ЭОР Презентация к уроку отработки умений и рефлексии Starlight 8 module 2a
электронный образовательный ресурс по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Урок деятельностного типа по теме "Мир будущего" в 8 классе (УМК Starlight 8 для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка) (ФГОС)
Предметная цель урока: знать образование грамматических форм будущего времени, использовать их при выполнении письменных заданий, выбирать информацию из текста в соответствии с заданием.
Метапредметные: познавательные, коммуникативные, регулятивные, личностные
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Future A) New words B) Future tenses (grammar) C) Future gadgets D) Find out new information (reading) E) Use our imagination (write a composition) F) Tell the class your ideas (speaking) G) Discuss life in the future (dialogue) H ) Listening to interesting stories
Module 2a pages 28-29 1. 2. Find out new information (reading) Future tenses (grammar)
1. Now let’s see what everyday life will be like in the future. 2. What will we be wearing in the future? 3. Fabrican took ten years to develop and when it goes on sale, it’ll probably cost around £ 10 a can – cheap enough for trendsetters to wear something new every day. 4. Dr. Torres hopes that in the future there will be spray booths in stores where you can drop in to design something new. 5. Grace is the star of a show home by Microsoft that demonstrates much of this technology and all of it is going to be on the market within the next few years. 6. So, before long we will be talking to the walls.
What will the future be like? Teacher Uvarova E.V.
Anna I’ m going to be an designer. I’m interested in making cities more green. In the future we won’t need electricity power stations. Each building will produce enough energy from the sun for heating and lights.
Will and be going to Will is the most usual way to talk about the future in English. We use it to give information about the future. However, we don’t use will to talk about plans, arrangements. Use be going to for plans and intentions. Use be going to for predictions based on present evidence.
WILL Use will for instant decisions made at the time of speaking. Use will for predictions based on your opinion. We often use words like think, hope and be sure We often use will with the adverbs certainly, definitely, probably, possibly. After when, as soon as, until, after, before, if, unless, we often use the present simple and not will
Underline the correct option. 1. Those cakes are delicious. I’ll/’m going to take two. 2. She will/’s going to have a pet next month. 3. They will/are going to get married on Sunday. 4. I think I’ll/’m going to see you later. 5. The sky is dark. It’ll/’s going to rain.
Underline the correct option. 1. Those cakes are delicious. I’ ll /’m going to take two. 2. She will/ ’s going to have a pet next month. 3. They will/ are going to get married on Sunday. 4. I think I’ ll /’m going to see you later. 5. The sky is dark. It’ll/ ’s going to rain.
MY TEST Choose the correct option 1 . A: Could you read this note for me? B: Of course. I ….. read it now. a) am going to b) am going c)’ll 2. He’s got the best score. He ……. win the competition. a) will b) isn’t going to c) is going to 3. We ….. go on holiday to Sochi this year. a) probably won’t b) won’t probably c)probably 4. A: ……. stay at home tonight? B: Yes, I feel tired. a)will you b) do you c) are you going to 5. If your team …….. , you’ll be really disappointed. a) won’t win b) wins c) doesn’t win
MY TEST Choose the correct option 1. A : Could you read this note for me? B: Of course. I ….. read it now. a) am going to b) am going c)’ll 2. He’s got the best score. He ……. win the competition. a) will b) isn’t going to c) is going to 3. We ….. go on holiday to Sochi this year . a) probably won’t b) won’t probably c)probably 4. A: ……. stay at home tonight? B: Yes, I feel tired. a)will you b) do you c) are you going to 5. If your team …….. , you’ll be really disappointed. a) won’t win b) wins c) doesn’t win
Present continuous and Present Simple for future use; Future Continuous What are we doing in June? We are flying to Italy. The plane leaves from Pulkovo at 21:40. What will we be doing during the flight?
Use the Present Continuous for plans in the future, when we know the time and place. We use the Present Simple to talk about a timetable. Use the Future Continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.
Underline the correct option. 1. When she asks you what happened, what are you going to say/saying? 2. Get better soon. I think/will be thinking of you. 3. I can’t visit you tonight. I’m going to help Mum/helping Mum. 4. I’m helping/I help with chores tomorrow. 5. During the next lesson, I will be solving/am solving the problem.
Underline the correct option. 1. When she asks you what happened, what are you going to say /saying? 2. Get better soon. I think/ will be thinking of you. 3. I can’t visit you tonight. I’m going to help Mum/ helping Mum. 4. I’m helping /I help with chores tomorrow. 5. During the next lesson, I will be solving /am solving the problem.
MY TEST Choose the correct option 1. My classmates ….. me after classes at 5.00. a) meet b) are meeting c) are going to meet 2. What …. your Mum and Dad …. you for your next birthday? a) do … give b) will … be giving c) are … going to give 3. One day they … a pet. a) have b) are having c) are going to have 4. This time tomorrow …. at school. a) I study b) I’m studying c) I’ll be studying 5. It is written. The bus … until evening. a) doesn’t leave b) isn’t leaving c) isn’t going to leave
MY TEST Choose the correct option 1. My classmates ….. me after classes at 5.00. a) meet b) are meeting c) are going to meet 2. What …. your Mum and Dad …. you for your next birthday? a) do … give b) will … be giving c) are … going to give 3. One day they … a pet. a) have b) are having c) are going to have 4. This time tomorrow …. at school. a) I study b) I’m studying c) I’ll be studying 5. It is written. The bus … until evening. a) doesn’t leave b) isn’t leaving c) isn’t going to leave
Exercise 5 page 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e d a b c f g
Exercise 6 page 29 1. will answer - an on-the-spot decision 2 will be-a prediction based on what we believe/ imagine 3 am going to buy - a plan or intention 4 Are you working - a fixed arrangement 5 will be travelling - an action in progress at a particular time in the future 6 won't-a promise 7 is going to play - a prediction based on what we see
Рефлексия 1. Я сегодня не допустил(а) ошибок (да/нет) 2. Допущены ошибки в работе № 1 (перечислить) 3. Ошибки исправлены самостоятельно/с помощью эталона 4. Допущены ошибки в My test 1 (перечислить) 5. Допущены ошибки в работе № 2 (перечислить) 6. Ошибки исправлены самостоятельно/с помощью эталона 7. Допущены ошибки в My test 2 (перечислить) 8. Выполнены задания повышенного уровня 5-6 стр 29 без ошибок 9. В заданиях повышенного уровня допущены ошибки (перечислить)
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