Презентация к уроку в 11 классе "Holidays and travelling".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
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Adjectives to describe holidays marvellous delightful magnificent majestic charming antique ancient enormous gigantic unique e xtraordinary luxurious
HOLIDAY IDIOMS I’ve recharged my batteries. = I am ready to come back to work. I like places off the beaten track. = I like going to quiet and unusual places. It was just what the doctor ordered. = It was exactly what I needed . The nearest hotel is in the middle of nowhere. = The nearest hotel is very far from here. Spain is the best place to let your hair down. = Spain is the best place to have a good rest. We packed everything except the kitchen sink. = We had too much luggage.
Making a hotel reservation 1. Good morning. Regent Hotel. a ) Four. I will be leaving How can I help you? on the 25th of July. 2. Yes, we do. Would you like a single, b) Thank you. a double or a twin? How many nights would you like to stay? c) Hello. Could you tell me if you have any rooms available for tomorrow night? 4. Could you give me your name d) A single, please. and credit card details, please? 5. For four nights that’s 200 pounds e) Of course. It’s Ann Smith and my card number including breakfast. is 8934 7612. How much will it be? 6. Well, we’ll see you tomorrow, then. f) That’s fine.
Quiz: Travel and Holidays : Are you an adventurous traveller or not? Do the quiz and find out! 1. Your ideal holiday would be A – a package holiday to a Spanish beach resort. B – staying in a guesthouse in the south of France. C – backpacking around India. 2. You usually stay at A – an expensive hotel. B – a guesthouse or cheap hotel. C – campsites. 3. When you go on holiday, you A – eat the same things you do at home. B – try one or two new dishes. C – only eat the local cuisine. 4. You always pack A – designer clothes. B – your mobile phone. C – a map and a phrase book. On holiday you rarely go A – hiking or canoeing. B – sunbathing. C – shopping. You would rather not travel by A – bus. B – boat. C – plane. 7. When something goes wrong you A – take the first plane home. B – immediately call your travel agent. C – consider it an interesting adventure.
Mostly As : You do not have the spirit of an adventurous traveller . For you holidays are a time to indulge in your favourite pastimes and relax. Mostly Bs : To you, having fun means enjoying the simple everyday pleasures of life. Even though you may not be looking for extravagant holidays, you certainly appreciate being catered for. Mostly Cs : You are a real traveller interested in experiencing and exploring other cultures. To you, what counts is the journey and not the destination.
MY IDEAL HOLIDAYS PLAN Description of the place, location, how to get there. 3 reasons for such choice (weather, nature, people, activities). Recommendations.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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