Конспект внеклассного занятия
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект посвящён внеклассному занятию лингвострановедческой направленности
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Предварительный просмотр:
внеклассного занятия
по теме «Социокультурный портрет США»
Оформление доски: February, 16th
Theme: The socio-cultural portrait of the
Is the USA the “Melting Pot” or the “Salad Bowl”?
изображения статуи Свободы, колокола
свободы и т.д.
На стенах: карты США, проекты студентов, иллюстрации с видами Америки.
Магнитофон, кассета с записью гимна “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Флаг the “Stars and Stripes”.
Ход занятия
- Организационный момент.
Hello! Sit down, please! It’s nice to see you here. How are you?
Today our meeting is devoted to the theme “The socio-cultural portrait of the USA”. Write down the date and the theme in your copy-books. You’ll have some tasks to do. I hope that our work will be successful.
2.Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s train our tongues. Take the sheet of paper with the vocabulary.
Repeat after me, please.
- Речевая зарядка.
Thanks! We are ready for the work. Let’s remember some facts about the USA. Answer the questions, please.
- What regions is the USA divided into? Can you show them on the map?
There are 8 of theme: New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, the South, the Midwest, the Southwest, the Rocky Mountain region, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, California and Hawaii.
- How many states are there in the USA? (50)
- What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)
- What American state is historically connected with Russia? (Alaska)
- Проверка д/з.
It’s time to check up your homework. I’d like you to tell some interesting facts about the regions of the USA. You should not only listen to the students but make some notes and ask questions.
the Mid-Atlantic region
Let’s have a look at the opposite side of the USA – California
The next story is about Alaska
the Midwest – Оранцас
We have no time to continue listening to your stories. We’ll do it next time.
- Установка познавательной деятельности.
Let’s continue our work. Let me remind you the new theme of our lesson: The socio-cultural portrait of the USA. What do we mean saying about it? Look at the scheme with the same title.
You see such things as the population of the country and its national symbols. This scheme hasn’t been completed yet. We’ll try to do it all together with you by the end of our lesson.
Let’s work with the first half of the scheme. It includes the groups of people by origin and the problems. You have to read the texts and do 3 first tasks from the sheet “The activity of the students”.
6. Усвоение новых знаний.
Take the sheet of paper “The activity of the students”. You’ll work in pairs.
Распределяются статьи из уч-ка Голицынского и копии “The population of the USA”.
I give you 5 minutes to read the articles and do the tasks.
Let’s have a look at your work. Who’ll be the first?
Why do a lot of people dream to live in the USA? What is the reason?
We’ll talked about the population in America.
And what do you think about our country? Is Russia the “Melting Pot” or the “Salad Bowl”?
Well, we’ve discussed the first part of our theme. But the socio-cultural portrait of the country includes its national symbols too. What national symbols are they? Look at the scheme and answer my question, please.
They are…
Now listen to the bright melody of the “Star-Spangled Banner”. This song is the national anthem of the USA. Listen to it and say: What motives are heard in this song? (You are right, the war motives). Let’s try to sing this song all together.
Аудиозапись американского гимна.
You are divided into two groups. Every group should work with one side of the copy about the national symbols. Read the articles and do the tasks. Then, you are to complete the work with the scheme.
8. Самопроверка знаний.
Let’s discuss the results of our work. What can we say about the national symbols of the USA. Use the plan for your story.
Do you know the symbols of our country?
9. Подведение итогов занятия.
Our lesson is over. Thanks a lot for your fruitful work. What do you think about yourselves? Whose work was the best one? Who deserves an excellent mark?
10. Домашнее задание.
Your home task is to read the textbook (p.241- 249) and the copies and prepare the information about the national symbols of Russia.
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