Spotlight 8 Контрольная работа 1
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 8 раздел 1


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control work Spotlight 8-1

№1. Match 2 parts to make word combinations

give a



in the neck

of average


a pain




speak his

privacy at home

wish a speedy




drive me


have no


№2. Complete the sentences with the words: acquaintances, nephew, handsome, popular, greetings,  reliable, bright, colleagues, fond, stubborn.

1) Don’t worry! Steve will be on time, he’s very … .

2) I told my … in the office I would leave the company.

3) – Are you close friends? – No, we are just … .

4) Kate is so…! She never listens to anyone and does whatever she wants.

5) An optimistic person always looks on the … side of life.

6) Linda is … of pets – she’s got two cats and a dog.

7) Greg is a … man in his early thirties.

8) Tim is my mum’s … and my cousin.

9) Did you write a … card to Janet when she was in hospital?

10) Mary is really … with her classmates – everyone loves her.

№3. Complete the sentences with the words: along, of, at, over, on (2)

1) I don’t think Nina will go camping, she hasn’t got … her cold.

2) I’m keen … doing extreme sports.

3) I hope my parents are proud … me.

4) Do you get … with your elder brother?

5) Congratulations … your success!

6) Are you good … Maths?

№4. Use the appropriate form of the adjectives

1) Bill is the (tall) student in my class.

2) The task is (easy) than we’ve had before.

3) She’s the (attractive) girl I’ve ever met.

4) He’s as (stubborn) as a mule.

5) The (soon) you come – the (good).

№5. Choose the appropriate form of the verbs

1) The film is starting / starts / has started at 9 pm.

2) I promise I will help / am going to help / am helping you tomorrow.

3) Be careful! You will fall / are going to fall / are falling.

4) He has been knowing / knows / has known Jim for a long time.

5) We are leaving / will leave / are going to leave for Moscow on Friday at 5 pm.

6) Tim is working / work / have been working hard these days.

7) How long have you been waiting / have you waited / have you been waited for the teacher?

8) When did you met / did you meet / was you meeting her last time?

9) We were doing homework while mum cooked / was cooking / were cooking.

10) The boys were playing when they was hearing / heard / were hearing the noise.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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