«Счастливый случай» - интеллектуально-развлекательная игра для учащихся средней школы
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс)
Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся.
Развивающие: развитие познавательной активности и умения применять полученные знания в новой коммуникативной ситуации; развитие интеллектуальных способностей; формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Воспитательные: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям других народов, умения работать в команде.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Задачи: Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся. Развивающие: развитие познавательной активности и умения применять полученные знания в новой коммуникативной ситуации; развитие интеллектуальных способностей; формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка. Воспитательные: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям других народов, умения работать в команде.
1. How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 2. How many seasons are there in a year? 3. Who is my father's father? 4. Who is my mother's son? 5. When do people celebrate Christmas? 6. When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day ? 7. What is a hot-dog? 8. What is Coca-Cola? 9. Where do we cook? 10. Where can we take a shower?
Game « So do I » « Oh, never"
"Dark Horse"
This character is a funny bear. He is fat but very nice. He likes honey and doesn't like bees. He enjoys to make up rhymes. He likes to visit his friends Rabbit and Piglet.
This is a very kind girl. She is very beautiful, much more beautiful than her stepmother. That's why her stepmother sent her to the forest. But the girl found seven friends there. They were Seven dwarfs. They all lived very happily together.
This man is a character of English folk rhymes. He is very fat. He is always hungry. He can eat everything: bread and butter, cheese and meat, churches and people. He says that his stomach is never full.
This funny mouse is a character of the American cartoon. This mouse was created by Walt Disney. The mouse is very clever, but he always has a lot of problems with a cat. He has to make many tricks to run away from this cat .
This is a boy. He has no parents. His parents were magicians and the angry man killed them. This boy is very talented and clever. He studies at the magic school. He can do a lot of magic tricks. He has got a lot of friends. They help him to fight against angry men.
She is a very kind and nice girl. She has got a father but she hasn't got a mother. Her stepmother and her stepsisters are angry and greedy. This girl has got a godmother, a fairy. The fairy gives her a beautiful dress and crystal shoes to go to the ball. But the girl loses one shoe.
"A Pig In a Poke"
« a rhyming twin » cat - rat
Hare Cow Bag Snow Fine Toy Run Skate Day Fear
"The Race After the Leader"
When does Santa Claus come? What month has 28 days? What is cabbage a vegetable or fruit? What colour is the lemon? What is the traditional food at Christmas? Who discovered America? Do the English drink tea with milk or with lemon? Is the parrot a bird or a plant? How many stars are there on the American flag? What is the first letter of the English ABC?
Is December a winter or a spring month? Has the giraffe got a long neck? What colour is the fox? Does the elephant eat bananas? Is Halloween in October or in November? Do the English celebrate Father's Day? Can we ski in summer? Can you play football in the swimming pool? Are the trees green in winter? Does the crocodile eat grass?
"We are the Champions"
Предварительный просмотр:
«Lucky Strike»
«Счастливый случай» - интеллектуально-развлекательная игра для учащихся средней школы
Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся.
Развивающие: развитие познавательной активности и умения применять полученные знания в новой коммуникативной ситуации; развитие интеллектуальных способностей; формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Воспитательные: развитие интереса к культуре и традициям других народов, умения работать в команде.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, доска и цветные магниты, мешочек с вопросами, фонограмма песни "We Are The Champions"(rpуппа "Queen").
(Звучит торжественная музыка. Появляется ведущий.)
Show-host: Good afternoon! I am glad to see you at our game "Lucky Strike". Two teams are going to compete now. So, let's start! Meet the first team!
(Звучит торжественная музыка. За игровой стол садятся члены первой команды.)
Show-host: Introduce your team, please!
(Капитан представляет свою команду: Our team is called ....)
Show-host: And now meet the second team!
(Звучат торсисественная музыка. За игровой стол садятся члены второй команды.)
Show-host:Introduce your team, please!
(Капитан представляет свою команду: Our team is called ...)
Show-host: And now I would like to introduce our jury. They will be the referees and keep the score.
(Ведущий представляет членов жюри.)
Show-host:Let's decide which team starts by tossing a coin. So, the first team is head and the second one is tails. So, head or tails?
(Ведущий бросает монетку и определяет команду, которая начнет игру первой.)
Show-host: Our first game is '"Warming-up". Each team should answer my question in turn. Steady? Ready? Go!
- How many letters are there in the English alphabet? (26 letters)
- How many seasons are there in a year? (4 seasons)
- Who is my father's father? (My grandfather)
- Who is my mother's son? (My brother)
- When do people celebrate Christmas? (in December)
6. When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day ( in
- What is a hot-dog? (a sandwich)
- What is Coca-Cola? (a drink)
- Where do we cook? (in the kitchen)
10. Where can we take a shower? (in the bathroom)
Show-host: All right, we can stop now. Dear jury? How many right answers has the first team got? And the second one? (Жюри подводит итоги первого конкурса.)
Show-host: So, one point for the team ... Jolly good! Hip-hip-hurray!
(Счет игры ведется на доске. Под названием каждой команды прикрепляют к доске цветные магниты.)
Show-host: And now let's have some rest. We are having a game. I am going to tell you what people usually have for breakfast. If you agree, you will say "So do I". If you don't agree, you'll say "Oh, never". Let's start!
Show-host: I have porridge for breakfast. I have sandwiches for breakfast. I have books for breakfast. I have milk for breakfast. I have pencils for breakfast. I have juice for breakfast.
I have sausage for breakfast. I have cheese for breakfast. I have bags for breakfast.
I have eggs for breakfast. I have boots for breakfast.
Show-host: Fine! And now we have the second game. It is called "Dark Horse". Our teams should guess a riddle. I'll say some words about the famous characters of English and American books and cartoons. You should guess whom 1 mean. At first the teams try to do it. If they don't guess the riddle, the fans can help their team to get a point. The teams should answer my question in turn.
Listen to the first question.
1) This character is a funny bear. He is fat but very nice. He likes
honey and doesn't like bees. He enjoys to make up rhymes. He likes to visit
his friends Rabbit and Piglet. (Winnie-the-Pooh)
Please, your answer at first.
2) Question 2. This is a very kind girl. She is very beautiful, much
more beautiful than her stepmother. That's why her stepmother sent her to
the forest. But the girl found seven friends there. They were Seven dwarfs.
They all lived very happily together. (SnowWhite)
- The third question. This man is a character of English folk rhymes. He is very fat. He is always hungry. He can eat everything: bread and butter, cheese and meat, churches and people. He says that his stomach is never full. (Robbin the Bobbin)
- The fourth question. This funny mouse is a character of the American cartoon. This mouse was created by Walt Disney. The mouse is very clever, but he always has a lot of problems with a cat. He has to make many tricks to run away from this cat (Jerry)
- Question 4. This is a boy. He has no parents. His parents were magicians and the angry man killed them. This boy is very talented and clever. He studies at the magic school. He can do a lot of magic tricks. He has got a lot of friends. They help him to fight against angry men. (Harry
6) The fifth question. She is a very kind and nice girl. She has got a
father but she hasn't got a mother. Her stepmother and her stepsisters are
angry and greedy. This girl has got a godmother, a fairy. The fairy gives her
a beautiful dress and crystal shoes to go to the ball. But the girl loses one
shoe. (Cinderella)
Show-host: This game is over. Let's ask our jury to tell us the score.
(Жюри объявляет счет этого гейма и отмечает количество очков и обновляет информацию об общем счете игры на доске.)
Show-host: So, the team ... is the leader.
Show-host: It's time to start the third game. It is called "A Pig In a Poke"(кот в мешке).
There are some questions in this bag. They are rolled and I don't know what questions each team will answer. The players should take a rolled paper from this bag, read the question and answer it. Please, choose a question.
(Ведущий держит в руках мешочек со свернутыми в рулон листками бумаги, на которых написаны вопросы. Члены команды по очереди берут из мешочка вопрос, зачитывают его вслух и отвечают на него.)
- Who wrote the famous book about Winnie-the-Pooh? (Alan Milne)
- Who wrote the "Jungle Book"? (Rudyard Kipling)
- What was Mary Poppins - a nurse or a doctor? (a nurse)
- When do English children go to school - on the first of September or on the first Tuesday of September? (on the first Tuesday of September
- Is Big Ben in London or in New York? (in London)
- Is the capital of the USA Washington or New York? (Washington)
7. Is Thanksgiving Day an American or a British holiday? (an
American holiday)
8. Who was the first W. Disney character? (Micky Mouse)
9. Is St. Patrick's Day an Irish or an American holiday? (an Irish
10. How many stripes are there on the American flag 13 or 15? (13
Show-host: Dear jury! Who is the winner of this game? (Жюри объявляет счет этого гейма и отмечает количество очков и обновляет информацию об общем счете игры на доске.)
Show-host: I would like to play. Find "a rhyming twin" for each of these words. For example, I say "cat" and you can say "rat". (Ведущий называет слова hare, cow, bag, snow, fine, toy, run, skate, day, fear, а участники называют слова, которые рифмуются с ними.)
Show-host: All right, we can stop now. Attention, please. We have the last, the most important game now. It is called "The Race After the Leader". I'll ask each team questions. The winner will be the team which can answer more questions correctly. You should give short answers.
Steady? Ready? Go? Questions:
1 .When does Santa Claus come? (at Christmas)
- What month has 28 days? (February)
- What is cabbage a vegetable or fruit? (a vegetable)
- What colour is the lemon? (yellow)
- What is the traditional food at Christmas? (roast turkey)
- Who discovered America? (Columbus)
7. Do the English drink tea with milk or with lemon? (with milk)
- Is the parrot a bird or a plant? (a bird)
- How many stars are there on the American flag? (50 stars)
- What is the first letter of the English ABC? (A)
- Is December a winter or a spring month? (a winter month)
- Has the giraffe got a long neck? (Yes)
- What colour is the fox? (Red)
- Does the elephant eat bananas? (Yes)
- Is Halloween in October or in November? (in October)
- Do the English celebrate Father's Day? (Yes)
- Can we ski in summer? (No)
- Can you play football in the swimming pool? (No)
- Are the trees green in winter? (No)
- Does the crocodile eat grass? (No)
Show-host: Oh, I am terribly tired. It was really a difficult race, but it was wonderful. Let's have some rest and listen to music. And our jury will count the points together.(Звучит фонограмма песни на английском языке. Жюри в это время определяет победителя последнего гейма и подсчитывает общее количество очков.)
Show-host: So, dear jury. We are looking forward to our final score. (Жюри объявляет победителя последнего гейма и общий счет игры.)
Show-host: The winner of the game is ...! Hip-hip-hurray! (Звучит фонограмма песни
группы "Queen". Команде-победителю вручаются призы. Проигравшая команда получает утешительные призы.)
Show-host: Both teams have tried to do their best to win. You are really very clever and talented!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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