Мой любимый день недели для 6 клаcса
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Тема: My favourite day Обобщающий урок.(“Spotlight”-6)
Цель: закрепление лексики по теме «Мой распорядок дня», повторение времени Present Simple
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока по английскому языку.
Тема: My favourite day Обобщающий урок.(“Spotlight”-6)
Цель: закрепление лексики по теме «Мой распорядок дня», повторение времени Present Simple
- закрепление лексики по теме;
- создание ситуаций для употребления простого настоящего времени;
- развитие лексических навыков говорения
- развитие навыков устной речи с использованием пройденного материала;
- развитие познавательного интереса к предмету через содержание учебного материала;
- закрепить грамматические навыки в использовании в речи структур в Present Simple, развивать память, речь и мышление.
- формировать устойчивую учебно-познавательную мотивацию к изучению английского языка, культуру общения с собеседником, воспитание взаимопомощи, сотрудничества при достижении общей цели.
Оборудование для учителя:
Мультимедия проектор;
Раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
1 Организационный момент
1.1. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Cl: Good morning!
T: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you and hope you are ready for our lesson and are in good mood. Let’s begin.
1.2 Речевая зарядка.
What’s the date is today?
P: Today is the 1st of December.
T: What day of the week is today?
P: Today is Tursday
T: What season is it now?
P: It is winter
T: Do you like winter? Why?
P: Yes, I do. I have my birthday.
T: All right. Thank you. Winter is a beautiful season. I also like winter. It’s my favourite season. But today we are going to speak about My favourite day. (показать на доску)
II Основные этапы урока:
- Работа с учебником – стр 40 упр 1.
T: Open your book at p40, Ex.1. Look at the spidergram. Brainstorm to complete it. Дети выполняют задание, вспоминая, что можно делать утром, в обед и вечером.
2. Работа с презентацией:
T: “Look at the screen. Let’s remember what we can do during the day.
Answer my questions.
What do we do in the morning?”
Сh: “We get up at 7 o’clock, we have a shower, we brush our teeth, we have breakfast, we go to school.”(слайд 3,4)
- What do we do in the afternoon?
- We have lessons at school, we have lunch, we come home, we play sports.(слайд 4, 5)
- What do we do I the evening?
- We have dinner, we do our homework, we play computer games, we watch TV, we listen to music.(слайд 7,8)
- What do we do at night?
- We go to bed.(слайд 9)
- Good of you. And what is your favourite day?
- My favourite day is….
- Why is it your favourite day? Look at the screen and choose the best answer, start with: “My favourite day is…… because on ……. I……..”. (слайд 10)
- 1) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I get up late, I visit my friends and we go for a walk. ”
- 2) “My favourite day is Saturday because on Saturday I play football.”
- 3) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I don’t go to school.”
- 4) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I go to the cinema with my mum and dad.”
- Thank you.
2. Групповая работа.
а) Ученики получают карточки с предложениями, в которых допущены ошибки. Задание: to correct the mistakes and put the sentences in the right order. Проверяются вместе.
(Слайд 11 -проверка)
в) Поставить предложения в правильном порядке (слайд 12- проверка)
1) He wash his face every day.(2)
2) Ben get up at seven.(1)
3) He plays computer games at 9 o`clock after he go to bed.(6)
4) Ben get dressed in the morning.(3)
5) He have breakfast and goes to school.(4)
6) Ben and his father likes watching video in the evening.(5) (задания на карточках)
T: I see you are tired. Image that it is night. Close your eyes. You are sleeping.(звенит будильник) It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to get up. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Bent left! Bent right! Squat! Sit down!
T: Translate my phrases!
Утром, вставать, одеваться, завтракать, идти в школу, быть во время, иметь уроки, идти домой, днем, обедать, читать книги, смотреть телевизор, играть на компьютере, слушать музыку, вечером, ложиться спать.
T: Аnd now read the letter from Lera, put the paragraphs in the right order and tell me what her favourite day is. (слайд 13)
Дети читают письмо:
I love Saturday.
by Lera
- Later in the afternoon I go to Varya’s place. Her mum teaches us how to cook. Every Saturday we make salads, bake pancakes, cakes or cupcakes. At 6 o’clock we have dinner. When we finish dinner, we play with our toys and tell stories before we go to sleep. I absolutely love Saturdays!
- Saturday is a perfect day for me. It starts at 10 o’clock with a big breakfast. Then I take my swimsuit and I set off with my best friend, Varya , for the swimming pool! There we swim, dive and do the exercises.
- After the swimming pool we go to the café. We eat burgers and drink Coke. Sometimes we buy ice-cream. My favourite ice-cream is vanilla ice-cream.
T: “What is Lera’s favourite day?
Ch: “Her favourite day is Saturday.”
- Ok, good. Read the story. (Дети читают рассказ вслух в правильном порядке).
- T: Now answer my questions.
- What does she do in the morning?
In the morning she has a big breakfast, goes to the swimming pool, swims, dives, does the exercises, eats burgers and drinks Coke.
- What does she do in the afternoon?
- In the afternoon she goes to her friend, cooks and bakes.
- What does she do in the evening?
- In the evening she has dinner, plays and tells stories.
- Well done! And now, let’s try to answer her letter. Look at the screen. Complete the sentences, using the words in bold. (слайд 14)
Дети составляют рассказ, пользуясь подсказкой на экране.
bed, Sunday, that, watch, afternoon, lunch, walk, get, has
My favourite day is _________________. The best part about Sundays is that I _____________ up late. I go downstairs and where my mum ___________ a big breakfast waiting for me. After breakfast I _____________ my dog, Jeff, in the park. After _____________, I come home and I go and have _______________ with my family in our favourite restaurant. In the ___________________, dad takes us for a nice long drives in the country. In the evenings, we all ___________ a film together and then we go to ____________. Sometimes I think it’s sad that Sunday only comes once a week!
(Sunday, get, has, walk, that, lunch, afternoon, watch, bed)
- Great! Thank you
- Рефлексия, подведение итогов урока.
We worked very hard today.
T: Let’s remember what theme of our lesson was?
CL. My favourite day
T: What did we do during our lesson?
P: We answered the questions
P: We wrote some words and sentences.
P: We told about our favourite day.
T: I am satisfied with your work. I give «5» to…., «4» to ….
- Домашнее задание.
S.B. p 40 ex 5
1.1. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Cl: Good morning!
T: Sit down, please. I am glad to see you and hope you are ready for our lesson and are in good mood. Let’s begin.
1.2 Речевая зарядка.
T: What’s the date is today?
P: Today is the 1st of December.
T: What day of the week is today?
P: Today is Tursday
T: What season is it now?
P: It is winter
T: Do you like winter? Why?
P: Yes, I do. I have my birthday.
T: All right. Thank you. Winter is a beautiful season. I also like winter. It’s my favourite season. But today we are going to speak about My favourite day. (показать на доску)
- Работа с учебником – стр 40 упр 1.
T: Open your book at p40, Ex.1. Look at the spidergram. Brainstorm to complete it. Дети выполняют задание, вспоминая, что можно делать утром, в обед и вечером. Проверка.
2. Работа с презентацией:
T: “Look at the screen. Let’s remember what we can do during the day.
Answer my questions.
What do we do in the morning?”
Сh: “We get up at 7 o’clock, we have a shower, we brush our teeth, we have breakfast, we go to school.”(слайд 3,4)
- What do we do in the afternoon?
- We have lessons at school, we have lunch, we come home, we play sports.(слайд 4, 5)
- What do we do I the evening?
- We have dinner, we do our homework, we play computer games, we watch TV, we listen to music.(слайд 7, 8)
- What do we do at night?
- We go to bed.(слайд 9)
- Good of you. And what is your favourite day?
- My favourite day is….
- Why is it your favourite day? Look at the screen and choose the best answer, start with: “My favourite day is…… because on ……. I……..”. (слайд 10)
- 1) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I get up late, I visit my friends and we go for a walk. ”
- 2) “My favourite day is Saturday because on Saturday I play football.”
- 3) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I don’t go to school.”
- 4) “My favourite day is Sunday because on Sunday I go to the cinema with my mum and dad.”
- Thank you.
2. Групповая работа.
а) Ученики получают карточки с предложениями, в которых допущены ошибки. Задание: to correct the mistakes and put the sentences in the right order. (Слайд 11 )
в) Поставить предложения в правильном порядке (слайд 12- проверка)
1) He wash his face every day.(2)
2) Ben get up at seven.(1)
3) He plays computer games at 9 o`clock after he go to bed.(6)
4) Ben get dressed in the morning.(3)
5) He have breakfast and goes to school.(4)
6) Ben and his father likes watching video in the evening.(5) (задания на карточках)
T: I see you are tired. Image that it is night. Close your eyes. You are sleeping.(звенит будильник) It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to get up. Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Bent left! Bent right! Squat! Sit down!
T: Translate my phrases!
Утром, вставать, одеваться, завтракать, идти в школу, быть во время, иметь уроки, идти домой, днем, обедать, читать книги, смотреть телевизор, играть на компьютере, слушать музыку, вечером, ложиться спать.
T: Аnd now read the letter from Lera, put the paragraphs in the right order and tell me what her favourite day is. (слайд 13)
Дети читают письмо:
I love Saturday.
by Lera
- Later in the afternoon I go to Varya’s place. Her mum teaches us how to cook. Every Saturday we make salads, bake pancakes, cakes or cupcakes. At 6 o’clock we have dinner. When we finish dinner, we play with our toys and tell stories before we go to sleep. I absolutely love Saturdays!
- Saturday is a perfect day for me. It starts at 10 o’clock with a big breakfast. Then I take my swimsuit and I set off with my best friend, Varya , for the swimming pool! There we swim, dive and do the exercises.
- After the swimming pool we go to the café. We eat burgers and drink Coke. Sometimes we buy ice-cream. My favourite ice-cream is vanilla ice-cream.
T: “What is Lera’s favourite day?
Ch: “Her favourite day is Saturday.”
- Ok, good. Read the story. (Дети читают рассказ вслух в правильном порядке).
- T: Now answer my questions.
- What does she do in the morning?
In the morning she has a big breakfast, goes to the swimming pool, swims, dives, does the exercises, eats burgers and drinks Coke.
- What does she do in the afternoon?
- In the afternoon she goes to her friend, cooks and bakes.
- What does she do in the evening?
- In the evening she has dinner, plays and tells stories.
- Well done! And now, let’s try to answer her letter. Look at the screen. Complete the sentences, using the words in bold. (слайд 14)
Дети составляют рассказ, пользуясь подсказкой на экране.
bed, Sunday, that, watch, afternoon, lunch, walk, get, has
My favourite day is _________________. The best part about Sundays is that I _____________ up late. I go downstairs and where my mum ___________ a big breakfast waiting for me. After breakfast I _____________ my dog, Jeff, in the park. After _____________, I come home and I go and have _______________ with my family in our favourite restaurant. In the ___________________, dad takes us for a nice long drives in the country. In the evenings, we all ___________ a film together and then we go to ____________. Sometimes I think it’s sad that Sunday only comes once a week!
(Sunday, get, has, walk, that, lunch, afternoon, watch, bed)
- Great! Thank you
- Рефлексия, подведение итогов урока.
We worked very hard today.
T: Let’s remember what theme of our lesson was?
CL. My favourite day
T: What did we do during our lesson?
P: We answered the questions
P: We wrote some words and sentences.
P: We told about our favourite day.
T: I am satisfied with your work. I give «5» to…., «4» to ….
- Домашнее задание.
S.B. p 40 ex 5
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
In the morning…
In the morning…
In the afternoon…
In the afternoon…
In the evening…
In the evening…
At night…
My favourite day is … because I… Play sports Get up late Don’t go to school Visit my friend Go for a walk Go to the cinema, café, restaurant, zoo… Play computer games
I love Saturday by Lera Later in the afternoon I go to Varya’s place. Her mum teaches us how to cook. Every Saturday we make salads, bake pancakes, cakes or cupcakes. At 6 o’clock we have dinner. When we finish dinner, we play with our toys and tell stories before we go to sleep. I absolutely love Saturdays! Saturday is a perfect day for me. It starts at 10 o’clock with a big breakfast. Then I take my swimsuit and I set off with my best friend,Varya , for the swimming pool! There we swim, dive and do the exercises. After the swimming pool we go to a café. We eat burgers and drink Coke. Sometimes we buy ice-cream. My favourite ice-cream is vanilla ice-cream.
bed , Sunday, that, watch, afternoon, lunch, walk, get, has My favourite day is . The best part about Sundays is that I up late. I go downstairs and where my mum a big breakfast waiting for me. After breakfast I my dog, Jeff, in the park. After I come home and I go and have with my family in our favourite restaurant. In the afternoon , dad takes us for a nice long drives in the country. In the evenings, we all a film together and then we go to . Sometimes I think it’s sad that Sunday only comes once a week! Sunday get has walk that lunch afternoon watch bed
Thank you for attention!
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