Технологическая карта урока английского языка для 8 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Чемолдина Олеся Юрьевна

Полное описание ведения урока на английском языке для учащихся 8 класса по учебнику Английский в фокусе,Ваулина Ю.Е, Дули Д.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Technological map of the English lesson

Name: Afanaseva Olesya Yurevna

Place of work: Kochenevskaya Secondary School № 2

Position: teacher of  English

Subject: English

Grade: 8 A

Lesson topic: “Fashion and Clothes”

EMC: “Spotlight”, Vaulina U.E., Duly D.

Type of lesson: consolidation of subject knowledge and skills, formation of universal educational activities

Number of students: 15

Level: A1

Hours: 2 hours a week

The educational goals of the lesson:

  • Development of  foreign communicative competence of students
  • Learning  new words on the topic “Fashion and Clothes” in oral and written speech
  • Development  skills of monological speech (description of pictures)
  • Development  skills of dialogue speech (dialogue-questioning)

The developing goals of the lesson:

  • Development of  creativity and logical thinking of students
  • Development of  skills to work in pairs and plan  his/her verbal and nonverbal behavior
  • Development of  skills to structure a letter for presenting his/her opinions on the topic
  • Development of  skills to understand the main information from recorded text

The upbringing  goals of the lesson:

  • The inculcation of  interests in learning foreign language
  • The upbringing  of  tolerance and respect for people dressed in different clothes styles
  • The upbringing  of  culture behavior through the development  of  etiquette norms: skills to present his/her opinion on subject

                                              Plan of the lesson


The stage of the lesson

Tasks of the stage

Students’ activity

Teacher’s activity

Operating mode

Developing of UEA

Materials and training tools

5 min

I.Organizational and goal setting stage

1. To create a motivation situation for learning English, to enter the atmosphere of foreign language.

2. To model goals and tasks of the lesson.

1.Greetings, answer the questions.

2. A pair work with materials.

3. Setting a problem

1.Greetings, asking the questions about the date, the weather

2.Checking the readiness of pupils of the lesson.

3. Summing up the students for the definition goals and tasks of the lesson.


Personal regulatory actions:

-readiness for self-education

-the ability to mobilize their personal qualities and student's ability to learn in a situation of "start activity"

- ability to establish task priorities to reflect the final result

     Cognitive actions:

-the ability to identify and formulate cognitive goal independently

-the ability to formulate the problem

Communicative actions:

-the ability to listen and hear each other

-the ability to engage in the dialogue

Student’s book, pictures, black


15 min

II. The stage of mastering of new material

1.Introduction and usage of the new vocabulary on the topic“Fashion and Clothes”

2. Preparation of a monologue (value judgment) to describe the thematic images

1.Writing and repeating new words

2. Making a monologue-

judgement from the pictures

1. Leading the students to search for new lexical units on the topic “Fashion and Clothes”

2. Correcting the activity of pupils at use of phrases and words for making monologue-

judgement from the pictures

Frontal, in pairs

Personal regulatory actions:

- the ability to carry out reflection of their activities and their behavior during training sessions and correct them

Cognitive actions:

- creation of skills to make a monologue with the help of lexical units and lexical structures

Communicative actions:

- the usage of linguistic resources to present students’ thoughts

Student’s book, Work

book, pictures

15 min

III. The stage of consolidation of knowledge and skills

1.The actualization of the leading methods of analytical ,creative activities of students

2. the inclusion of students in the learning activity by making the algorithm of oral response on the basis of the recorded text  and making the dialogues for communication in a foreign language

3. Creating conditions for working in  groups

1. Listening to the dialogue and answering the questions

2. On the basis of studied words and dialogue structures  making a dialogue -questioning on the topic “Fashion and Clothes” with the help of the questions

1.Organizing of the listening to the dialogue, answering the questions with the children

2.Organizing the work,  advising, helping

Frontal, in pairs

Personal regulatory actions:

- independent usage of new lexical units in the new situation

Cognitive actions:

- the ability to structure their own knowledge

Communicative actions:

- the formulation of questions and answers in cooperation with the teacher and with a partner (dialogue)

Student’s book

computer recorded text

5 min

IV. The stage of designing homework

1. Orienting the students on the usage of  algorithms for homework

2. Creating the ability of reflection of the students’ learning actions and the  results 

1. Making algorithm of writing an essay


Explanation of different ways of doing homework (essay-opinion on the topic)


Personal regulatory actions:

- Formation of skills of self-analysis and results of readiness doing home tasks

Cognitive actions:

- the ability to structure a letter to present the advice

Communicative actions:

- showing  in writing speech  the content of committed actions, by means of questions  getting  the missing information



Student’s book, black


5 min

V. The stage of diagnosis and reflection

1. Designing of  methods and forms of individual and collective cognitive  activity based on identified difficulties of students

1. Analyzing their learning process, asking the questions about the form of doing tasks

1. Grading and commenting the individual achievements and difficulties of students


Cognitive actions:

- the ability to assess their possibilities and control their own time




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