongly disagree with this view, because ... (give a counter-argument)
Например , On the other hand, it makes sense to share the household chores. Many parents also lead busy lives and don’t have enough time to do all the jobs that keep a home neat and tidy.
V paragraph – Make a conclusion relating to your opinion In conclusion.../To sum up ... Despite other people's opinion, I still believe/argue... that ...
Например, Childhood is a time of learning and every day has something new. If children were forced to work all hours of the day, they would have no time for personal development. After all, as the saying goes, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’
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