Тест по теме "Великобритания" , 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данный тест позволит оценить знания обучающихся по общим сведениям о Великобритании, ее частях, столицах, символах, географическом положении.
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Тест по теме «Великобритания»: 5 класс. Вариант 1
Choose the correct answer.
1. What is the official name of Britain?
a) The United Kingdom of Great Britain b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) Great Britain
2. What parts does the UK consist of?
a) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland b) England, Scotland, Wales c) England, Wales, Northern Ireland
3. What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
4. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
5. What is the symbol of England?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
6. What is the symbol of Wales?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
7. What is the deepest river in Britain?
a) The Thames b) The Severn c) The Tweed
8. The population of Great Britain is
a) 20 million people b) 56 million people c) 140 million people
9. What is Great Britain washed by in the North/ in the South/ in the East/ in the West? Answer the question .
10.Complete the table using the following words:
London, Scotland, red rose, Cardiff, symbol, English, daffodil, Scottish, capital, shamrock, Welsh, Northern Ireland, Edinburgh, Irish.
Country | People | ||
England | |||
thistle | |||
Wales | |||
Belfast |
Тест по теме «Великобритания»: 5 класс. Вариант 2
Choose the correct answer.
1. What is the official name of Britain?
a) The United Kingdom b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c) Great Britain
2. Where is the flag of the UK?
a) Union Jack b) United Jack c) Union John
3. What is the capital of Britain?
a) Washington b ) Edinburgh c) London
4. What is the capital of Wales?
a) Belfast b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff
5. What is the symbol of Scotland?
a) The thistle b) The daffodil c) The red rose
6. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
a) The red hand and the shamrock b) The daffodil c) The thistle
7. What is the longest river in Britain?
a) The Severn b) The Thames c) The Tay
8. The population of Great Britain is
a) 20 million people b) 56 million people c) 140 million people
9. What is Great Britain washed by in the North/ in the South/ in the East/ in the West? Answer the question .
10. Complete the table using the following words:
London, Scotland, red rose, Cardiff, symbol, English, daffodil, Scottish, capital, shamrock, Welsh, Northern Ireland, Edinburgh, Irish.
Country | People | ||
England | |||
thistle | |||
Wales | |||
Belfast |
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