Открытый урок по теме "Fables"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данная разработка представляет из себя итоговый урок по теме Fables и представляет вариант использования различных арт-педагогических технологий на уроке английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Титова Наталья Анверовна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ №446
Титова Наталья Анверовна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №446 г. Санкт-Петербурга
| активизация и закрепление иноязычного материала тексты басен Эзопа, устная тема, упражнения, ситуации, методические приемы, языковой материал ТСО (компьютер, колонки, проектор), декорации, маски, костюмы, дополнительные реквизиты для инсценировок (дерево, сыр и т.д.), наглядность (картинки животных, картинки силуэтов животных), большой кроссворд завершает учебную тему |
Ход урока:
- Introduction (2’)
- The History of Fables(2’)
- Tasks:
- phonetic (3’)
- Dramatizing “The Fox and the Crow” (15’)
- traditional play
- musical thriller
- modern play
- The modern type of fables (2’)
- Crossword (5’)
- Watching Mickey’s new car (6’)
- Task (7’)
- Pantomimes (extra)
Extra: riddles
WARM-UP (SPEAKING) (whole class, individual) Good morning, everyone! I am glad to see you at our lesson. How are you? I am fine too. Now you may take your seats. As you remember, at our last lessons we talked about fables, the history of fables, what lessons to us they give. We read six fables and now you know some of them. Today we are revising everything that we learnt about fables, dramatizing one famous fable in different interpretations and talking about the modern form of fable. (+по-русски) THE HISTORY OF FABLES (REVISION, SPEAKING) This is the Wheel of History. It will help us to go back in the History of Fables. Let’s go back many many centuries ago. The first fables appeared in ... . Then they spread to .... and later to .... by trade routes. The best-known fable-teller was .... . Later ... translated the fables into Latin and spread them to France, Britain and other countries. Jean la Fontaine and ...... are well-known fable-writers. But what are the fables? What do animals do in fables? What does each fable teach people? PHONETIC AND LEXICAL DRILLS (SPEAKING, WRITING) Now lets remember the names of the animals from the fables of Aesop. Look at the blackboard. There are animals in shadow. Match these animals to their pronunciation. (Task 1 – силуэты животных, транскрипция на доске) One animal is left. What animal is it? What is it? A tiger? Let’s repeat it altogether. | Good morning, Natalia Anverovna! I am fine, thank you! How are you? ASIA MINOR GREECE INDIA AESOP the ROMANS
Ivan Andreevich KRYLOV The fables are short stories about animals. They can act and talk like people. A lesson (do Task 1 – orally) a tiger a tiger a tiger, a tiger, a tiger |
DRAMATIZING (ROLEPLAY, ACTING, SPEAKING) You are at school. We are having an English lesson here. What are you? What are you doing here? Dear, little tiger! Please don’t eat our children. We will feed you. Do you want some cheese? Do you want apples? Do you want sweets? All children like sweets. Children, let’s feed this little tiger with a fable. Let’s tell him the fable about “The Fox and the Crow”. The traditional story “The fox and the Crow” Do you like this story? Children! This tiger is still hungry. Let’s show him a musical thriller. (магнитофон, декорации, костюмы) Oh, how hungry he is! He still wants to eat. Let’s show him the modern play. And now are you still hungry, little tiger? Children! Look! We fed the tiger and it became big. You know about fables almost everything. But we have two questions left at the blackboard. What was then? Who told short stories about animals in the 20th century? Do you know? One famous American continued the tradition of fables in cinematography. Can you tell me who he is? Let’s do a crossword and find out his name. DOING A CROSSWORD (REVISING THE TOPIC, LISTENING,READING, WRITING) (фронтальная, индивидуальная работа) (листочки с заданиями) Yes, Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse and Minnie. They act and talk like people. And we can have a moral from each cartoon story. Now let’s watch the story and do the task after watching. Now let’s do the task 5 “Yes/No”. (Read the questions, pupils answer) Now let’s see what we have got. What is it? Yes, that’s your marks for today. THE LESSON IS OVER It is the time to stop for us. Today we have revised the history of fables and learnt that animated stories can also be fables. We fed our tiger and learnt that many fables can be met in everyday life. I liked your work very much. I hope you liked this lesson too. Thank you for your work. It was the last lesson on this topic so you will go home without homework.(Tomorrow will be Halloween and You have to bring scissors, glue and coloured pencils for your next lesson) | (the little tiger runs into the classroom) R-r-r-r Where am I? I am a tiger. I am an Indian tiger and I want to eat. Now I will eat all your children. R-r-r-r. Oh, no, no, no! Tigers don’t eat cheese. I don’t like apples! No, I don’t want cheese, apples and sweets. I don’t want food. I want to eat fables. Please, feed me with fables. I heard you told about them. What are they? Are they sweet? (Group 1 shows the traditional story) Yes, it’s quite good but I want to eat something else. I want something musical and I want some blood. (Group 2 shows musical thriller) Tiger: Well, that was very yummy and now show me something modern! Can you? (Group 3 shows the modern story) No, I am full up. (The tiger stands up and runs away) No (Task 4 – do a crossword) (watching a cartoon “Mickey’s new car”) five |
You have worked very well. You were wonderful and now we are having some free minutes to work over extra exercise. Let’s make a pantomime. We read six fables. I will give you one card with the name of the fable. You should pantomime it and then the other groups have to guess what fable is it.
TASK 5 (After watching a cartoon) Take NO answers with you.
Author: One day a big, black crow found some cheese. (The crow appeared and found some cheese)
Crow: I shall eat it now (she said and flew up into a tree)
Author: A fox came by and saw the crow in the tree.
Fox: Oh, cheese! How can I get that cheese? (he thought)... You are a fine bird. You are so beautiful. Your eyes are so bright, and you have a fine long neck. But it’s a pity you can’t sing.
Crow: (She was very pleased. She liked the Fox’s words) But I can sing (she said and the cheese fell from her mouth).
Fox: (picked up the cheese) “You are a beautiful bird and you sing well, but it’s a pity you do not think well. Good-bye, you silly Crow!” (and he ran off with the cheese in her mouth)
Author: The moral of this fable is “Do not believe a flatter”.
Crow – современно одетая девушка, с кучей украшений, идет и разговаривает по мобильному телефону, под мышкой красивая головка сыра
Fox – современно одетый молодой человек, в руках у него мобильный телефон
Crow:(Идет ворона и слушает плеер) I found a piece of cheese. A big piece of cheese. A very big piece of cheese. I want to eat it.
Fox:: Hi, Crow! How are you?
Crow: Fine, thanks. How are you too?
Fox: Fine. What do you have?
Crow: I have a piece of cheese. A big piece of cheese.
Fox: Let me look at it, Crow. Aren’t we friends?
Crow: Yes, we are friends. But I don’t give you my cheese.
Fox: ( to the side: OK, you will see) OK, I don’t want your cheese. Now look, what I have got!
Crow: What, what is it? Let me see.
Fox: No. Look in my hands. I know you, Crow.
Crow: But what is it? Oh, it’s a mobile phone. You won’t surprise me. I have a mobile phone too.
Fox: Look at my mobile phone! It’s new, modern and cool. Listen! What music! Look! What a screen! It has got a camera, Bluetooth and a microphone. It’Samsung.
Crow: Oh, what a mobile phone! I want it. Hay, Fox. Lets change.
Fox: Well, take it.
Crow: What! What is it? This mobile phone doesn’t work.
Author: The moral: “Don’t let cheat you.”
Musical thriller
1. The boy is tired of crow, The boy is tired of crow She always take his school things And throw them about. Boy! Don’t let that crow. Boy! Don’t let that crow.
2. The boy is taking cheese The boy is taking cheese He’s filling cheese with poison and putting in his bag Crow! Don’t take this cheese. Crow! Don’t take this cheese. 3. The Crow is in the tree The Crow is in the tree The cheese in her mouth She wants to eat it quickly. Crow! The Fox is coming. Crow! The Fox is coming.
4. The Fox is watching cheese The Fox is watching cheese Fox wants to eat this cheese and now he’s getting hungry Crow! Take care of cheese Crow! Take care of cheese. | 5. The Fox is telling crow The Fox is telling crow How beautiful she is How well she can sing songs Crow! Don’t throw your cheese Crow! Don’t throw your cheese. 6. But crow’s a silly bird, But crow’s a silly bird She likes the fox’s words And cheese falls from her mouth Fox! Don’t pick this cheese. Fox! Don’t pick this cheese. 7. But Fox is picking cheese But Fox is picking cheese He runs off with it quickly And eats it in the woods. Fox! That cheese is poisonous Fox! That cheese is poisonous. 8. The fox is trying cheese The fox is trying cheese He eats it very quickly And falls onto the ground Fox! You had a lesson. Fox! You had a lesson. The morals of this fable are: “Don’t take somebody else’s things” says the boy “Greediness killed the fox”, - says the author,” and saved the crow,” – says the crow. |
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