Викторина к празднику Halloween
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) по теме
Сценарий проведения праздника, посвященному Halloween. Рассчитан на 45 минут. Класс обучения 6
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Подписи к слайдам:
1. When is Halloween celebrated? A) on the 25th of December B) on the 14th of February C) on the 31st of October
2. Where did Halloween come from? A) England B) America C) Ireland and Scotland
3 . What do children do on Halloween? A) sing and dance B) fight C) play games
4 . What is Jack-o'-lantern made from? A) potatoes B) apples C) pumpkins
5. What do children put on? A) jeans and sweaters B) costumes of witches and ghosts C) trousers and shirts
6 . What are "Tricks"? A) money B) jokes C) sweets
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Викторина : HALLOWEEN (для 5- 6 класса)
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! At our lesson we are going to talk about Halloween, we will recite poems, take a quiz and play games. Divide into two teams, please.
Let's learn new words, they will help you to know more about this interesting holiday "Halloween"
Pumpkin, candle, Jack-o'-lantern, ghost, witch, bat, skeleton, vampire, pirate, candy, trick-o-treat, Dracula, black cat, spider, mummy, broom
Now Artyom would like to tell you about this holiday.
Many centuries ago Celts lived on the British islands, where now you can see Ireland and Scotland, and on the 1st of November they celebrated the Holly Day (День Всех Святых).
They believed that on the Eve (канун) at night witches, vampires, wicked magicians could do everything with people. People locked doors and shut windows and never went out at night.
Nowadays on the 31st of October people celebrate a merry holiday - Halloween.
In the evening children put on funny costumes of witches, skeletons, ghosts, vampires and pirates, dance and play games. They go from house to house and say "trick-o-treat!". And people give them candies and fruits.
And now Vicky is going to tell you an old legend about Jack-o'-lantern.(Презентация 2)
Jack was a miserable, old drunk who took pleasure in playing tricks on his family, friends, his mother and even the Devil himself. One day, he tricked the Devil into climbing up an apple tree. After the Devil climbed up the tree, Jack put crosses around the tree. The Devil was stuck in the tree because he couldn`t touch the crosses. Jack made the Devil promise him not to take his soul when he died. Once the devil promised not to take his soul, Stingy Jack removed the crosses, and the Devil climbed down out of the apple tree.
Many years later, Jack died, he went to the pearly gates of Heaven and was told by Saint Peter that he was mean and cruel, and had led a miserable, worthless life on earth. Stingy Jack was not allowed to enter heaven. He went down to Hell and the Devil. The Devil kept his promise and would not allow him to enter Hell. Now Jack was scared . He had nowhere to go, but to wander about forever in the dark between heaven and hell. He asked the Devil how he could leave, as there was no light. The Devil gave him an ember from the flames of Hell, to help Jack light his way. Jack had a Turnip with him. Jack hollowed out the Turnip, and placed the ember the Devil had given him, inside the turnip. From that day Jack roamed the earth without a resting place, lighting his way as he went with his "Jack O'Lantern".
1. When is Halloween celebrated?
A) on the 25th of December
B) on the 14th of February
C) on the 31st of October
2. Where did Halloween come from?
A) England
B) America
C) Ireland and Scotland
3. What do children do on Halloween?
A) sing and dance
B) fight
C) play games
4. What is Jack-o'-lantern made from?
A) potatoes
B) apples
C) pumpkins
5. What do children put on?
A) jeans and sweaters
B) costumes of witches and ghosts
C) trousers and shirts
6. What are "Tricks"?
A) money
B) jokes
C) sweets
And now we are going to deal with quizzes. I `ll give you these HANDOUTS , you have to do the tasks that are described there. (Команды выполняют задания на выданных листах )
Задания: Word search, How many ghosts are there?
- Mummy Wrap - дети делают "мумию" одному из членов команды, обматывая его туалетной бумагой.
(I need 2 pupils from the first team and 2 people from the second team. You have to make 2 mummies with the help of the toilet paper.)
- Игра «Достань яблоко». Наполнены две чаши с водой. Ребятам нужно достать яблоко без помощи рук.
(Let’s play a game. It’s a traditional English game for Halloween “Bobbing for apples”. Apples are in the bowls with water. Let someone try to catch an apple with the teeth. Don’t use your hands. I need two persons for this game).
- Игра «Болото». 1 участник из каждой команды берет два листа и наступает только на них, чтобы добраться до конца класса, не касаясь пола.
(We need 1 person from each team. You should put one sheet of paper on the floor and stand on it. Then put another sheet of paper in front of you and then step on it. You have to go till the end of the room.)
- Now it’s time for riddles, riddles about Halloween! Your task is to raise your hands, if you know the answer, of cause!!!А сейчас время для загадок!!!
Та команда, которая правильно отвечает – получает балл! Если участники команд выкрикивают ответ, а не поднимают руку, у команды отнимается балл.
Дети отгадывают загадки:
1. I flight at night because I don't like light (Bat)
2. I'm scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)
3. I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I?
4. I'm round on all sides. I've got a light inside. Who am I? (Jack-o-lantern)
5. I've got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I? (Witch)
6. I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I? (Moon)
And now it’s time for our poem competition! You should choose two representatives from each team, and they will tell us your home-poems about Halloween.Дети выбирают представителей, по два человека из команды выходят в середину класса и рассказываю стихи которые должны были выучить дома. После прочтения стихотворений, дети с помощью аплодисментов оценивают друг друга .НО! Команды не имеют права голосовать сами за себя!
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