викторина "Политическая система Соединенного королевства
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Гайнутдинова Ляля Назифовна

Вопросы о политической системе для 8 класса. Можно использовать на уроке, во время недели английского языка, во внеурочной деятельности


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                                                      Political system of Great Britain

                                                                 (The eighth form)

  1. Is the UK …?

а) a constitutional monarchy        b) a republic       c) a federation

  1. What is the official name of the country?                                                                                                       a) England      b) Great Britain     c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  2. Who is the head of the government in the UK?                                                                                                      a) the Prime Minister       b) the President          c) the Queen
  3. Who is the head of state in the UK?

a) the Prime Minister        b) the President         с) the Queen

  1. What is the building where the British Parliament sits called?

a) Вuckingham Palace      b) Westminster Abbey         c) the Palace of Westminster

  1. How many Houses does it consist of?

a) one          b) two          c) three

  1. How many parts does it consist of?

a) one          b) two          c) three

  1. What are the members of the House of Commons called?

a) deputies     b) MPs       c) peers and life peers

  1. How many MPs are there?

a) 560            b) 650          c) 65

  1. What are their duties?

a) They talk about bills before they become laws.

b) They work on bills, which later become new laws.

c) They approve the decision of the House of Commons.

  1. What are the members of the House of Lords called?

a) deputies                b) MPs                c) peers and life peers

12. What are their duties?

a) They talk about bills before they become laws.

b) They work on bills, which later become new laws.

c) They choose the Prime Minister.

13. How often do British people vote for MPs?

a) every five years               b) every four years                       c) every three years

14. Who opens the Parliament?

a) the Queen                         b) the Speaker                              c) the Lord Chancellor

15. Who presides over the House of Commons?

a) the Queen                         b) the Speaker                              c) the Lord Chancellor

16. Who presides over the House of Lords?

a) the Queen                         b) the Speaker                               c) the Lord Chancellor

17. What do these Queen’s words “La Reine ie veut” mean?

a) “The Queen suggests it”    b) “The Queen wishes it”            c) “The Queen does it”

  1. What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament?

a) gold, red and blue              b) gold, green and red                  c) red and green

  1. Who writes the Queen’s speech?

a) the Queen             b) the Government                        c) the Lord Chancellor

  1. Which are Britain’s two main political parties?

a) the Democratic, the Republican and the Conservative

b) the Conservative, the Democratic

c) the Labour and the Conservative

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