Essay "учитель английского языка"
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This is a story of us – my English and me. My love for English is innate so I used to take Him for granted at first. But He was wise and patient enough to wait till my feeling would grow with time and develop into a true deep love.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Mikhalyova Elena Fyodorovna
English teacher
Tarbagataiskaya Secondary
Comprehensive School
Why an English Teacher?
This is a story of us – my English and me. My love for English is innate so I used to take Him for granted at first. But He was wise and patient enough to wait till my feeling would grow with time and develop into a true deep love.
It happened when I studied at my nice village school. Dealing with our English teacher, I spent hours preparing for lessons. She was rather strict but I felt confident about learning the language and could express myself effectively. I and my friend were talking about our language learning experience of English while we were going home.
And English stroke me when I was twelve. I can clearly remember the day when I was offered a role of a tsar in a school theater play staged by our teacher. The stage version of a famous Russian fairytale was performed in English. It was so difficult to pronounce correctly the lines in English. I stepped on the stage: my heart leapt to my mouth …Oh, my English!
So English and I started dating again. Once I came across an old English text book with English proverbs. Surprisingly, that book turned into a book of magic for me. Like a wizard I would spent hours reading it. Then I borrowed a pocket English- Russian dictionary from someone. It gave my vocabulary a great boost – so much that I was able to help my classmates with their English homework. After an interview with my English teacher I joined the optional courses of English and took part in different English competitions.
What I would also like to mention is English music. That music was the driving force behind my friendship with English. In my early teens I was keen on West European disco. The catchy melodic patterns with a strong beat, the lyrics of the words conquered though their meaning was a mystery to me.
All in all, I believed I would travel abroad and would communicate with people of the world. Speaking with native speakers was fantastic for me!
Who could have thought that those emotions were the beginning of a life- long romance with the English Language? And after graduating from school this girl will enter The Linguistic Faculty and take up the career of an English teacher. Had I been told that I would teach children English the whole my life I would have never believed them.
As a matter of fact I’ve been an English teacher for 24 years.
In its favour, teaching English brought me in touch with talented professionals and the experience to build from. I’ve met a lot of people for whom English is a life style and a means of career prospects. They are my teachers from the University! And teachers do the best to keep and promote English language.
On the one hand I teach children at school - 2-11 forms. Some of the most talented pupils enjoy the language very much; they show their reading and conversational skills, their knowledge of British culture and love to English. I’m proud of them and my English.
On the other hand there are some categories of pupils and parents who can’t understand the role of English in modern life. May be there is no opportunity to communicate and travel for them. As a teacher I tell children you can visit English – speaking countries and realize that English is the native language of 12 nations and the official of thirty-three more nations. Besides, traveling expands outlook, broadens the mind and gives a great opportunity to enjoy life. That’s why you should learn English.
But it’s not a reality! We only teach and dream to visit London. So I think: “Is it easy to be an English teacher?”
In spite of this I can say that English is my courteous guru which has helped me broaden my perceptions of life and also made it easy to understand how others view life. In other words it teaches me tolerance; I try to have good relations with people of other culture.
The great German poet said,”He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” That’s why in order to understand oneself and world around you one has to study foreign language.
It seems important to remind that when you love English you forget your head and listen to the music of English!
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