Обзор тем по курсу Rainbow -8
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Список тем с планом для развернутого высказывания, составленный по текстам к курсу Rainbow English 8
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Предварительный просмотр:
8 Радуга
- How do Russians spend their holidays? (p.6)
- Where do Russians travel to?
- Younger people. Older people. How do people organize their holidays?
- Activity holidays.
- Sports and people. (p.11-12)
- How are different people fond of sports?
- Different kinds of sport.(11)
- Advantages of sport. (3)
- Sports in Britain. (p.17)
- The History of Sports in Britain.
- British football.
- Cricket and Rugby.
- Modern Olympics. (p.26+p.47)
- The History of rebirth.
- Noble idea. Olympic Committee. Most important Sport events.
- Paralympics Games.
- Russian famous person. Tatyana Tarasova.(p.39)
- Great trainer.
- Biography.
- Career in the USA and in Russia.
- The History of Entertainment.(p.56)
- The beginning of entertainment in ancient Greece.
- Middle ages. Renaissance. Golden age. Shakespeare.
- Entertainment nowadays.
- My first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre.(p.65)
- Introduction. Before the performance.
- At the stage. During interval.
- After the performance. My impression.
- The great bard. William Shakespeare. (p.70)
- His biography.
- Tastes of audience in those days.
- Shakespeare’s heritage.(73-74)
- What is a Pantomime?(p.88)
- What is a Pantomime?
- When does it appear? Pantomime in France and in England.
- A modern pantomime.
- Tchaikovsky and his music.
- His biography.
- The beginning of his career.
- Tchaikovsky nowadays.
- Romeo and Juliet. ( РТ стр 29)
- Montagues and Capulets.
- Their love, marriage, problem they face.
- Great tragedy.
- The History of the Cinema.(p.7+12)
- The birth of cinema.
- First films. Developing of film industry.
- Hollywood.
- Let’s go to the cinema!(p.29-30)
- Introduction. The golden-Age of film-making.
- Cinema nowadays.
- Different kinds of of films.
- Film “Matilda”.(p.34)
- Introduction.
- Her family and school.
- Two types of grown-ups. Conclusion.
- Isaak Newton (p.61)
- Introduction.
- His biography. His experiments.
- His discoveries. End of life.
- Catherine the Great. (p.63-64)
- What was Catherine the Great.
- New things she introduced.
- Developing of education.
- Benjamin Franklin.(p.75)
- Age of Enlightenment.
- His family. His sayings.
- An experimental science. The power of words.
- Queen Elizabeth II.(p.84-85)
- Her childhood.
- Young years.
- What makes her a popular monarch?
- Steve Jobs.(p.89-90)
- Introduction. His childhood.
- His first steps in business. His career.
- His qualities and interests.
- Mother Teresa.(p.90)
- Introduction. Her role.
- Her biography. Life in Calcutta. The beginning of the order.
- The first Home for the Dying. Home for children who had no parents.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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