Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме «Свободное время»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме «Свободное время»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока в 6 классе по теме «Свободное время»
1.Орг. момент.
Good morning boys and girls. Today we have a lot of guests at the lesson. Please, greet our guests. I am very glad to see you again. Are you fine today? That’s nice. If you are ready, let’s start our lesson.
2. Постановка цели, сообщение темы:
Try to predict our today's topic of the lesson. Look at the screen
Yesterday I read a very interesting book. I like reading books at free time, and I like playing puzzles with my grandson at weekends. And in spring and summer I like to work in my small garden. I have got a lot of roses. What about your activities at weekends or at free time? Now tell me what are we going to speak about?
Yes, you are right. We will discuss our favourite pastimes. Today we are going to continue speaking about free time activities. And at the end of our lesson you will tell about your favourite pastimes. You will make your own projects. But what for you will do it. Yes, we begin to make our class album, to present it your parents at the meeting and our schoolmates.
But what must we do before making your projects? Yes, you have to repeat words, phrases, do grammar exercise, train listening to.
Актуализация знаний
3.Фон. зарядка:
First of all let’s start with a phonetic exercise. Let’s pronounce the words you will need this lesson. Look at the screen, repeat after me.
[a:] – gardening, dancing, basketball, pastime
[Λ] – club, jumping, running,
[o:] –sport, drawing, walking
[o] – fond, hobby, popular, watching
[aı] – time, sometimes, like, bike, riding.
[eı] – playing, games, favourite,
4.Мозговой штурм.
повторение изученной лексики устно, перевёрнутые слова на карточках, поменялись для проверки
Now children let’s remember these words, write them on your cards and read. You have 2 minutes! Stop writing! Time is over. Now, exchange your works with your desk mate. Let’s check them. Well done. Thank you.
5.Речевая зарядка:
Then next exercise look at the screen: match the words and make word combinations. One by one. All right
Основной этап урока.
6. Выполнение грамматического упражнения №10 стр.61
Then pupils let’s do grammar exercise. Open your textbooks ex. 10 at page 61, you must use verbs in right forms
7. Выполнение упражнения 2 стр.67
(ученики выбирают 3 – нравится и 3- не нравится, высказывают своё мнение используя фразы: I like,, I prefer.. I am interested in.. Ving I don’t like.. I’m not interested in.. Ving. Делают вывод какие занятия самые популярные в нашем классе.)
Now children you must do ex. 2 at pg. 71 Look at the list of popular pastimes. Choose the 3 that are your favourite and the three you don’t like at all. Speak about your choice. Use these
I like,, I prefer.. I am interested in.. Ving I don’t like.. I’m not interested in.. Ving.
Now let’s decide what are the most popular pastimes of our class? Well done/
8. Аудирование текста и выполнение заданий упр.1 стр 71
This time you will listen a text and do the task. You have to say what Miranda’s interests and favourite pastimes are. Look at your cards, read. Now listen to the text again. What are Miranda’s interests? What does she like? That’s all right.
9. Составление проектов
This text is an example for your projects. Please divide into groups and make your own topic about popular pastimes in our class. You have to choose one person who present your project.
Работа в парах , составление проектов о популярных занятиях в нашем классе.
Представляют свои проекты. Please present your projects. That’s all. Then pupils we have to pick our album.
10. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
-Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked hard. Today we discussed different hobbies, made projects, . And now I want to know:
What did you learn about today? Now we can tell about our favourite pastimes.
11. Рефлексия
Please tell me about your feelings:
I liked to make project, do tasks, listening, speak about my pastime.
I worked well/ hard/ excellent.
It was interesting/ funny/ difficult/
1. Unscramble the words!
1) deninggar 7) csimu
2) paingint 8) shpipong
3) ingvelltra 9) tingleccol
4) tsorsp 10) ertaeht
5) adingre 11) enicma
6) miwmings 12) cingdan
2. Miranda’s interests and favourite pastimes are
1. music 2. gardening 3. travelling 4. playing games
5.shopping 6. watching TV 7.taking photos 8.keeping pets
9. walking 10. painting 11. сooking 12.collecting things
Please tell me about your feelings:
I liked to make project, do tasks, listening, speak about my pastime.
I worked well/ hard/ excellent.
It was interesting/ funny/ difficult/
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
My favourite pastimes
[a:] – g ar dening, d a ncing, b a sketball, pastime [ Λ ] – cl u b, j u mping, r u nning, [o:] – h or se riding, sp or t, dr aw ing, w al king [o] – j o gging, f o nd, h o bby, p o pular, often. watching [ aı ] – t i me, sometimes, l i ke, b i ke, r i ding. hiking [ eı ] – pl ay ing, g a mes, f a vourite , f a mous, skateboarding
1) deninggar 7) csimu 2) paingint 8) shpipong 3) ingvelltra 9) tingleccol 4) tsorsp 10 ) ertaeht 5) adingre 11) enicma 6) miwmings 12) cingdan Unscramble the words !
play visit ride collect watch go listen do read keep Match the words and make up word combinations. a bike to music t o a cinema computer games books TV pets museum sports stamps
1) I never forget to phone my granny but yesterday I ( forget ) to do it. 2) The train ( leave ) for St. Petersburg at 11. 3) Yesterday evening Jane ( give ) me an interesting book to read. 4) It ( snow ) heavily last night. 5) John ( fall ) down when he was coming back home. 6) We ( buy ) a new computer last week. Use the verbs in brackets in past simple
Travelling Skating Cooking Roller-skating Playing computer games Watching TV Gardening Dancing Doing sports Singing Fishing Keeping pets Swimming Going to the cinema Reading books, magazines Making models, toys Painting Visiting museums Music Going to the shops Meeting friends Collecting things Taking photos Talking on the phone Choose 3 pastimes that you like and 3 you don’t like at all
I like… Ving I prefer… Ving I’m interested in… Ving Ex. I like reading books. I prefer cooking. I’m interested in gardening. I don’t like… Ving I’m not interested in… Ving Ex. I don’t like swimming. Speak about your choice
1. music 2. gardening 3. travelling 4. playing games 5.shopping 6. watching TV 7.taking photos 8.keeping pets 9. walking 10. painting 11. cooking 12.collecting things Miranda’s interests and hobbies
Read and find the information! Make your own projects.
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