Открытое занятие кружка английского языка "Путешествие по волшебному лесу"
план-конспект по английскому языку
Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку
Кружок «Английский в играх»
«Путешествие по сказочному лесу»
Действующие лица: a Fairy, Adventurers, an Oak
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Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку
Кружок «Английский в играх»
«Путешествие по сказочному лесу»
Действующие лица: a Fairy, Adventurers, an Oak
Учащиеся под музыку («Сказка») заходят в кабинет. Осматриваются вокруг.
Выход Феи под музыку (музыка леса “Trine II”). Удивленный взгляд.
Fairy: Hello, my little friends! Who are you?
Adventurers: Hello! We are adventurers!
Fairy (smiles): I am a forest fairy. I welcome you to my magical forest! My friends, there is a trouble in my forest. The White witch – Patroness of Winter has stolen all colors and plunged the magic forest into a dream. Spring is coming. The forest is not ready for spring. When the White Witch left she said “… only 15 brave people can save the magic forest from the last sleep and bring back all the colors. They will have to pass 7 tests to the forest the former beauty” (музыка “td”)
Fair: Will you help me, my little friends?
Adventurers: Yes, we will help you!
Fairy: My friends, we have to start our trip! We have not so much time. Let’s go!
Adventurers: Let’s go!
Fairy: There is a trouble! I don’t know what to start with?
Adventurer 1: Footprints! I see footprints!
Fairy: Excellent! They will help us!
Adventurers: Hooray!
Fairy: This is your first test. If you pass it successfully, you will get the first color. The footprints are magic. There is a coded message under them. The sum of each mathematical example is the number of the letter in English alphabet. You have to make up a word from these letters to get the color. Very good! The task is completed! Учащиеся получают первый цвет – КРАСНЫЙ.
Adventurers: Hooray!
Fairy: Look, friends! We are coming to the glade with flowers. (Звучит отрывок песни «Бабочка») Some time ago there were many beautiful butterflies. When the flowers lost their beauty, butterflies stopped flying on them. We have to correct this mistake. You can see flowers on the glade. Different Sounds live on the flowers. Your task is to catch the flower with a word where the suitable sound is. The task is completed! Good job! Учащиеся получают цвет – ОРАНЖЕВЫЙ.
Adventurers: Hooray!
Fairy: My friends, I can see something on that outskirts! Let’s come closer! What is it?
Adventurers: It’s a Teremok!
Fairy: Unfortunately, nobody lives here. We have to occupy it with tenants. Do you remember the fairytale “The Teremok”?
Adventurers: Yes!
Fairy: Excellent! You task is to take letters from the sack and make up the names of all animals that live in the Teremok. The task is completed! Excellent! Учащиеся получают цвет – ЖЕЛТЫЙ.
Adventurers: Hooray!
Fairy: Let’s go!
Adventurers: Let’s go!
Fairy: My little friends, do you hear?
Adventurers: Yes. The sea is roaring.
Fairy: It means that we reached Lukomorye. There is an old oak. Be ready, my friends! The oak is very cunning. It probably prepared something interesting for you.
Oak: Hello Fairy! Hello little friends!
Adventurers, Fairy: Hello!
Oak: Have you come here of forest’s colors?
Adventurers: Yes!
Oak: Ok, I’ll help you! The next color is hidden in my foliage. Before taking it, you have to collect all my acorns. My acorns are not usual. They have a secret. Open them, do the task and get the color. The task is completed! Учащиеся получают цвет – ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ.
Oak: Good luck!
Adventurers: Thank you!
Fairy: My friends, we got to the noisiest place in the magic place. There is a Grumbling Mountain. It scares all forest’s inhabitants and guests. You will have to cajole the spirit of the Mountain. To do it you will have to restore the destroyed pictures. The task is completed! Учащиеся получают цвет – ГОЛУБОЙ.
Adventurers: Let’s go!
Fairy: My friends, we have so little time. There is a very difficult test. We have to cross the swamp and not to stuck in its quagmire. Jumping from the hummock to hummock you have to name motion verbs. The task is completed! Учащиеся получают цвет – СИНИЙ.
Adventurers: We have got 6 colors
Fairy: Finally, there is the last and the responsible test – the magic palette. Put all colors according their names. The task is completed! Учащиеся получают цвет – ФИОЛЕТОВЫЙ.
Adventurers: We helped you!!!
Fairy: (волшебное преображение). My little friends look here! The colors are coming back. My forest wakes up. It is filled with life, music and inspiration. Thank you very much! Now I want you to dedicate you to young wizards.
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